Mnemonics, Software product, BORVIEW

DescriptionInteractive Dip and Image Interpretation

Related channels
BOREHOLE_IMAGE_TRACE_LENGTH Length of the trace of a geological event visible on the borehole surface
BOREHOLE_IMAGE_TRACE_TYPE Type of trace derived from a borehole image
BOREHOLE_IMAGE_TYPE Type of borehole image used for processing
BOTTOM_DEPTH Bottom Depth of Interval spanned by Event
EXCESS_CONDUCTIVITY Contribution of conductive geological events to the tool conductivity measurement response
FCAH Cumulative Mean Hydraulic Aperture (from FVAH) in the uphole direction
FCAP Cumulative Mean Aperture (from FVA) in the uphole direction
FCNB Cumulative number of fractures in the uphole direction
FVA Electrical Fracture Aperture: Mean value of fracture trace aperture averaged over a given window height
FVAH Hydraulic Electrical Fracture Aperture: Cube root of the cube of the fracture trace aperture summed over a given window height
FVDA Apparent Fracture Density: Number of fractures per feet within a given window height
FVDC Corrected Fracture Density: Apparent Fracture Density (FVDA) corrected for the orientation bias (angle between fracture plane and borehole axis)
FVPA Apparent Electrical Fracture Porosity: Ratio of the apparent area of fractures seen on the borehole wall over the area of borehole for a given window height
FVTL Areal Trace Length: Cumulative fracture trace length seen per unit area of borehole wall within a given window height
IMAGE_BUFFER Buffer of compressed image pixels; requires dedicated algorithm to encode/decode.
REF_DPAZ Reference Structural Dip Azimuth
REF_DPTR Reference Structural Dip Angle
REL_DPAZ Relative Dip Azimuth in reference to the structural dip removed
REL_DPTR Relative Dip Angle in reference to the structural dip removed
TOP_DEPTH TOP Depth of Interval spanned by Event

Related parameters
BOTTOM_DEPTH Deepest depth of an interval
BV_BLUE Graphics Blue component (from 0 = no color contribution, to 1 = saturated color)
BV_GREEN Graphics Green component (from 0 = no color contribution, to 1 = saturated color)
BV_LINE_THICKNESS Graphics Thickness of a line drawing, normally expressed in pixels.
BV_OPACITY Graphics Color Opacity (from 0 = transparent color, to 1 = opaque color)
BV_POLYGON_SHAPE Graphics Polygonal Shape
BV_RED Graphics Red component (from 0 = no color contribution, to 1 = saturated color)
DIP_CLASSIFICATION_CODES List of Geological Class Codes corresponding to the Dip Classification Names, used in Dip Classification Encoding
DIP_CLASSIFICATION_ENCODING_BASE Numeric Base Value used in Dip Classification Encoding. Must be greater than the numbers of Dip Classification Names
DIP_CLASSIFICATION_NAMES List of Geological Class Names available for dip characterization
DIP_SET_CLASSIFICATION List of Geological Classes characterizing a set of dips
DISPLAY_NAME A name which is used for display purposes, as opposed to the formal controlled name (Code) which is used for interoperability.
GREAT_CIRCLE_APPARENT_DIP_ANGLE Average Apparent Dip Angle on a Stereonet Great Circle
GREAT_CIRCLE_APPARENT_NORTH_DIP_AZIMUTH Average Apparent Dip Azimuth in reference to North on a Stereonet Great Circle
GREAT_CIRCLE_APPARENT_TOP_OF_HOLE_DIP_AZIMUTH Average Apparent Dip Azimuth in reference to Top of Hole on a Stereonet Great Circle
GREAT_CIRCLE_RELATIVE_DIP_ANGLE Average Relative Dip Angle in reference to the structural dip removed, on a Stereonet Great Circle
GREAT_CIRCLE_RELATIVE_DIP_AZIMUTH Average Relative Dip Azimuth in reference to the structural dip removed, on a Stereonet Great Circle
GREAT_CIRCLE_TRUE_DIP_ANGLE Average True Dip Angle on a Stereonet Great Circle
GREAT_CIRCLE_TRUE_DIP_AZIMUTH Average True Dip Azimuth on a Stereonet Great Circle of a set of dips
LINE_STYLE Graphics Dash Pattern of line drawing
MEAN_ACOUSTIC_CONTRAST Average Acoustic Impedance Contrast on Bed Boundaries
MEAN_APERTURE Average Electrical Fracture Aperture of the Dip Set
MEAN_APPARENT_DIP_ANGLE Average Apparent Dip Angle, measured from a plane perpendicular to the borehole direction
MEAN_APPARENT_NORTH_DIP_AZIMUTH Average Apparent Dip Azimuth in reference to the North direction, measured clockwise in a plane perpendicular to the borehole direction
MEAN_APPARENT_TOP_OF_HOLE_DIP_AZIMUTH Average Apparent Dip Azimuth in reference to the top of hole direction, measured clockwise in a plane perpendicular to the borehole direction. Required in an horizontal well where the North direction cannot be used as a reference for the apparent azimuth in the perpendicular plane
MEAN_CONDUCTIVITY_CONTRAST Average Conductivity Contrast on Bed Boundaries
MEAN_DEPTH Average Depth
MEAN_DIP_SPACING Average Spacing between adjacent dips
MEAN_HYDRAULIC_APERTURE Average Hydraulic Electrical Fracture Aperture (Cubic mean value of fracture trace aperture)
MEAN_RELATIVE_DIP_ANGLE Average Relative Dip Angle in reference to the structural dip removed
MEAN_RELATIVE_DIP_AZIMUTH Average Relative Dip Azimuth in reference to the structural dip removed
MEAN_TRACE_LENGTH Average Dip Trace Length Intersecting the Borehole
MEAN_TRUE_DIP_ANGLE Average True Dip Angle
MEAN_TRUE_DIP_AZIMUTH Average True Dip Azimuth
TOP_DEPTH Shallowest depth of an interval

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