Mnemonics, Software product, PETROSONIC

DescriptionGeological and Petrophysical Properties from Sonic Slowness

Related channels
BMK Bulk Modulus - K
BMK_WT Wet Frame/Skeleton Bulk Modulus - Kwet
BMKD Dry Frame/Skeleton Bulk Modulus - Kdry
DT_CM Slowness of Clay Mineral
DT_DR Slowness of Dry Rock
DT_HCS Comresssional (P) Slowness in Hydrocarbon-saturated Formation
DT_MATR Slowness of Matrix
DT_WT Slowness of Wet Rock
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTSM_CM Shear Slowness of Clay Mineral
DTSM_DR Shear Slowness of Dry Rock
DTSM_HCS Shear (S) Slowness in Hydrocarbon-saturated Formation
DTSM_MATR Shear Slowness of Matrix
DTSM_WT Shear Slowness of Wet Rock
GR Gamma Ray
NSMG_MATR Normalized Shear Modulus of Matrix
PHIE Effective Porosity
PHIT Total Porosity: includes all forms of porosity, including that occupied by bound fluids, and is independent of rock and fluid materials and of environmental effects
PHITCL Total Clay Porosity
PR Poisson's Ratio
PR_DR Poisson Ratio of Dry Rock
PR_WT Poisson Ratio of Wet Rock
RHOB Bulk Density
RHOB_CM Density of Clay Mineral
RHOB_DR Density of Dry Rock
RHOB_HCS Bulk Density in Hydrocarbon-saturated Formation
RHOB_MATR Density of Matrix
RHOB_WT Density of Wet Rock
RHOF Density of the Formation Fluid
SMG Shear Modulus
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SWI Irreducible Water Saturation
SXGAS Effective Saturation of Gas (flushed zone)
SXO Water Saturation in Flushed Zone
SXOIL Effective Saturation of Oil (flushed zone)
VALB Volume Fraction of Albite Relative to Total Volume
VANH Volume of Anhydrite Relative to Total Volume
VBIO Volume of Biotite Relative to Total Volume
VBW Volume of Bound Water
VCAR Volume Fraction of Carbonate Relative to Total Volume
VCHL Volume of Chlorite Relative to Total Volume
VCL Volume of Clay Type Material Relative to Total Volume
VCL1 Volume of Clay 1 Relative to Total Volume
VCL2 Volume of Clay 2 Relative To Total Volume
VCM Clay Mineral Volume
VCOA Volume of Coal Relative to Total Volume
VDOL Volume of Dolomite Relative to Total Volume
VELC Compressional Velocity
VELS Shear Velocity
VEVA Volume Fraction of Evaporite Relative to Total Volume
VFEL Volume of Feldspar Relative to Total Volume
VGLA Volume of Glauconite Relative to Total Volume
VGYP Volume of Gypsum Relative to Total Volume
VHAL Volume Of Halite Relative to Total Volume
VIGN Volume of Igneous Rock Relative to Total Volume
VILL Volume of Illite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VKAO Volume of Kaolinite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VMAT Volume of Matrix Relative to Total Volume
VMET Volume of Metamorphic Rock Relative to Total Volume
VMON Volume of Montmorillonite (dry) Relative to Total Volume
VMUS Volume of Muscovite Relative to Total Volume
VORT Volume of Orthoclase Relative to Total Volume
VPVS Compressional to Shear Velocity Ratio
VPVS_CM Vp/Vs Ratio of Clay Mineral
VPVS_DR Vp/Vs Ratio of Dry Rock
VPVS_HCS Vp/Vs Ratio in Hydrocarbon-saturated Formation
VPVS_MATR Vp/Vs Ratio of Matrix
VPVS_WT Vp/Vs Ratio of Wet Rock
VPYR Volume of Pyrite Relative to Total Volume
VQUA Volume of Quartz Relative to Total Volume
VSAN Volume of Sandstone Relative to Total Volume
VSHA Volume of Shale Apparent
VSID Volume of Siderite Relative to Total Volume
VSIL Volume of Silt Relative to Total Volume
VSM1 Volume of Special Mineral 1 Relative to Total Volume
VSM2 Volume of Special Mineral 2 Relative to Total Volume
VUGA Volume of Gas in Undisturbed Zone
VUOI Volume of Oil in Undisturbed Zone
VUWA Volume of Water in Undisturbed Zone
VW Volume of Water (Bulk)
VXBW Volume of Bound Water in Flushed Zone
VXGA Volume of Gas in Flushed Zone
VXOI Volume of Oil in Flushed Zone
VXWA Volume of Water in Flushed Zone
YME Young's Modulus (E)
YME_DR Young Modulus of Dry Rock
YME_WT Young Modulus of Wet Rock

Related parameters
CFXO Water Based Mud Coefficient, used to estimate Water Based Mud invasion when no Rxo.
