Mnemonics, Software product, IESX

DescriptionOriginal GeoQuest Seismic Interpretation software product line

Related channels
1WAY One-way Travel Time from Surface to Depth
AIMP Acoustic Impedance
ALFA Enhanced Resolution Alpha Factor
AMS Auxiliary Measurements Sonde
AVGV Average Seismic Velocity
AVGVEL Average Velocity Over The SRD And Geophone
AWN1 ACT Window 1, .150 - .5 MeV
AWN2 ACT Window 2, .5 - 1.1 MeV
AWN3 ACT Window 3, 1.1 - 1.6 MeV
AWN4 ACT Window 4, 1.6 - 2 MeV
AWN5 ACT Window 5, 2 - 3 MeV
BDQC Bulk Density Quality Curve
BS Bit Size
BSAL Borehole Salinity
C1 Caliper 1
C2 Caliper 2
CAL1 Caliper 1
CAL2 Caliper 2
CAL3 Caliper 3
CAL4 Caliper 4
CALI Caliper
CALR Diameter from Resistivity Tool
CALS Micro Resistivity Caliper
CBDN Bulk Density from Core
CBPG Gas Bulk Volume Fraction from Core
CBPO Oil Bulk Volume Fraction from Core
CBPW Water Bulk Volume from Core
CCA ECS Capture Calcium Relative Yield
CCEC Cation Exchange Capacity from Core
CCHL ECS Capture Chlorine Relative Yield
CCIN Cementation Intercept from Core
CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude
CCXP Cementation Factor (Archie exponent m) from Core
CDER Deep Induction Enhanced Resolution Phasor Conductivity
CDRM Deep Induction Response Matched Conductivity
CDTE Deep Induction Conductivity From PREDTE
CDVR Deep Induction Very Enhanced Resolution Phasor Conductivity
CEPT EPT Conductivity
CFE ECS Capture Iron Relative Yield (Corrected)
CFNM Lithofacies Number from Core
CFRF Formation Resistivity Factor from Core
CGD ECS Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield
CGDN Grain Density from Core
CGR Gamma Ray Contribution from Thorium and Potassium
CGSZ Grain Size from Core
CHIS CHI Square of Fit with respect to NGT Counts
CHY ECS Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield
CIDP Induction Deep Phasor Conductivity
CILD Calibrated Induction Deep Conductivity
CILM Calibrated Induction Medium Conductivity
CIMP Induction Medium Phasor Conductivity
CJFN Core J Function Indicator, computed as sqrt(K/Phi); used to identify cores which may have similar capillary pressure curves.
CK ECS Capture Potassium Relative Yield
CK90 Measured Horizontal Permeability @ 90 Degrees from Core
CKAR Air Permeability from Core
CKH Horizontal Permeability from Core
CKHA Horizontal Core Permeability - Air
CKHK Horizontal Core Permeability - Klinkenberg
CKHL Horizontal Core Permeability - Liquid
CKLN Klinkenberg Permeability from Core (Gas Permeability extrapolated to infinite pressure)
CKLQ Liquid Permeability from Core
CKV Vertical Permeability from Core
CKVA Vertical Core Permeability - Air
CKVK Vertical Core Permeability - Klinkenberg
CKVL Vertical Core Permeability - Liquid
CMER Medium Induction Enhanced Resolution Phasor Conductivity
CMLL MLL Conductivity
CMRM Medium Induction Response Matched Conductivity
CMVR Medium Induction Very Enhanced Resolution Phasor Conductivity
CNUM Core Number
COGR Gamma Ray from Core
COPO Core Potassium Concentration
COTH Core Thorium Concentration
COUR Core Uranium Concentration
CPOR Porosity from Core
CPPG Gas Saturation from Core
CPPO Oil Saturation from Core
CPPW Water Saturation from Core
CRI Core Resistivity Index
CS Cable Speed
CSFA SFL Conductivity (Averaged)
CSFL SFL Conductivity
CSGC Critical Gas Saturation from Core
CSGM Maximum Gas Saturation from Core
CSGR Residual Gas Saturation from Core
CSI ECS Capture Silicon Relative Yield
CSIG Corrected Total Cross Section
CSOC Critical Oil Saturation from Core
