Mnemonics, Software product, IMPACT

DescriptionIntegrated Mechanical Properties Analysis Computation Technique

Related channels
ALPH Alpha (Coefficient in Fracture Pressure Gradient Equation)
AVG_EFF_FAR_PRIN_STRESS Average Effective Far-Field Principal Stress
AVG_EFF_NEAR_PRIN_STRESS Average Effective Near Wellbore Principal Stress
AVG_TOT_FAR_PRIN_STRESS Average Total Far-Field Principal Stress
AVG_TOT_NEAR_PRIN_STRESS Average Total Near Wellbore Principal Stress
AZIM Measured Azimuth
BBSEXP Exponent in the Brown-Bray-Santarelli Model
BBSFAC Gain in the Brown-Bray-Santarelli Model
BITEFF Drillbit Efficiency
BMK Bulk Modulus - K
BMKD Dry Frame/Skeleton Bulk Modulus - Kdry
BMKS Solid Bulk Modulus - Ks
CALI Caliper
CB Bulk Compressibility
CDPP Critical Drawdown Pressure
CGR Gamma Ray Contribution from Thorium and Potassium
CP_CP Confining Pressure vs. Confining Pressure
CRIT_WELL_PRES Critical Well Pressure
CUDC Conductivity of the Undisturbed Zone at Downhole Conditions
CWP Well Pressure initiating a important transition such as from formation stability to instability
CWPG Well Pressure Gradient initiating a important transition such as from formation stability to instability
CXDC Conductivity of the Flushed Zone at Downhole Conditions
DATA Unknown Data Channel
DCAL Differential Caliper
DEVI Hole Deviation
DILATION_ANGLE Angle relating the increase in volumetric strain with stress.
DPHI Density Porosity
DPR Delta Pressure
DT Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time)
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTMUD The computed mud slowness
DTOR Downhole Torque (MWD)
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTST Delta-T Stoneley - Monopole Stoneley
DWOB Downhole Weight on Bit
EFF_MAX_HORI_STRESS Effective Maximum Horizontal Stress
EFF_MIN_HORI_STRESS Effective Minimum Horizontal Stress
EFF_VERT_STRESS Effective Vertical Stress
EXSP Minimum Far-Field Effective Horizontal Stress
EYSP Maximum Far-Field Effective Horizontal Stress
EZSP Far-Field Effective Vertical Stress
FAIL_MODE Failure Mode
FANG Angle relating the increase in shear strength with compressive strength.
FCEXPN Failure Criteria Exponent
FCGAIN Failure Criteria Gain
FCOFST Failure Criteria Offset
FFLAG Float Flag
FLAT Tooth flat
FLUHSE Fluid Hydraulic Support Efficiency
FORS Formation strength correction for bit wear
GR Gamma Ray
HYD_DIFFUSIVITY Hydraulic Diffusivity
ILD Induction Deep Resistivity
ILM Induction Medium Resistivity
INDVAR Independent Variable
ISHE Initial Shear Strength
KINT Intrinsic Permeability
LLD Laterolog Deep Resistivity
LLS Laterolog Shallow Resistivity
MD Measured Depth
MOBILITY Fluid Mobility in the Formation
MSFL Micro-spherically-focused Resistivity
MUDHSE Mud Hydraulic Support Efficiency
NBPERF Number of Perforations
NPHI Thermal Neutron Porosity (original Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
PEAK_STRN_CP Peak Strength vs. Confining Pressure
PEF Photoelectric Factor
PHI Porosity
PHIE Effective Porosity
PHIT Total Porosity: includes all forms of porosity, including that occupied by bound fluids, and is independent of rock and fluid materials and of environmental effects
POTA Potassium Concentration
PPGI Pore Pressure Gradient
PPRS Pore Pressure
PR Poisson's Ratio
QFIT Quality-of-fit To Envelope
RATIO_HORI_STRESS Ratio Maximum to Minimum Horizontal Stress
RATIO_HORI_VERT_STRESS Ratio Minimum Horizontal to Vertical Stress
