Mnemonics, Software product, GEOSHARE

DescriptionA general-purpose oilfield data exchage model, as implemented in the Geoshare Developer's Kit (GDK). Geoshare is not a Schlumberger product but is rather an industry standard, administered by the Geoshare Users' Group.

Related channels
AIMP Acoustic Impedance
AVGV Average Seismic Velocity
BMK Bulk Modulus - K
BMKD Dry Frame/Skeleton Bulk Modulus - Kdry
BVW Bulk Volume Water
CALI Caliper
CB Bulk Compressibility
CDPP Critical Drawdown Pressure
CEC Cation Exchange Capacity
CELP P Celerity (Velocity)
CELS S Celerity (Velocity)
CGDN Grain Density from Core
CGR Gamma Ray Contribution from Thorium and Potassium
CILD Calibrated Induction Deep Conductivity
CILM Calibrated Induction Medium Conductivity
CKH Horizontal Permeability from Core
CKV Vertical Permeability from Core
CPOR Porosity from Core
CPPO Oil Saturation from Core
CPPW Water Saturation from Core
CRI Core Resistivity Index
CSIG Corrected Total Cross Section
CUDC Conductivity of the Undisturbed Zone at Downhole Conditions
CXDC Conductivity of the Flushed Zone at Downhole Conditions
DCAL Differential Caliper
DEPT Depth Index
DESC Descriptive Comments
DI Diameter of Invasion
DIP Dip Angle
DPAZ True Dip Azimuth
DPHI Density Porosity
DPTR True Dip Angle
DRHO Bulk Density Correction
DSRD Depth from SRD
DT Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time)
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTST Delta-T Stoneley - Monopole Stoneley
DTTM Delta-T, indexed by Time rather than Depth
EATT Electromagnetic Attenuation
EPHI Electromagnetic Propagation Porosity
EWDR East West Drift Component
EXSP Minimum Far-Field Effective Horizontal Stress
EYSP Maximum Far-Field Effective Horizontal Stress
EZSP Far-Field Effective Vertical Stress
FAC Facies-Representative Modes
FANG Angle relating the increase in shear strength with compressive strength.
FCAH Cumulative Mean Hydraulic Aperture (from FVAH) in the uphole direction
FCAP Cumulative Mean Aperture (from FVA) in the uphole direction
FCNB Cumulative number of fractures in the uphole direction
FCNL Far Detector Count Rate
FP Formation Pressure
FSAL Formation Salinity
FVA Electrical Fracture Aperture: Mean value of fracture trace aperture averaged over a given window height
FVAH Hydraulic Electrical Fracture Aperture: Cube root of the cube of the fracture trace aperture summed over a given window height
FVDA Apparent Fracture Density: Number of fractures per feet within a given window height
FVDC Corrected Fracture Density: Apparent Fracture Density (FVDA) corrected for the orientation bias (angle between fracture plane and borehole axis)
FVTL Areal Trace Length: Cumulative fracture trace length seen per unit area of borehole wall within a given window height
GR Gamma Ray
HVOL Residual Hydrocarbon Volume: product of Porosity and Residual Hydrocarbon Saturation
HWT Hydrocarbon Weight: product of Porosity, Residual Hydrocarbon Saturation and Hydrocarbon Density.
HYDP Hydrostatic Pressure
ILD Induction Deep Resistivity
ILM Induction Medium Resistivity
INTV Average Interval Velocity
ISHE Initial Shear Strength
KGAS Permeability to Gas
KINT Intrinsic Permeability
KOIL Permeability to Oil
KWTR Permeability to Water
LLD Laterolog Deep Resistivity
LLS Laterolog Shallow Resistivity
MINV Micro Inverse Resistivity
MLL Microlaterolog Resistivity
MNOR Micro Normal Resistivity
MSFL Micro-spherically-focused Resistivity
NCNL Near Detector Count Rate
NET_FLAG Flag to identify all levels which satisfy cutoff criteria related to the potential of the rock to be a reservoir, independent of actual hydrocarbon producibility; typical cutoffs are porosity and clay content.
NET_PAY_FLAG Flag to identify all levels which satisfy cutoff criteria related to hydrocarbon producibility, often obtained by applying a saturation cutoff after cutoffs for porosity and mobility have already been applied (see NET_FLAG).
NPHI Thermal Neutron Porosity (original Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
NSDR North South Drift
PC Capillary Pressure
PDD Density Dolomite Porosity
PDL Density Limestone Porosity
PDS Density Sandstone Porosity
PERM Permeability Computed
PHIC TDT Count Rate Porosity
PHIE Effective Porosity
PHIT Total Porosity: includes all forms of porosity, including that occupied by bound fluids, and is independent of rock and fluid materials and of environmental effects
PHIX Crossplot Porosity
PND Neutron Dolomite Porosity
PNL Neutron Limestone Porosity
PNS Neutron Sandstone Porosity
POTA Potassium Concentration
PPRS Pore Pressure
PR Poisson's Ratio
PRIM Primary Reflection Coefficient with Transmission Loss