CSOM Maximum Oil Saturation from Core
CSOW Residual Oil Saturation from Core in Oil Water system
CSRM Spherically Focused Response Matched Conductivity
CSUL ECS Capture Sulfur Relative Yield (Corrected)
CSWC Critical Water Saturation from Core
CSWI Connate Water Saturation from Core
CSWM Maximum Water Saturation from Core
CSXP Saturation Exponent from Core
CTEM Cartridge Temperature
CTI ECS Capture Titanium Relative Yield
CUDC Conductivity of the Undisturbed Zone at Downhole Conditions
CUSC Conductivity of the Undisturbed Zone at Standard Conditions
CVEL Cable Velocity
CWA Apparent Formation Water Conductivity
CWAP Apparent Formation Water Conductivity
CWAS Apparent Formation Water Conductivity at Standard Temperature
CWAU Conductivity Water Apparent Uncorrected
CWEP Conductivity of Water from EPT
CWES Conductivity of Water from EPT at Standard Temperature
CWTI Wettability Index from Core
CXDC Conductivity of the Flushed Zone at Downhole Conditions
CXSC Conductivity of the Flushed Zone at Standard Conditions
DALP Alpha Factor for Alpha Processing
DCAL Differential Caliper
DENS Densities Channel
DESC Descriptive Comments
DI Diameter of Invasion
DIP Dip Angle
DIPH DIT-E Diameter of Invasion
DLLD Derivative of LLD with respect to depth
DPAA_NAZ Apparent Dip Azimuth - North
DPAP Apparent Dip Angle - Tool
DPAZ True Dip Azimuth
DPHI Density Porosity
DPTR True Dip Angle
DRHO Bulk Density Correction
DSTF Computed Deep Induction Standoff
DT Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time)
DT0P Delta-T Compressional - P & S Mode (SDT)
DT0S Delta-T Shear - P & S Mode (SDT)
DT0T Delta-T Stoneley
DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower Dipole
DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
DT1T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
DT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole
DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DT2T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
DT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT3T Delta-T Stoneley, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&S
DT4S Delta-T Shear - Monopole P&S
DTC Delta-T Time Corrected
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTL Delta-T Long Spacing
DTLF Delta-T Long Spacing Far
DTLN Delta-T Long Spacing Near
DTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DTRS Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DTSH Delta-T Shear Slowness
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTST Delta-T Stoneley - Monopole Stoneley
DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DTTS Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
EAMF EPT Attenuation of MUD Filtrate
EATT Electromagnetic Attenuation
ENPH Epithermal Neutron Porosity
EPHI Electromagnetic Propagation Porosity
FBH Flag for Bad Hole
FSIG Far Sigma
FTAU Far Tau
GP Ratio of Gamma Ray to Total Porosity
GR Gamma Ray
GR1 Gamma Ray 1
GR2 Gamma Ray 2
GR3 Gamma Ray 3
GR4 Gamma Ray 4
GRC Borehole-corrected Gamma Ray
GRHO Gradiomanometer Density
GSTF Borehole Yields Normalization Factor
HART True Formation Resistivity from HALS/MCFL Measurements
HAZI Hole Azimuth Relative to True North
HD Hole Diameter
HDAL High Resolution Density Alpha Factor
HDPH High Resolution Density Porosity
HDRH High Resolution Density Correction
HGR High Resolution Gamma Ray
HNPO High Resolution Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology
HNRH High Resolution Enhanced Bulk Density