RES_STRN_CP Residual Strength vs. Confining Pressure
RHOB Bulk Density
RHOG Apparent Clean Grain Density
ROP Rate of Penetration
RSXZ Ratio of Sigma X to Sigma Z
RSYX Ratio of Sigma Y to Sigma X
RT True Resistivity
RXO Flushed Zone Resistivity
SFLU SFL Resistivity Unaveraged
SGR Spectroscopy Gamma Ray
SMG Shear Modulus
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SQRD Dimensionless ROP
STAS Stoneley Added Slowness
SW Water Saturation
SXO Water Saturation in Flushed Zone
TD Dimensionless torque
THOR Thorium Concentration
TIME_TO_FAILURE Time to Failure, as for Pore Pressure Estimation
TOT_MAX_HORI_STRESS Total Maximum Horizontal Stress
TOT_MIN_HORI_STRESS Total Minimum Horizontal Stress
TOT_VERT_STRESS Total Vertical Stress
TPRA Thorium/Potassium Ratio
TSTR Tensile Strength
TXSP Total Minimum Horizontal Stress - Sigma X
TYSP Total Maximum Horizontal Stress - Sigma Y
TZSP Total Vertical Stress - Sigma Z
U Volumetric Photoelectric Factor
UCS Uniaxial Compressive Strength
URAN Uranium Concentration
VALB Volume Fraction of Albite Relative to Total Volume
VANH Volume of Anhydrite Relative to Total Volume
VBIO Volume of Biotite Relative to Total Volume
VCAR Volume Fraction of Carbonate Relative to Total Volume
VCHL Volume of Chlorite Relative to Total Volume
VCL Volume of Clay Type Material Relative to Total Volume
VCL1 Volume of Clay 1 Relative to Total Volume
VCL2 Volume of Clay 2 Relative To Total Volume
VCLA Volume Fraction of Clay Relative to Total Volume
VCLC Volume of Calcite Relative to Total Volume
VCOA Volume of Coal Relative to Total Volume
VDEP Vertical Seismic Profile Depth
VDOL Volume of Dolomite Relative to Total Volume
VEVA Volume Fraction of Evaporite Relative to Total Volume
VFEL Volume of Feldspar Relative to Total Volume
VGLA Volume of Glauconite Relative to Total Volume
VGYP Volume of Gypsum Relative to Total Volume
VHAL Volume Of Halite Relative to Total Volume
VIGN Volume of Igneous Rock Relative to Total Volume
VILL Volume of Illite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VISO Volume of Isolated Fluid Relative to Total Volume
VKAO Volume of Kaolinite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VMET Volume of Metamorphic Rock Relative to Total Volume
VMON Volume of Montmorillonite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VMUS Volume of Muscovite Relative to Total Volume
VNCM Volume defined by 1 minus Effective Porosity minus Volume of Wet Clay
VORT Volume of Orthoclase Relative to Total Volume
VPAR Volume of Parallel Porosity Relative to Total Volume
VPYR Volume of Pyrite Relative to Total Volume
VQUA Volume of Quartz Relative to Total Volume
VSAN Volume of Sandstone Relative to Total Volume
VSH Volume of Shale
VSHA Volume of Shale Apparent
VSID Volume of Siderite Relative to Total Volume
VSIL Volume of Silt Relative to Total Volume
VSM1 Volume of Special Mineral 1 Relative to Total Volume
VSM2 Volume of Special Mineral 2 Relative to Total Volume
VUGA Volume of Gas in Undisturbed Zone
VUIW Volume of Irreducible Water In Undisturbed Zone
VUOI Volume of Oil in Undisturbed Zone
VUSF Volume of Special Fluid In Undisturbed Zone
VUWA Volume of Water in Undisturbed Zone
VXBW Volume of Bound Water in Flushed Zone
VXGA Volume of Gas in Flushed Zone
VXIW Volume of Irreducible Water In Flushed Zone
VXOI Volume of Oil in Flushed Zone
VXSF Volume of Special Fluid in Flushed Zone
