Mnemonics, Software product, PLQL

DescriptionProduction Logging Quicklook

Related channels
ACCL Averaged Casing Collar Locator
DQGA Differential Flow Rate Gas Phase
DQGD Differential Flow Gas Downhole
DQOD Differential Flow Oil Downhole
DQOI Differential Flow Rate Oil Phase
DQTD Differential Downhole Total Flow
DQWA Differential Flow Rate Water Phase
GASQ Gas Phase Surface Flowrate
OILQ Oil Phase Surface Flowrate
P01CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [01]
P01CVL Cable Velocity [01]
P01DEV Hole Deviation [01]
P01DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [01] from DEFT
P01DIA Hole Diameter [01]
P01FDS Fluid Density [01]
P01LGR Gamma Ray [01]
P01LPR Well Pressure [01]
P01SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [01]
P01TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [01]
P01TMP Fluid Temperature [01]
P02CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [02]
P02CVL Cable Velocity [02]
P02DEV Hole Deviation [02]
P02DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [02] from DEFT
P02DIA Hole Diameter [02]
P02FDS Fluid Density [02]
P02LGR Gamma Ray [02]
P02LPR Well Pressure [02]
P02SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [02]
P02TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [02]
P02TMP Fluid Temperature [02]
P03CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [03]
P03CVL Cable Velocity [03]
P03DEV Hole Deviation [03]
P03DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [03] from DEFT
P03DIA Hole Diameter [03]
P03FDS Fluid Density [03]
P03LGR Gamma Ray [03]
P03LPR Well Pressure [03]
P03SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [03]
P03TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [03]
P03TMP Fluid Temperature [03]
P04CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [04]
P04CVL Cable Velocity [04]
P04DEV Hole Deviation [04]
P04DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [04] from DEFT
P04DIA Hole Diameter [04]
P04FDS Fluid Density [04]
P04LGR Gamma Ray [04]
P04LPR Well Pressure [04]
P04SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [04]
P04TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [04]
P04TMP Fluid Temperature [04]
P05CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [05]
P05CVL Cable Velocity [05]
P05DEV Hole Deviation [05]
P05DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [05] from DEFT
P05DIA Hole Diameter [05]
P05FDS Fluid Density [05]
P05LGR Gamma Ray [05]
P05LPR Well Pressure [05]
P05SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [05]
P05TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [05]
P05TMP Fluid Temperature [05]
P06CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [06]
P06CVL Cable Velocity [06]
P06DEV Hole Deviation [06]
P06DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [06] from DEFT
P06DIA Hole Diameter [06]
P06FDS Fluid Density [06]
P06LGR Gamma Ray [06]
P06LPR Well Pressure [06]
P06SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [06]
P06TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [06]
P06TMP Fluid Temperature [06]
P07CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [07]
P07CVL Cable Velocity [07]
P07DEV Hole Deviation [07]
P07DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [07] from DEFT
P07DIA Hole Diameter [07]
P07FDS Fluid Density [07]
P07LGR Gamma Ray [07]
P07LPR Well Pressure [07]
P07SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [07]
P07TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [07]
P07TMP Fluid Temperature [07]
P08CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [08]
P08CVL Cable Velocity [08]
P08DEV Hole Deviation [08]
P08DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [08] from DEFT
P08DIA Hole Diameter [08]
P08FDS Fluid Density [08]
P08LGR Gamma Ray [08]
P08LPR Well Pressure [08]
P08SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [08]
P08TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [08]
P08TMP Fluid Temperature [08]
P09CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [09]
P09CVL Cable Velocity [09]
P09DEV Hole Deviation [09]
P09DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [09] from DEFT
P09DIA Hole Diameter [09]
P09FDS Fluid Density [09]
P09LGR Gamma Ray [09]
P09LPR Well Pressure [09]
P09SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [09]
P09TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [09]
P09TMP Fluid Temperature [09]
P10CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [10]
P10CVL Cable Velocity [10]
P10DEV Hole Deviation [10]
P10DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [10] from DEFT
P10DIA Hole Diameter [10]
P10FDS Fluid Density [10]
P10LGR Gamma Ray [10]
P10LPR Well Pressure [10]
P10SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [10]
