Mnemonics, Software product, DSTC

NameDispersive STC
DescriptionDispersive Slowness Time Coherence Sonic Waveform Processing

Related channels
BS Bit Size
C1 Caliper 1
C2 Caliper 2
C3 Double R1 Radius (HDT)
C4 Double R4 Radius (HDT)
CAL1 Caliper 1
CAL2 Caliper 2
CALI Caliper
CALS Micro Resistivity Caliper
CENFRQ Processing Band Center Frequency
CHDP Peak Coherence from Dispersive Processing
CHNDP Peak Coherence from Non-dispersive Processing
CHR1 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
CHR2 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
CHR3 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
CHREX LABEL Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Expert Mode
CHT1 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
CHT2 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
CHT3 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
CHTEX LABEL Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Expert Mode
DT_ERR_HD Error of RMS Slowness due to Hole Diameter
DT_ERR_NOISE Error of Theoretical Bound on Slowness Standard Deviation due to Noise
DT_ERR_TOTAL Total of Delta-T Error
DT_MINUS_ERR_HD Slowness Minus Error of RMS Slowness due to Hole Diameter
DT_MINUS_ERR_NOISE Slowness Minus Error of Theoretical Bound on Slowness Standard Deviation due to Noise
DT_MINUS_ERR_TOTAL Delta-T Minus Total Delta-T Error
DT_PLUS_ERR_HD Slowness Plus Error of RMS Slowness due to Hole Diameter
DT_PLUS_ERR_NOISE Slowness Plus Error of Theoretical Bound on Slowness Standard Deviation due to Noise
DT_PLUS_ERR_TOTAL Delta-T Plus Total Delta-T Error
DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
DT1T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DT2T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
DT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT3T Delta-T Stoneley, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
DTBSTRAP Bootstrap Slowness
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTDP Slowness from Dispersive Processing
DTDP_ITP Interpolated Slowness from Dispersive Processing
DTEXR Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Expert mode
DTEXT Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Expert mode
DTNDP Slowness from Non-dispersive Processing
DTSM Delta-T Shear
HD Hole Diameter
HDAR Hole Diameter from Area
HDOV Hole Diameter from Oval
HIGHFRQ Processing Band High Frequency
LA Large Arm Caliper
LCAL Density Caliper
LFR3 Label Flag, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
LFREX LABEL Flag, Receiver Array - Expert Mode
LFT3 Label Flag, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
LFTEX LABEL Flag, Transmitter Array - Expert Mode
LOWFRQ Processing Band Low Frequency
MCAL MLT (Microlog) Caliper
NORM_OPTFRQ Normalized Optimal Frequency (DTBSTRAP * HD * CENFRQ)
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SPEC Spectrum
SPR1 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
SPR2 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
SPR3 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Stoneley
SPREX STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Expert
SPT1 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
SPT2 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
SPT3 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Stoneley
SPTEX STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Expert
STACK_CENFRQ Stacked Signal Center Frequency
SWF1 Sonic Waveform 1
SWF2 Sonic Waveform 2
SWF3 Sonic Waveform 3
SWF4 Sonic Waveform 4
SWF5 Sonic Waveform 5
SWF6 Sonic Waveform 6
SWF7 Sonic Waveform 7
SWF8 Sonic Waveform 8
TTR1 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
TTR2 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
TTR3 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTREX LABEL Peak Time, Receiver Array - Expert Mode
TTT1 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
TTT2 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
TTT3 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTTEX LABEL Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Expert Mode
TWI Integration Time Window

Related parameters
BS Bit Size
CENFRQ Center frequency
DT Delta-T (Interval Transit Time)
DTMUD Delta-T for Mud
FIL_LENG Filter length
FIL_Q Q of filter band (Filter sharpness)
FREQ_HIGH Filter high cut frequency
SBO1 STC Search Band Offset - Lower Dipole
SBO2 STC Search Band Offset - Upper Dipole
SBO3 STC Search Band Offset - Monopole Stoneley
SBO4 STC Search Band Offset - Monopole P&S
SBOX STC Search Band Offset - Expert
SBW1 STC Search Bandwidth - Lower Dipole
SBW2 STC Search Bandwidth - Upper Dipole
SBW3 STC Search Bandwidth - Monopole Stoneley
SBW4 STC Search Bandwidth - Monopole P&S
SBWX STC Search Bandwidth - Expert
SLL_STO Storage Slowness Lower Limit
SLL1 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
SLL2 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
SLL3 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SLL4 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
SLLX STC Slowness Lower Limit - Expert
SPM1 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Lower Dipole
SPM2 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Upper Dipole
SPM3 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Monopole Stoneley
SPMX STC Processing Mode - Expert
SST_STO Storage Slowness Step
SST1 STC Slowness Step - Lower Dipole
SST2 STC Slowness Step - Upper Dipole
SST3 STC Slowness Step - Monopole Stoneley
SST4 STC Slowness Step - Monopole P&S
SSTX STC Slowness Step - Expert
SUL_STO Storage Slowness Upper Limit
SUL1 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
SUL2 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
SUL3 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SUL4 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
SULX STC Slowness Upper Limit - Expert
VPVS Sonic Vp / Vs Ratio
WD_OFFSET Waveform depth offset in STC
WF_FLG Flag to show which waveforms are utilized

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