VXWA Volume of Water in Flushed Zone
WEIGHT_CP Weights vs. Confining Pressure
WMUD Density (Weight) of Mud
YME Young's Modulus (E)
YME_CP Young's Modulus vs. Confining Pressure

Related parameters
ACDSPN Acoustic Dispersion
ALPI Alpha Boost Factor
AZIM Well Section Azimuth
BFLAG Boolean True False Flag
BITACT Drillbit Action Parameter
BITANG Drillbit Tooth Angle
BITCOF Drillbit Coefficient of Friction
BMK_ALBI Bulk Modulus response parameter for Albite
BMK_ANHY Bulk Modulus response parameter for Anhydrite
BMK_BIOT Bulk Modulus response parameter for Biotite
BMK_CALC Bulk Modulus response parameter for Calcite
BMK_CARB Bulk Modulus response parameter for Carbonate
BMK_CHLO Bulk Modulus response parameter for Chlorite
BMK_CLA1 Bulk Modulus response parameter for Clay 1
BMK_CLA2 Bulk Modulus response parameter for Clay 2
BMK_CLAY Bulk Modulus of Clay
BMK_COAL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Coal
BMK_DOLO Bulk Modulus response parameter for Dolomite
BMK_EVAP Bulk Modulus response parameter for Evaporate
BMK_FELD Bulk Modulus response parameter for Feldspar
BMK_GLAU Bulk Modulus response parameter for Glauconite
BMK_GYPS Bulk Modulus response parameter for Gypsum
BMK_HALI Bulk Modulus response parameter for Halite
BMK_IGNE Bulk Modulus response parameter for Igneous
BMK_ILLI Bulk Modulus response parameter for Illite
BMK_ISOL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Isolated
BMK_KAOL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Kaolinite
BMK_META Bulk Modulus response parameter for Metamorphic
BMK_MONT Bulk Modulus response parameter for Montmorillonite
BMK_MUSC Bulk Modulus response parameter for Muscovite
BMK_ORTH Bulk Modulus response parameter for Orthoclase
BMK_PARA Bulk Modulus response parameter for Parallel
BMK_PYRI Bulk Modulus response parameter for Pyrite
BMK_QUAR Bulk Modulus response parameter for Quartz
BMK_SAND Bulk Modulus response parameter for Sand
BMK_SHAL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Shale
BMK_SIDE Bulk Modulus response parameter for Siderite
BMK_SILT Bulk Modulus response parameter for Silt
BMK_SMI1 Bulk Modulus response parameter for Special Mineral 1
BMK_SMI2 Bulk Modulus response parameter for Special Mineral 2
BMK_UGAS Bulk Modulus response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Gas
BMK_UIWA Bulk Modulus response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Irreducible Water
BMK_UOIL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Oil
BMK_USFL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Special Fluid
BMK_UWAT Bulk Modulus response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Water
BMK_XBWA Bulk Modulus response parameter for Flushed Zone Bound Water
BMK_XGAS Bulk Modulus response parameter for Flushed Zone Gas
BMK_XIWA Bulk Modulus response parameter for Flushed Zone Irreducible Water
BMK_XOIL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Flushed Zone Oil
BMK_XSFL Bulk Modulus response parameter for Flushed Zone Special Fluid
BMK_XWAT Bulk Modulus response parameter for Flushed Zone Water
BMKF Fluid Bulk Modulus - Kf
BS Bit Size
BVIRR Bulk Volume of Irreducible Water
CFST Central Frequency of the Stoneley Wave
CLAINPT Clay Input Switch
COEF Coefficients for Regression
CSIF Critical Stress Intensity Factor
DATA Unidentified Channel Name
DILATION_ANGLE Angle relating the increase in volumetric strain with stress.
