Mnemonics, Software product, AN3D

Name3D Anisotropy Process
Description3D Anisotropy Process

Related channels
ADIF_L10 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 10
ADIF_L11 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 11
ADIF_L12 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 12
ADIF_L13 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 13
ADIF_L14 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 14
ADIF_L8 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 8
ADIF_L9 Amplitude Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 9
ANISO_3D_STATUS 3D Anisotropy Computation Status
C11_TIV Elastic Constant C11 referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
C13_TIV Elastic Constant C13 referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
C1R_FAST STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - FAST
C1R_SLOW STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - SLOW
C1R_XD STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - X Dipole
C1R_YD STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
C1T_FAST STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - FAST
C1T_SLOW STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - SLOW
C1T_XD STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
C1T_YD STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
C33_TIV Elastic Constant C33 referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
C44_BH C44 Referred to the Borehole Axis in a Deviated Well
C44_ORTHO C44 for Orthorhombic Formation in a Vertical Well
C44_TIV Elastic Constant C44 referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
C55_BH C55 Referred to the Borehole Axis in a Deviated Well
C55_ORTHO C55 for Orthorhombic Formation in a Vertical Well
C66_BH C66 Referred to the Borehole Axis in a Deviated Well
C66_ORTHO C66 for Orthorhombic Formation in a Vertical Well
C66_TIV Elastic Constant C66 referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
CCOR_L10 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 10
CCOR_L11 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 11
CCOR_L12 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 12
CCOR_L13 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 13
CCOR_L14 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 14
CCOR_L8 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 8
CCOR_L9 Crosscorrelation Coefficient Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 9
CFC11_BH Elastic Constant C11 Computed from Four Velocities and Two Relative Dips referred to Borehole Axis
CFC11_TIV Elastic Constant C11 Computed from Four Velocities and Two Relative Dips referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
CFC33_BH Elastic Constant C33 Computed from Four Velocities and Two Relative Dips referred to Borehole Axis
CFC33_TIV Elastic Constant C33 Computed from Four Velocities and Two Relative Dips referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
CHR_FAST Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - FAST
CHR_SLOW Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - SLOW
CHR_XD Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - X Dipole
CHR_YD Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
CHT_FAST Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - FAST
CHT_SLOW Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - SLOW
CHT_XD Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
CHT_YD Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
CRVP_0_0 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_10_0 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 10 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_12_5 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_15_0 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 15 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_17_5 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_2_5 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_20_0 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 20 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_22_5 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_25_0 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 25 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_5_0 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_7_5 Compressional Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface
CRVP_ITER Compressional Radial Variation Profile Number of Iterations
DELTA_TIV Thomsens Anisotropy Parameter Delta
DT_FAST_R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - FAST
DT_FAST_T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - FAST
DT_SLOW_R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - SLOW
DT_SLOW_T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - SLOW
DT_XD_R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - X Dipole
DT_XD_T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
DT_YD_R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
DT_YD_T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
DTCO_VERT Compressional Slowness in Vertical Direction
EPS_TIV Thomsens Anisotropy Parameter epsilon
FSH_AZIM_L10 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 10
FSH_AZIM_L11 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 11
FSH_AZIM_L12 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 12
FSH_AZIM_L13 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 13
FSH_AZIM_L14 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 14
FSH_AZIM_L8 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 8
FSH_AZIM_L9 Fast Shear Azimuth for Level 9
GAMMA_TIV Thomsens Anisotropy Parameter Gamma
MAXXENE_L10 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 10
MAXXENE_L11 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 11
MAXXENE_L12 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 12
MAXXENE_L13 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 13
MAXXENE_L14 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 14
MAXXENE_L8 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 8
MAXXENE_L9 Maximum Cross Energy for Level 9
MC33_BH Compressional Stiffness C33* referred to Borehole Axis
MC33_TIV Compressional Stiffness C33* referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
MINXENE_L10 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 10
MINXENE_L11 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 11
MINXENE_L12 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 12
MINXENE_L13 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 13
MINXENE_L14 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 14
MINXENE_L8 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 8
MINXENE_L9 Minimum Cross Energy for Level 9
N_TIV Anisotropy Parameter N referred to TI Axis in TIV Formation
NPR_FAST STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - FAST
NPR_SLOW STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - SLOW
NPR_XD STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - X Dipole
NPR_YD STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
NPT_FAST STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - FAST
NPT_SLOW STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - SLOW
NPT_XD STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
NPT_YD STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
REL_DIP Relative Dip Angle
S1R_FAST STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - FAST
S1R_SLOW STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - SLOW
S1R_XD STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - X Dipole
S1R_YD STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
S1T_FAST STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - FAST
S1T_SLOW STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - SLOW
S1T_XD STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
S1T_YD STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
SFA_FAST_R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - FAST
SFA_FAST_T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - FAST
SFA_SLOW_R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - SLOW
SFA_SLOW_T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - SLOW
SFA_XD_R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - X Dipole
SFA_XD_T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
SFA_YD_R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
SFA_YD_T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
SFA1R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
SFA1T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
SFA2R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
SFA2T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
SFA3R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - Stoneley
SFA3T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - Stoneley
SFA4R Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - Monopole PS
SFA4T Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - Monopole PS
SFAEXR Slowness Frequency Analysis, Receiver Array - Expert
SFAEXT Slowness Frequency Analysis, Transmitter Array - Expert
SPR_FAST STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - FAST
SPR_SLOW STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - SLOW
SPR_XD STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - X Dipole
SPR_YD STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
SPT_FAST STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - FAST
SPT_SLOW STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - SLOW
SPT_XD STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
SPT_YD STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
