Mnemonics, Software product, BOREID

DescriptionBorScan module to apply basic corrections to micro-resistivity and ultrasonic images.

Related channels
BRAV Borehole radius average
BREAKOUT_ANGULAR_WIDTH Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Angular Width
BREAKOUT_AZIMUTH_NORTH Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Azimuth with respect to North
BREAKOUT_AZIMUTH_TOP_OF_HOLE Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Azimuth with respect to Top of Hole
BREAKOUT_AZIMUTH_TRACE_1 Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Azimuth Trace 1
BREAKOUT_AZIMUTH_TRACE_2 Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Azimuth Trace 2
BREAKOUT_MAGNITUDE Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Magnitude
ECCE Amplitude of Eccentering
ECCE_AZIMUTH Azimuth of line from center of hole to center of tool
FMFA FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap A
FMFB FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap B
FMFC FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap C
FMFD FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap D
FMI_FLAPA FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap A (flaps only)
FMI_FLAPB FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap B (flaps only)
FMI_FLAPC FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap C (flaps only)
FMI_FLAPD FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Flap D (flaps only)
FMI_PADA FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad A (pads only)
FMI_PADB FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad B (pads only)
FMI_PADC FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad C (pads only)
FMI_PADD FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad D (pads only)
FMPA FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad A
FMPB FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad B
FMPC FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad C
FMPD FMI buttons, processed/aligned, Pad D
HOSANA_HOLE_CONDITION Hole Shape Analysis Hole Condition Mask [Normal=0, Rugose=1, Keyseat=10, Breakout=100, Open Slip=1000, Close Slip=2000]
HOSANA_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES Hole Shape Analysis Number of Samples of Circle Arc
HOSANA_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS Hole Shape Analysis Number of Circles Segments
HOSANA_RADIUS Hole Shape Analysis Radius of Circle Arc
HOSANA_START_SAMPLE Hole Shape Analysis Start Sample of Circle Arc
HOSANA_X_CENTER Hole Shape Analysis X coordinate of Circle Arc Center
HOSANA_Y_CENTER Hole Shape Analysis Y coordinate of Circle Arc Center
KEYSEAT_AZIMUTH_NORTH Hole Shape Analysis Keyseat Azimuth with respect to North
KEYSEAT_AZIMUTH_TOP_OF_HOLE Hole Shape Analysis Keyseat Azimuth with respect to Top of Hole
KEYSEAT_MAGNITUDE Hole Shape Analysis Keyseat Magnitude
REF_CIRCLE_RADIUS Hole Shape Analysis Reference Circle Radius
SLIP_AZIMUTH_NORTH Hole Shape Analysis Slip Azimuth with respect to North
SLIP_AZIMUTH_TOP_OF_HOLE Hole Shape Analysis Slip Azimuth with respect to Top of Hole
SLIP_MAGNITUDE Hole Shape Analysis Slip Magnitude

Related parameters
BLOCK_DEPTH_SHIFT Uniform depth shift to be applied to output arrays and images
DFVL Default Fluid Velocity
DOT Diameter of Transducer Sensor
DUMM Dummy
FMI_AUTO_BAD_BUTTONS_FLAG Whether to apply automatic method to detect bad buttons for correction.
FMI_BAD_BUTTONS Manually selected bad buttons for correction
FMI_EMEX_CORR_FLAG Whether to correct micro-resistivity button values for EMEX voltage.
FMI_EQUALIZE_FLAG Whether to equalize average micro-resistivity button response.
FMI_EQUALIZE_LOWER_CUTOFF Lower percentile cutoff to exclude low values in equalization computation
FMI_EQUALIZE_UPPER_CUTOFF Upper percentile cutoff to exclude high values in equalization computation
FMI_EQUALIZE_WINDOW Window length used in equalization of average micro-resistivity button response.
FMI_IMAGE_SPEED_CORR_FLAG Whether to apply image-based speed correction for micro-resistivity imagers
FMI_IMAGE_SPEED_CORR_PADS Micro-resistivity imager pads to use to compute image-based speed correction
GPIT_CABLE_CONFIDENCE_FACTOR Confidence factor on cable depth used in GPIT speed correction.
GPIT_RECOVERY_SPEED Ratio (average speed after sticking) / (average cable speed).
GPIT_SPEED_CORR_FLAG Whether to apply GPIT speed correction
GPIT_STICKING_DETECTION_FLAG Whether to use sticking detection logic in GPIT speed correction
GPIT_STICKING_DETECTION_THRESHOLD Sticking detection threshold used in GPIT speed correction.
HOSANA_BITSIZE Hole Shape Analysis Bit Size Detection Threshold
HOSANA_BREAKOUT Hole Shape Analysis Breakout Detection Threshold
HOSANA_CURVATURE Hole Shape Analysis Curvature Detection Threshold
HOSANA_KEYSEAT Hole Shape Analysis Keyseat Detection Threshold
HOSANA_NBPOINTS Hole Shape Analysis Number of Points to use to compute Local Curvature
HOSANA_OPTION Compute Hole Shape Analysis from Ultrasonic Data
HOSANA_REAMING Hole Shape Analysis Reaming Detection Threshold
HOSANA_SLIP Hole Shape Analysis Slip Detection Threshold
MDEC Magnetic Field Declination
MORI Image Orientation Relative to Tool Mark
MROT Mark Rotation
MROT_2 Mark Rotation for Dual OBMI
OFFSET_GPIT Depth Offset from GPIT
TFRQ Transducer Frequency
TTOF Transit Time Offset
USFR Ultrasonic Sampling Frequency
USI_AMP_ECC_FLAG Whether to correct ultrasonic imager amplitudes for tool eccentering.
USI_AMP_TO_LIN_FLAG Whether to convert USI amplitudes from logarithm to linear.
USI_BIAS_CORR_FLAG Whether to apply sampling bias correction for USI data.
USI_ECC_AMP_CUTOFF Cutoff to exclude low values in ultrasonic imager amplitudes eccentering computation
USI_EMEX_FILTER_FLAG Whether to filter out noise in USI amplitudes induced by EMEX variations
USI_GAINS_CORR_FLAG Whether to correct USI amplitudes for uncalibrated gains used during acquisition
USI_RESAMPLE_FLAG Whether to resample ultrasonic imager data with respect to azimuth.
USI_TT_ECC_FLAG Whether to correct transit times from ultrasonic imagers for tool eccentering
USI_TT_TO_RADIUS_FLAG Whether to convert transit times from ultrasonic imagers to radii
USI_UNCORR_RADIUS_FLAG Whether to output ultrasonic imager radius array uncorrected for tool eccentering
VSCA Vertical Scale

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