PSD Sonic Dolomite Porosity
PSL Sonic Limestone Porosity
PSS Sonic Sandstone Porosity
PXND Crossplot Porosity for Neutron-Density
PXNS Crossplot Porosity for Neutron-Sonic
PXSD Crossplot Porosity for Sonic-Density
QGT Total Gas Flowrate
QOT Total Oil Flowrate
QUAF Dip Quality Factor
QV Charge Concentration Per Unit Pore Volume
QWT Total Water Flowrate
REFL Reflection Coefficient
RHGA Apparent Grain Density
RHOB Bulk Density
RHOT RHOB, indexed by Time rather than by Depth
RMFA Apparent Mud Filtrate Resistivity
RMSC Delta-T Shear/Delta-T Compressional Ratio
RMSV Root Mean Square Velocity (Seismic)
RO Resistivity of Water Filled Formation
RT True Resistivity
RWA Apparent Formation Water Resistivity
RXO Flushed Zone Resistivity
SFL Spherically Focused Log
SG Gas Saturation
SGNT Signature - Geogram Natural Trace
SGR Spectroscopy Gamma Ray
SIGM Formation Sigma (Neutron Capture Cross Section)
SMG Shear Modulus
SMUL Synthetic Seismogram (Convolved Primaries + Multiples)
SMUO Synthetic Seismogram (Convolved Multiples Only)
SO Oil Saturation
SP Spontaneous Potential
SPI Secondary Porosity Index
SPRM Synthetic Seismogram (Convolved Primaries)
SREF Synthetic Seismogram (Convolved Reflection Data)
SW Water Saturation
SWT Total Water Saturation
SXO Water Saturation in Flushed Zone
TEMP Computed Borehole Temperature
TENS Cable Tension
THOR Thorium Concentration
TIME Time Index
TPL Electromagnetic Propagation Time
TPRA Thorium/Potassium Ratio
TSTR Tensile Strength
TURA Thorium/Uranium Ratio
TVD True Vertical Depth
TWOT Two Way Travel Time (Relative to the Seismic Reference)
TXSP Total Minimum Horizontal Stress - Sigma X
TYSP Total Maximum Horizontal Stress - Sigma Y
TZSP Total Vertical Stress - Sigma Z
U Volumetric Photoelectric Factor
UCS Uniaxial Compressive Strength
UMA Apparent Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Matrix
UPRA Uranium/Potassium Ratio
URAN Uranium Concentration
VALB Volume Fraction of Albite Relative to Total Volume
VANH Volume of Anhydrite Relative to Total Volume
VBIO Volume of Biotite Relative to Total Volume
VCAR Volume Fraction of Carbonate Relative to Total Volume
VCHL Volume of Chlorite Relative to Total Volume
VCL Volume of Clay Type Material Relative to Total Volume
VCLC Volume of Calcite Relative to Total Volume
VCOA Volume of Coal Relative to Total Volume
VDCL Volume of Dry Clay
VDOL Volume of Dolomite Relative to Total Volume
VEVA Volume Fraction of Evaporite Relative to Total Volume
VFEL Volume of Feldspar Relative to Total Volume
VGLA Volume of Glauconite Relative to Total Volume
VGYP Volume of Gypsum Relative to Total Volume
VHAL Volume Of Halite Relative to Total Volume
VIGN Volume of Igneous Rock Relative to Total Volume
VILL Volume of Illite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VISO Volume of Isolated Fluid Relative to Total Volume
VKAO Volume of Kaolinite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VLIM Volume of Limestone Relative to Total Volume
VMET Volume of Metamorphic Rock Relative to Total Volume
VMHY Volume of Moved Hydrocarbon Relative to Total Volume
VMON Volume of Montmorillonite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VMUS Volume of Muscovite Relative to Total Volume
VORT Volume of Orthoclase Relative to Total Volume
VPAR Volume of Parallel Porosity Relative to Total Volume
VPYR Volume of Pyrite Relative to Total Volume
VQUA Volume of Quartz Relative to Total Volume
VSH Volume of Shale
VSID Volume of Siderite Relative to Total Volume
VSIL Volume of Silt Relative to Total Volume
VSM1 Volume of Special Mineral 1 Relative to Total Volume
VSM2 Volume of Special Mineral 2 Relative to Total Volume
VSM3 Volume of Special Mineral 3 Relative to Total Volume
VSM4 Volume of Special Mineral 4 Relative to Total Volume
VSND Volume of Sand Relative to Total Volume
VSPS Corridor Stack: time-indexed trace derived by summation of Vertical Seismic Profile data over a time window (corridor) immediately following the first arrivals.
VUGA Volume of Gas in Undisturbed Zone
VUIW Volume of Irreducible Water In Undisturbed Zone
VUOI Volume of Oil in Undisturbed Zone
VUSF Volume of Special Fluid In Undisturbed Zone
VUWA Volume of Water in Undisturbed Zone
VXBW Volume of Bound Water in Flushed Zone
VXGA Volume of Gas in Flushed Zone
VXIW Volume of Irreducible Water In Flushed Zone
VXOI Volume of Oil in Flushed Zone
VXSF Volume of Special Fluid in Flushed Zone
VXWA Volume of Water in Flushed Zone
WVSB Viscosibility of Water: -(dv/dp)/v where v=viscosity and p=pressure
YME Young's Modulus (E)

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