COVEL Coefficient for Velocity Equation
CP Compaction Correction Factor
DT_ALBI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Albite
DT_ANHY Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Anhydrite
DT_BIOT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Biotite
DT_CALC Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Calcite
DT_CARB Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Carbonate
DT_CHLO Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Chlorite
DT_CLA1 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Clay 1
DT_CLA2 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Clay 2
DT_CLAY Dt Compressional of Clay
DT_CM Slowness of Clay Mineral
DT_COAL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Coal
DT_DOLO Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Dolomite
DT_EVAP Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Evaporate
DT_FELD Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Feldspar
DT_GLAU Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Glauconite
DT_GYPS Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Gypsum
DT_HALI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Halite
DT_IGNE Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Igneous
DT_ILLI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Illite
DT_KAOL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Kaolinite
DT_MATR Slowness of Matrix
DT_META Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Metamorphic
DT_MONT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Montmorillonite
DT_MUSC Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Muscovite
DT_ORTH Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Orthoclase
DT_PYRI Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Pyrite
DT_QUAR Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Quartz
DT_SAND Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Sand
DT_SHAL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Shale
DT_SIDE Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Siderite
DT_SILT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Silt
DT_SMI1 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Special Mineral 1
DT_SMI2 Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Special Mineral 2
DT_UBWA Slowness of Bound Water in Undisturbed zone
DT_UGAS Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Gas
DT_UOIL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Oil
DT_UWAT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Undisturbed Zone Water
DT_XBWA Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Bound Water
DT_XGAS Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Gas
DT_XOIL Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Oil
DT_XWAT Sonic Transit Time response parameter for Flushed Zone Water
DTF Delta-T Fluid
DTSM_ALBI Delta T Shear of Albite
DTSM_ANHY Delta T Shear of Anhydrite
DTSM_BIOT Delta T Shear of Biotite
DTSM_CALC Delta T Shear of Calcite
DTSM_CARB Delta T Shear of Carbonate
DTSM_CHLO Delta T Shear of Chlorite
DTSM_CLA1 Delta T Shear of Clay 1
DTSM_CLA2 Delta T Shear of Clay 2
DTSM_CLAY Delta T Shear of Clay
DTSM_CM Shear Slowness of Clay Mineral
DTSM_COAL Delta T Shear of Coal
DTSM_DOLO Delta T Shear of Dolomite
DTSM_EVAP Delta T Shear of Evaporite
DTSM_FELD Delta T Shear of Felspar
DTSM_GLAU Delta T Shear of Glauconite
DTSM_GYPS Delta T Shear of Gypsum
DTSM_HALI Delta T Shear of Halite
DTSM_IGNE Delta T Shear of Igneous Rock
DTSM_ILLI Delta T Shear of Illite
DTSM_KAOL Delta T Shear of Kaolinite
DTSM_MATR Shear Slowness of Matrix
DTSM_META Delta T Shear of Metamorphic Rock
DTSM_MONT Delta T Shear of Montmorillonite
DTSM_MUSC Dt Shear of Muscovite
DTSM_ORTH Delta T Shear of Orthoclase
DTSM_PYRI Delta T Shear of Pyrite
DTSM_QUAR Delta T Shear of Quartz
DTSM_SAND Delta T Shear of Sand
DTSM_SHAL Delta T Shear of Shale
DTSM_SIDE Delta T Shear of Siderite
DTSM_SILT Delta T Shear of Silt
DTSM_SMI1 Delta T Shear of Special Mineral 1
DTSM_SMI2 Delta T Shear of Special Mineral 2
EXP_DCMP Exponent to calculate Dry Clay Mineral Property
EXP_SPL Exponent of Shear Power Law
FGO Flag indicating whether Oil Saturation or Gas Saturation is computed
GAS_SATURATION The extent to which the pore space in a formation contains gas.
