Mnemonics, Software product, LDTQ

DescriptionLitho Density Quicklook

Related channels
CNPH Corrected Neutron Porosity
DPL Density Porosity Limestone
IN3M Inconsistency of the 3 Mineral Model
MDM2 Matrix Density in 2 Mineral Model
NPL Neutron Porosity Limestone
PHIA Apparent Total Porosity
RHGA Apparent Grain Density
UMA Apparent Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Matrix
V1M3 Volume of Mineral 1 in 3 Mineral Model
V2M3 Volume of Mineral 2 in 3 Mineral Model
V3M3 Volume of Mineral 3 in 3 Mineral Model

Related parameters
DMRT Depth of Maximum Recorded Temperature
LDQL Computation Flag
POUT Output Porosity
RHM1 Density of Mineral 1
RHM2 Density of Mineral 2
RHM3 Density of Mineral 3
TMMF 2 Mineral Model Flag
UF Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Fluid
UM1 Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Mineral 1
UM2 Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Mineral 2
UM3 Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Mineral 3
WMUD Weight of Mud

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