DT Delta-T (Interval Transit Time)
DT_ALBI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Albite
DT_ANHY Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Anhydrite
DT_BIOT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Biotite
DT_CALC Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Calcite
DT_CARB Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Carbonate
DT_CHLO Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Chlorite
DT_CLA1 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Clay 1
DT_CLA2 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Clay 2
DT_CLAY Dt Compressional of Clay
DT_COAL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Coal
DT_DOLO Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Dolomite
DT_EVAP Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Evaporate
DT_FELD Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Feldspar
DT_GLAU Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Glauconite
DT_GYPS Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Gypsum
DT_HALI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Halite
DT_IGNE Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Igneous
DT_ILLI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Illite
DT_ISOL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Isolated
DT_KAOL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Kaolinite
DT_META Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Metamorphic
DT_MONT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Montmorillonite
DT_MUSC Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Muscovite
DT_ORTH Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Orthoclase
DT_PARA Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Parallel
DT_PYRI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Pyrite
DT_QUAR Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Quartz
DT_SAND Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Sand
DT_SHAL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Shale
DT_SIDE Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Siderite
DT_SILT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Silt
DT_SMI1 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Special Mineral 1
DT_SMI2 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Special Mineral 2
DT_UGAS Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Gas
DT_UIWA Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Irreducible Water
DT_UOIL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Oil
DT_USFL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Special Fluid
DT_UWAT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Water
DT_XBWA Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Bound Water
DT_XGAS Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Gas
DT_XIWA Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Irreducible Water
DT_XOIL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Oil
DT_XSFL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Special Fluid
DT_XWAT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Water
DTMUD Delta-T for Mud
DTSM_ALBI Delta T Shear of Albite
DTSM_ANHY Delta T Shear of Anhydrite
DTSM_BIOT Delta T Shear of Biotite
DTSM_CALC Delta T Shear of Calcite
DTSM_CARB Delta T Shear of Carbonate
DTSM_CHLO Delta T Shear of Chlorite
DTSM_CLA1 Delta T Shear of Clay 1
DTSM_CLA2 Delta T Shear of Clay 2
DTSM_CLAY Delta T Shear of Clay
DTSM_COAL Delta T Shear of Coal
DTSM_DOLO Delta T Shear of Dolomite
DTSM_EVAP Delta T Shear of Evaporite
DTSM_FELD Delta T Shear of Felspar
DTSM_GLAU Delta T Shear of Glauconite
DTSM_GYPS Delta T Shear of Gypsum
DTSM_HALI Delta T Shear of Halite
DTSM_IGNE Delta T Shear of Igneous Rock
DTSM_ILLI Delta T Shear of Illite
DTSM_ISOL Delta T Shear of Isolated Porosity
DTSM_KAOL Delta T Shear of Kaolinite
DTSM_META Delta T Shear of Metamorphic Rock
DTSM_MONT Delta T Shear of Montmorillonite
DTSM_MUSC Dt Shear of Muscovite
DTSM_ORTH Delta T Shear of Orthoclase
DTSM_PYRI Delta T Shear of Pyrite
DTSM_QUAR Delta T Shear of Quartz
DTSM_SAND Delta T Shear of Sand
DTSM_SHAL Delta T Shear of Shale
DTSM_SIDE Delta T Shear of Siderite
DTSM_SILT Delta T Shear of Silt
DTSM_SMI1 Delta T Shear of Special Mineral 1
DTSM_SMI2 Delta T Shear of Special Mineral 2
DWOB Downhole Weight on Bit
EXPN Exponent
FVIS Fluid Viscosity Downhole
HYD_DIFFUSIVITY Hydraulic Diffusivity
IFLAG Integer Flag
INVFAC Invasion Factor
MANZON Manual Zonation Model
METHOD Method Name
NMAX Max Number of Iterations
PDDP Producing Downhole Pressure
RHOB_ALBI Bulk Density response parameter for Albite
RHOB_ANHY Bulk Density response parameter for Anhydrite
RHOB_BIOT Bulk Density response parameter for Biotite
RHOB_CALC Bulk Density response parameter for Calcite
RHOB_CARB Bulk Density response parameter for Carbonate
RHOB_CHLO Bulk Density response parameter for Chlorite
RHOB_CLA1 Bulk Density response parameter for Clay 1
RHOB_CLA2 Bulk Density response parameter for Clay 2
RHOB_CLAY Bulk Density of Clay