SRVD_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVD_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVD_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVD_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVD_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVD_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVD_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVD_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_0_0_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_0_0_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_0_0_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_0_0_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_0_0_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_0_0_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_0_0_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_0_0_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_10_0_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_10_0_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_10_0_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_10_0_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_10_0_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_10_0_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_10_0_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_10_0_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_12_5_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_12_5_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_12_5_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_12_5_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_12_5_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_12_5_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_12_5_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_12_5_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_15_0_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_15_0_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_15_0_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_15_0_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_15_0_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_15_0_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_15_0_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_15_0_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_17_5_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_17_5_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_17_5_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_17_5_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_17_5_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_17_5_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_17_5_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_17_5_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_2_5_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_2_5_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_2_5_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_2_5_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_2_5_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_2_5_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_2_5_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_2_5_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_20_0_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_20_0_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_20_0_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_20_0_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_20_0_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_20_0_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_20_0_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_20_0_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_22_5_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_22_5_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_22_5_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_22_5_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_22_5_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_22_5_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_22_5_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_22_5_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_25_0_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_25_0_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_25_0_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_25_0_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_25_0_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_25_0_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_25_0_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_25_0_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_5_0_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_5_0_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_5_0_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_5_0_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_5_0_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_5_0_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_5_0_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_5_0_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5.0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_7_5_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_7_5_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_7_5_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_7_5_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_7_5_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_7_5_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_7_5_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_7_5_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_FAST_R Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for FAST Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_FAST_T Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for FAST Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_QCI_TOTAL_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_SLOW_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for SLOW Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_SLOW_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for SLOW Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_XD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for XD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_XD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for XD Waveform Transmitter Array
SRVP_YD_R Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for YD Waveform Receiver Array
SRVP_YD_T Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for YD Waveform Transmitter Array
STPLR_FAST S/T Plane Receiver Array - FAST
STPLR_SLOW S/T Plane Receiver Array - SLOW
STPLR_XD S/T Plane Receiver Array - X Dipole
STPLR_YD S/T Plane Receiver Array - Y Dipole
STPLT_FAST S/T Plane Transmitter Array - FAST
STPLT_SLOW S/T Plane Transmitter Array - SLOW
STPLT_XD S/T Plane Transmitter Array - X Dipole
STPLT_YD S/T Plane Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
STRVD_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for Receiver Array
STRVD_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Difference Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for Transmitter Array
STRVP_0_0_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_0_0_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 0 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_10_0_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_10_0_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 10 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_12_5_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_12_5_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 12.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_15_0_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_15_0_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 15 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_17_5_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_17_5_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 17.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_2_5_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_2_5_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 2.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_20_0_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_20_0_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 20 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_22_5_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_22_5_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 22.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_25_0_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_25_0_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 25 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_5_0_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_5_0_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_7_5_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Receiver Array
STRVP_7_5_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at 7.5 Inch Radial Depth from Borehole Surface for Transmitter Array
STRVP_DTS_C66_R Shear Slowness from Far-field Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile for Receiver Array
STRVP_DTS_C66_T Shear Slowness from Far-field Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile for Transmitter Array
STRVP_QCI_TOTAL_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator
STRVP_QCI_TOTAL_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile Total Quality Indicator
STRVP_R Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for Receiver Array
STRVP_T Stoneley Shear Radial Variation Profile at Radial Depth from Borehole Center for Transmitter Array
T1R_FAST STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - FAST
T1R_SLOW STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - SLOW
T1R_XD STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - X Dipole
T1R_YD STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
T1T_FAST STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - FAST
T1T_SLOW STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - SLOW
T1T_XD STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
T1T_YD STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
TDIF_L10 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 10
TDIF_L11 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 11
TDIF_L12 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 12
TDIF_L13 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 13
TDIF_L14 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 14
TDIF_L8 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 8
TDIF_L9 Arrival Time Difference between Fast and Slow Shear Waves for Level 9
TKO_SNRF_FAST_R Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - FAST
TKO_SNRF_FAST_T Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - FAST
TKO_SNRF_SLOW_R Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - SLOW
TKO_SNRF_SLOW_T Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - SLOW
TKO_SNRF_XD_R Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - X Dipole
TKO_SNRF_XD_T Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - X Dipole
TKO_SNRF_YD_R Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - Y Dipole
TKO_SNRF_YD_T Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - Y Dipole
TKO_SNRF3R Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - Stoneley
TKO_SNRF3T Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - Stoneley
TKO_SNRF4R Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - Monopole PS
TKO_SNRF4T Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - Monopole PS
TKO_SNRFEXR Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Receiver Array - Expert
TKO_SNRFEXT Time-Wavenumber-Order (Pronys Analysis), Signal to Noise Ratio Transmitter Array - Expert
TTR_FAST Peak Time, Receiver Array - FAST
TTR_SLOW Peak Time, Receiver Array - SLOW
TTR_XD Peak Time, Receiver Array - X Dipole
TTR_YD Peak Time, Receiver Array - Y Dipole
TTT_FAST Peak Time, Transmitter Array - FAST
TTT_SLOW Peak Time, Transmitter Array - SLOW
TTT_XD Peak Time, Transmitter Array - X Dipole
TTT_YD Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Y Dipole

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