Mnemonics, Software product, HALS_EC

DescriptionHALS Borehole Corrections and Processing

Related channels
CCHLLD HLLD Correction Factor
CCHLLS HLLS Correction Factor
CCHRLD HRLD Correction Factor
CCHRLS HRLS Correction Factor
CDH Hole Diameter computed from HALS borehole identification inversion
ECC HALS Sonde Eccentering computed from HALS borehole identification inversion
HARD 12 Azimuthal Deep Resistivities
HARS 12 Azimuthal Shallow Resistivities
HART True Formation Resistivity from HALS/MCFL Measurements
HDI HALS Diameter of Invasion computed from Rt inversion
HLLD HALS Laterolog Deep Resistivity
HLLG HALS Laterolog Groningen Resistivity
HLLS HALS Laterolog Shallow Resistivity
HRLD High Resolution Deep Resistivity
HRLE High Resolution Electrical Standoff
HRLS High Resolution Shallow Resistivity
HRM Mud Resistivity from HALS Measurements
HSO HALS Standoff computed from HALS borehole identification inversion
QCHLLD Flag set if corrections applied to LLD are out of the specified working range (Processing LQC channel)
QCHLLS Flag set if corrections applied to LLS are out of the specified working range (Processing LQC channel)
TETA HALS Angle between electrode #1 and maximum standoff

Related parameters
ARIP_LTS Long Tool String Correction Option
ARIP_SHOULDER Shoulder Correction Option
BHCC Borehole Correction Option
DHOP Sonde Position for HALS Borehole Correction
GRCC Groningen Correction Option
HMSO HALS Mechanical Standoff, used by Borehole Correction
IMOS Azimuthal Laterolog Image Orientation
KFAC K Factor
LIMP Azimuthal Laterolog Left Image Processing
RIMP Azimuthal Laterolog Right Image Processing
RTCOMP Option for computing HALS Rt Inversion
RTRE Resistivity Threshold
TCOR TLC Correction Option
UNSPK Switch to enable a filter removing spikes on HALS Azimuthal data
UNSPK_THOLD Threshold used to detect a spike
UNSPK_WINDOW Window used to detect a spike

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