HPEF High Resolution Photoelectric Factor
HPGP HP Gauge Pressure
HPHN High Resolution Porosity from Enhanced Density
HRHO High Resolution Bulk Density
HRUG Hole Rugosity (computed as second derivative of caliper with respect to depth)
HTAL High Resolution Thermal Alpha Correction Factor
HTEN Head Tension
HTNP High Resolution Thermal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
IC ECS Inelastic Carbon Relative Yield
ICA ECS Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield
IDER Deep Induction Enhanced Resolution Phasor Resistivity
IDPH Induction Deep Phasor Resistivity
IDVR Deep Induction Very Enhanced Resolution Phasor Resistivity
IFE ECS Inelastic Iron Relative Yield
IFRE Induction Calibrated Frequency
IHV Integrated Hole Volume
IIRD Intermediate Induction Real Deep Conductivity
IIRM Intermediate Induction Real Medium Conductivity
IIXD Intermediate Induction Quadrature Deep Conductivity
IIXM Intermediate Induction Quadrature Medium Conductivity
ILD Induction Deep Resistivity
ILM Induction Medium Resistivity
IMER Medium Induction Enhanced Resolution Phasor Resistivity
IMPH Induction Medium Phasor Resistivity
IMVR Medium Induction Very Enhanced Resolution Phasor Resistivity
IO ECS Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield
ISI ECS Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield
IVEL Interval Velocity
KGAS Permeability to Gas
KHYD Effective Permeability to Hydrocarbon
KINT Intrinsic Permeability
KOIL Permeability to Oil
LA Large Arm Caliper
LDTL Long Spacing Delta-T Long
LHVD Long Spacing Downhole High Voltage CCS
LITH Litholog Window Count Rate
LL Long Lower Window Count Rate
LL3 Laterolog 3
LL7 Laterolog 7
LL8A Laterolog 8 Resistivity Averaged over 2.5 ft
LLD Laterolog Deep Resistivity
LLG Laterolog Groningen Resistivity
LLS Laterolog Shallow Resistivity
LN Long Normal (64 inch spacing)
LS Long Spacing Computed Count Rate
LSDT Long Spacing Delta-T
LTT1 Long Spacing Transit Time 1
LTT2 Long Spacing Transit Time 2
LU Long Upper Computed Window Count Rate
MDT Mud Delta-T
MINV Micro Inverse Resistivity
MLL Microlaterolog Resistivity
MNOR Micro Normal Resistivity
MP Manometer Pressure
MRES Mud Resistivity
MSFL Micro-spherically-focused Resistivity
MTT Mud Transit Time
NEUT Neutron
NPHI Thermal Neutron Porosity (original Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
NPHN Measure of NPHIE Minus Sqrt(SIGMA**2+TAU**2)
NPHU Neutron Porosity Uncorrected for Salinity
NPOR Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology
OCD Observed Core Depth
OCFG Off Chart Flag for Tornado Chart Interpretation
P1AZ Pad 1 Azimuth in Horizontal Plane (0 = True North)
PBHC Porosity from Borehole Compensated Sonic
PDL Density Limestone Porosity
PDS Density Sandstone Porosity
PEF Photoelectric Factor
PEPT EPT Porosity
PERM Permeability Computed
PFDC Porosity from the FDC tool
PHIC TDT Count Rate Porosity
PHIE Effective Porosity
PHIT Total Porosity: includes all forms of porosity, including that occupied by bound fluids, and is independent of rock and fluid materials and of environmental effects
PIGE Effective Porosity Less Irreducible Water
PNL Neutron Limestone Porosity
PNS Neutron Sandstone Porosity
POTA Potassium Concentration
PPRE PTS Fluid Pressure
PR Poisson's Ratio
PRES Pressure (Analog)
PRH PTS Fluid Density
PRIM Primary Reflection Coefficient with Transmission Loss
PROX Proximity Resistivity (MPT)
PRT Porosity from RT
PSL Sonic Limestone Porosity
PSS Sonic Sandstone Porosity
