DescriptionRatio of fluid volume (liquid + total solution gas) at specified (typically, reservoir) conditions to the volume of liquid and residual solution gas at surface (stock tank) conditions. Used for two-phase systems; abbreviated Bt; typical range 1.1 - 200.
Unit quantity LiquidToLiquidRatio
Property Total_Formation_Volume_Factor

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GEOFRAME Ratio of fluid volume (liquid + total solution gas) at specified (typically, reservoir) conditions to the volume of liquid and residual solution gas at surface (stock tank) conditions. Used for two-phase systems; abbreviated Bt; typical range 1.1 - 200.
ZODIAC Ratio of fluid volume (liquid + total solution gas) at specified (typically, reservoir) conditions to the volume of liquid and residual solution gas at surface (stock tank) conditions. Used for two-phase systems; abbreviated Bt; typical range 1.1 - 200.

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