P10TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [10]
P10TMP Fluid Temperature [10]
P11CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [11]
P11CVL Cable Velocity [11]
P11DEV Hole Deviation [11]
P11DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [11] from DEFT
P11DIA Hole Diameter [11]
P11FDS Fluid Density [11]
P11LGR Gamma Ray [11]
P11LPR Well Pressure [11]
P11SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [11]
P11TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [11]
P11TMP Fluid Temperature [11]
P12CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [12]
P12CVL Cable Velocity [12]
P12DEV Hole Deviation [12]
P12DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [12] from DEFT
P12DIA Hole Diameter [12]
P12FDS Fluid Density [12]
P12LGR Gamma Ray [12]
P12LPR Well Pressure [12]
P12SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [12]
P12TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [12]
P12TMP Fluid Temperature [12]
P13CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [13]
P13CVL Cable Velocity [13]
P13DEV Hole Deviation [13]
P13DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [13] from DEFT
P13DIA Hole Diameter [13]
P13FDS Fluid Density [13]
P13LGR Gamma Ray [13]
P13LPR Well Pressure [13]
P13SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [13]
P13TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [13]
P13TMP Fluid Temperature [13]
P14CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [14]
P14CVL Cable Velocity [14]
P14DEV Hole Deviation [14]
P14DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [14] from DEFT
P14DIA Hole Diameter [14]
P14FDS Fluid Density [14]
P14LGR Gamma Ray [14]
P14LPR Well Pressure [14]
P14SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [14]
P14TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [14]
P14TMP Fluid Temperature [14]
P15CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [15]
P15CVL Cable Velocity [15]
P15DEV Hole Deviation [15]
P15DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [15] from DEFT
P15DIA Hole Diameter [15]
P15FDS Fluid Density [15]
P15LGR Gamma Ray [15]
P15LPR Well Pressure [15]
P15SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [15]
P15TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [15]
P15TMP Fluid Temperature [15]
P16CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude [16]
P16CVL Cable Velocity [16]
P16DEV Hole Deviation [16]
P16DFHM PLQL Water Holdup [16] from DEFT
P16DIA Hole Diameter [16]
P16FDS Fluid Density [16]
P16LGR Gamma Ray [16]
P16LPR Well Pressure [16]
P16SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity [16]
P16TGR PLQL Temperature Gradient [16]
P16TMP Fluid Temperature [16]
PCCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude
PCVL Cable Velocity
PDEV Hole Deviation
PDIA Hole Diameter
PFDS Fluid Density
PIFL Perforation Interval Flag
PIFL_DM Perforation Interval Flag [PL playback]
PLGR Gamma Ray
PLPR Well Pressure
PSPI Spinner Rotational Velocity
PTGR PLQL Temperature Gradient
PTMP Fluid Temperature
PYW PLQL Water Holdup
PZFL Interpretation Zone
QGD Downhole Gas Flowrate
QOD Downhole Oil Flowrate
QTDH Total Flowrate Downhole
RSP1 Raw Spinner Rotational Velocity
RSP1_SL Raw Spinner 1 Rotational Velocity - Station Log
RSP2 Raw Spinner Rotational Velocity
RSP2_SL Raw Spinner 2 Rotational Velocity - Station Log
RSPI_SL Raw Spinner Rotational Velocity - Station Log
SPI1_SL Spinner 1 Rotational Velocity - Station Log
SPI2_SL Spinner 2 Rotational Velocity - Station Log
SPIF Squeezed Perforation Interval Flag
SPIF_DM Squeezed Perforation Interval Flag [PL playback]
SPIN Spinner Rotational Velocity
SPIN_SL Spinner Rotational Velocity - Station Log
VT Total Velocity
WATQ Water Phase Flowrate

Related parameters
BPT Bubble Point Temperature
CCLS Casing Collar Locator Selector
DFM Direction of Fluid Motion
FCHD Flag for Cased Hole Diameter
FDSH Fluid Density Shift
FMOD Fluid Model
GDD Gas Downhole Density
GFCF Gradiomanometer Friction Correction Flag
GOR Gas Oil Ratio
NSLO Calibration Slope for Negative Spinner Values
NTHR Negative Spinner Threshold
ODD Oil Downhole Density
OGRA Surface Oil Gravity
PCVS PLQL Cable Velocity Selector
PGRS GR Selector
PGS Pressure Gauge Selection
PSLO Calibration Slope for Positive Spinner Values
PTGS PLQL Temperature Gradient Selector
PTHR Positive Spinner Threshold
PVTS PVT Parameters Option
PWHS PLQL Water Holdup Selector
PZOF Presentation Zone Offset
QIOP Flow Interpretation Option
RHOS Density Selector
SDCF Spinner Depth Constant Filter
SPIS Spinner Selector
SVAM Minimum Acceptable Spinner Value
TCSH Thru Tubing Caliper Shift
TMPS Temperature Selector
VPCF Velocity Profile Correction Factor
WDD Water Downhole Density
WSAL Water Salinity

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