PSW Bulk Volume Water (Unflushed Zone)
PTEM PTS Fluid Temperature
PXND Crossplot Porosity for Neutron-Density
PXNS Crossplot Porosity for Neutron-Sonic
PXSD Crossplot Porosity for Sonic-Density
QDBC Deep Induction Borehole Correction Quality
QLS Quality Long Spacing
QSBC SFL Borehole Correction Quality
QUAF Dip Quality Factor
RAD2 Radius 2
RAD3 Radius 3
RAD4 Radius 4
RB Relative Bearing
RCNU Raw Core Number
REFC Reflection Coefficient
REPS Resistivity from The EPT Tool at Standard Temperature
REPT Resistivity from The EPT Tool
RHCH Hydrocarbon Corrected Bulk Density
RHG1 Density of Mineral 1
RHG2 Density of Mineral 2
RHG3 Density of Mineral 3
RHGA Apparent Grain Density
RHGT Grain Density Based on PHIT
RHGX Grain Density from Crossplot Porosity
RHLI Raw High-Resolution Litholog Counts
RHLL Raw High-Resolution Long Lower Counts
RHLS Raw High-Resolution Long Spacing Counts
RHOB Bulk Density
RHOZ Standard Resolution Formation Density
RHS1 Raw High-Resolution Short Spacing 1 Counts
RHS2 Raw High-Resolution Short Spacing 2 Counts
RINC RTG or RIG Reduced Incoherence
RLL Raw LL Count Rate
RLS Raw Long Spacing Count Rate
RLU Raw Long Upper Count Rate
RMFA Apparent Mud Filtrate Resistivity
RSPI Raw Spinner Rotational Velocity
RSS1 Raw Short Spacing Window 1 Count Rate
RSS2 Raw Short Spacing Window 2 Count Rate
RT True Resistivity
RTPH DIT-E True Deep Resistivity
RWA Apparent Formation Water Resistivity
RWEP Resistivity of Water from EPT
RWES Resistivity of Water from the EPT Tool at Standard Temperature
RXO Flushed Zone Resistivity
SA Short Arm Caliper
SALI Salinity
SBDN Bulk Density from Sidewall Core
SBPG Gas Bulk Volume Fraction from Sidewall Core
SBPO Oil Bulk Volume Fraction from Sidewall Core
SBPW Water Bulk Volume Fraction from Sidewall Core
SDLA Slowing Down Length From CNTG AMBE Source
SFL Spherically Focused Log
SFLA SFL Resistivity Averaged over 2.5 Feet
SFLU SFL Resistivity Unaveraged
SFPP Sub-Facies Posterior Probability
SG Gas Saturation
SGDN Grain Density from Sidewall Core
SGR Spectroscopy Gamma Ray
SHR Effective Residual Hydrocarbon Saturation
SHVD Short Spacing Downhole High Voltage CCS
SHY Hydrocarbon Saturation
SIGM_SIG Formation Sigma Uncertainty
SKE Empirical Permeability from Sidewall Core
SN Short Normal Resistivity (16 inch spacing)
SNP Sidewall Neutron Porosity
SP Spontaneous Potential
SPAR SP, Armor Return Compensated
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SPI Secondary Porosity Index
SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity
SPOR Porosity from Sidewall Core
SPPG Gas Saturation from Sidewall Core
SPPW Water Saturation from Sidewall Core
SPRC Probable Production Code from Sidewall Core
SREF Synthetic Seismogram (Convolved Reflection Data)
SS2 Short Spacing Window 2 Count Rate
SSWC Critical Water Saturation from Sidewall Core
STOF Effective Standoff in Limestone
SW Water Saturation
SWB Bound Water Saturation
SWC Saturation of Water Cased Hole
SWE Water Saturation (Effective)
SWT Total Water Saturation
SXO Water Saturation in Flushed Zone
TAU Neutron Decay Time
TEMP Computed Borehole Temperature
TENS Cable Tension
THOR Thorium Concentration
TPHI Thermal Decay Porosity
TPRA Thorium/Potassium Ratio
TT Transit Time for CBL
TT1 Transit Time 1
TT2 Transit Time 2
TT3 Transit Time 3
TT4 Transit Time 4
TTL1 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 1
TTL2 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 2
TTL4 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 4