RHOB_COAL Bulk Density response parameter for Coal
RHOB_DOLO Bulk Density response parameter for Dolomite
RHOB_EVAP Bulk Density response parameter for Evaporate
RHOB_FELD Bulk Density response parameter for Feldspar
RHOB_GLAU Bulk Density response parameter for Glauconite
RHOB_GYPS Bulk Density response parameter for Gypsum
RHOB_HALI Bulk Density response parameter for Halite
RHOB_IGNE Bulk Density response parameter for Igneous
RHOB_ILLI Bulk Density response parameter for Illite
RHOB_ISOL Bulk Density response parameter for Isolated
RHOB_KAOL Bulk Density response parameter for Kaolinite
RHOB_META Bulk Density response parameter for Metamorphic
RHOB_MONT Bulk Density response parameter for Montmorillonite
RHOB_MUSC Bulk Density response parameter for Muscovite
RHOB_ORTH Bulk Density response parameter for Orthoclase
RHOB_PARA Bulk Density response parameter for Parallel
RHOB_PYRI Bulk Density response parameter for Pyrite
RHOB_QUAR Bulk Density response parameter for Quartz
RHOB_SAND Bulk Density response parameter for Sand
RHOB_SHAL Bulk Density response parameter for Shale
RHOB_SIDE Bulk Density response parameter for Siderite
RHOB_SILT Bulk Density response parameter for Silt
RHOB_SMI1 Bulk Density response parameter for Special Mineral 1
RHOB_SMI2 Bulk Density response parameter for Special Mineral 2
RHOB_UGAS Bulk Density response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Gas
RHOB_UIWA Bulk Density response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Irreducible Water
RHOB_UOIL Bulk Density response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Oil
RHOB_USFL Bulk Density response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Special Fluid
RHOB_UWAT Bulk Density response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Water
RHOB_XBWA Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Bound Water
RHOB_XGAS Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Gas
RHOB_XIWA Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Irreducible Water
RHOB_XOIL Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Oil
RHOB_XSFL Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Special Fluid
RHOB_XWAT Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Water
RMD Reference measured depth
RSMSM_ALBI Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Albite
RSMSM_ANHY Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Anhydrite
RSMSM_BIOT Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Biotite
RSMSM_CALC Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Calcite
RSMSM_CARB Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Carbonate
RSMSM_CHLO Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Chlorite
RSMSM_CLA1 Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Clay 1
RSMSM_CLA2 Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Clay 2
RSMSM_CLAY Ratio Skeleton Modulus to Shear Modulus for Clay
RSMSM_COAL Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Coal
RSMSM_DOLO Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Dolomite
RSMSM_EVAP Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Evaporate
RSMSM_FELD Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Feldspar
RSMSM_GLAU Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Glauconite
RSMSM_GYPS Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Gypsum
RSMSM_HALI Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Halite
RSMSM_IGNE Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Igneous
RSMSM_ILLI Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Illite
RSMSM_KAOL Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Kaolinite
RSMSM_META Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Metamorphic
RSMSM_MONT Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Montmorillonite
RSMSM_MUSC Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Muscovite
RSMSM_ORTH Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Orthoclase
RSMSM_PYRI Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Pyrite
RSMSM_QUAR Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Quartz
RSMSM_SAND Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Sand
RSMSM_SHAL Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Shale
RSMSM_SIDE Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Siderite
RSMSM_SILT Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Silt
RSMSM_SMI1 Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Special Mineral 1
RSMSM_SMI2 Ratio Skeleton to Shear Modulus for Special Mineral 2
TIME_TO_FAILURE Time to Failure, as for Pore Pressure Estimation
TZSG Total Vertical Stress Gradient
WCLP_CHLO Wet Clay Porosity for Chlorite
WCLP_CLA1 Wet Clay Porosity for Clay 1
WCLP_CLA2 Wet Clay Porosity for Clay 2
WCLP_CLAY Wet Clay Porosity for Clay
WCLP_GLAU Wet Clay Porosity for Glauconite
WCLP_ILLI Wet Clay Porosity for Illite
WCLP_KAOL Wet Clay Porosity for Kaolinite
WCLP_MONT Wet Clay Porosity for Montmorillonite
WFF Weight of Fracturing Fluid
WMUD Weight of Mud

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