GRAR Grain Aspect Ratio: ratio of long axis of grain to short axis.
GRMAX Maximum Gamma Ray Value (normally corresponds to Shale)
GRMIN Minimum Gamma Ray Value (normally corresponds to Clean Formation)
MLO_IN Mixing Law Option for Input
MLO_OUT Mixing Law Option for Output
MSE_IN Modulus Saturation Exponent for Input
MSE_OUT Modulus Saturation Exponent for Output
OBM Oil Based Mud Flag
OIL_SATURATION The extent to which the pore space in a formation contains oil.
POAR Pore Aspect Ratio: ratio of long axis of pore to short axis.
RHOB_ALBI Bulk Density response parameter for Albite
RHOB_ANHY Bulk Density response parameter for Anhydrite
RHOB_BIOT Bulk Density response parameter for Biotite
RHOB_CALC Bulk Density response parameter for Calcite
RHOB_CARB Bulk Density response parameter for Carbonate
RHOB_CHLO Bulk Density response parameter for Chlorite
RHOB_CLA1 Bulk Density response parameter for Clay 1
RHOB_CLA2 Bulk Density response parameter for Clay 2
RHOB_CLAY Bulk Density of Clay
RHOB_CM Bulk Density of Clay Mineral
RHOB_COAL Bulk Density response parameter for Coal
RHOB_DOLO Bulk Density response parameter for Dolomite
RHOB_EVAP Bulk Density response parameter for Evaporate
RHOB_FELD Bulk Density response parameter for Feldspar
RHOB_GLAU Bulk Density response parameter for Glauconite
RHOB_GYPS Bulk Density response parameter for Gypsum
RHOB_HALI Bulk Density response parameter for Halite
RHOB_IGNE Bulk Density response parameter for Igneous
RHOB_ILLI Bulk Density response parameter for Illite
RHOB_KAOL Bulk Density response parameter for Kaolinite
RHOB_MATR Bulk Density response parameter for Matrix
RHOB_META Bulk Density response parameter for Metamorphic
RHOB_MONT Bulk Density response parameter for Montmorillonite
RHOB_MUSC Bulk Density response parameter for Muscovite
RHOB_ORTH Bulk Density response parameter for Orthoclase
RHOB_PYRI Bulk Density response parameter for Pyrite
RHOB_QUAR Bulk Density response parameter for Quartz
RHOB_SAND Bulk Density response parameter for Sand
RHOB_SHAL Bulk Density response parameter for Shale
RHOB_SIDE Bulk Density response parameter for Siderite
RHOB_SILT Bulk Density response parameter for Silt
RHOB_SMI1 Bulk Density response parameter for Special Mineral 1
RHOB_SMI2 Bulk Density response parameter for Special Mineral 2
RHOB_UBWA Density of Bound Water in Undisturbed zone
RHOB_XBWA Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Bound Water
RHOB_XGAS Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Gas
RHOB_XOIL Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Oil
RHOB_XWAT Bulk Density response parameter for Flushed Zone Water
RHOF Density of the Formation Fluid
RXOF Rxo Presence Flag
SEXP Saturation Exponent
SOBMMIN Minimum OBM Saturation, used to estimate Oil Based Mud invasion
SWI Irreducible Water Saturation
VCM_DIS Dispersed Clay Mineral Volume
VCM_STR Structural Clay Mineral Volume
VPVS_MATR Vp/Vs Ratio of Matrix
WCLP_CHLO Wet Clay Porosity for Chlorite
WCLP_CLA1 Wet Clay Porosity for Clay 1
WCLP_CLA2 Wet Clay Porosity for Clay 2
WCLP_GLAU Wet Clay Porosity for Glauconite
WCLP_ILLI Wet Clay Porosity for Illite
WCLP_KAOL Wet Clay Porosity for Kaolinite
WCLP_MONT Wet Clay Porosity for Montmorillonite
WCLP_SHAL Wet Clay Porosity for Shale

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