TTR1 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
TTR2 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
TTR3 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTRP Peak Time, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TTT1 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
TTT2 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
TTT3 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTTP Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TUBEXT Seismic trace extracted along bore path from a seismic volume
TURA Thorium/Uranium Ratio
U Volumetric Photoelectric Factor
UPRA Uranium/Potassium Ratio
URAN Uranium Concentration
VALB Volume Fraction of Albite Relative to Total Volume
VANH Volume of Anhydrite Relative to Total Volume
VBIO Volume of Biotite Relative to Total Volume
VCAR Volume Fraction of Carbonate Relative to Total Volume
VCHL Volume of Chlorite Relative to Total Volume
VCL1 Volume of Clay 1 Relative to Total Volume
VCL2 Volume of Clay 2 Relative To Total Volume
VCLC Volume of Calcite Relative to Total Volume
VCOA Volume of Coal Relative to Total Volume
VDOL Volume of Dolomite Relative to Total Volume
VELC Compressional Velocity
VEVA Volume Fraction of Evaporite Relative to Total Volume
VFEL Volume of Feldspar Relative to Total Volume
VGLA Volume of Glauconite Relative to Total Volume
VGYP Volume of Gypsum Relative to Total Volume
VHAL Volume Of Halite Relative to Total Volume
VIGN Volume of Igneous Rock Relative to Total Volume
VILL Volume of Illite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VISO Volume of Isolated Fluid Relative to Total Volume
VKAO Volume of Kaolinite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VM Matrix Identification M, for M-N Plot
VM1 Volume (Fractional) of Mineral 1
VM2 Volume (Fractional) of Mineral 2
VMAT Volume of Matrix Relative to Total Volume
VMET Volume of Metamorphic Rock Relative to Total Volume
VMON Volume of Montmorillonite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VMUS Volume of Muscovite Relative to Total Volume
VN Matrix Identification N, for M-N Plot
VORT Volume of Orthoclase Relative to Total Volume
VPAR Volume of Parallel Porosity Relative to Total Volume
VPVS Compressional to Shear Velocity Ratio
VPYR Volume of Pyrite Relative to Total Volume
VQUA Volume of Quartz Relative to Total Volume
VSAN Volume of Sandstone Relative to Total Volume
VSH Volume of Shale
VSID Volume of Siderite Relative to Total Volume
VSIL Volume of Silt Relative to Total Volume
VSM1 Volume of Special Mineral 1 Relative to Total Volume
VSM2 Volume of Special Mineral 2 Relative to Total Volume
VSND Volume of Sand Relative to Total Volume
VUGA Volume of Gas in Undisturbed Zone
VUIW Volume of Irreducible Water In Undisturbed Zone
VUOI Volume of Oil in Undisturbed Zone
VUSF Volume of Special Fluid In Undisturbed Zone
VUWA Volume of Water in Undisturbed Zone
VXBW Volume of Bound Water in Flushed Zone
VXGA Volume of Gas in Flushed Zone
VXIW Volume of Irreducible Water In Flushed Zone
VXOI Volume of Oil in Flushed Zone
VXSF Volume of Special Fluid in Flushed Zone
VXWA Volume of Water in Flushed Zone
W1NG Window 1 (.150 - .5 MeV)
W2NG Window 2 (.5 - 1.1 MeV)
W4NG Window 4 (1.6 - 2 MeV)
W5NG Window 5 (2 - 3 MeV)
WAL Dry Weight Percent Of Aluminum
WFE Dry Weight Percent Of Iron
WMG Dry Weight Percent Of Magnesium
WSI Dry Weight Percent Of Silicon
WTI Dry Weight Percent Of Titanium

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