Mnemonics, Software product, RAINBOW

DescriptionSharable Processing Library for Borehole Geophysics

Related parameters
AMPL_COMPENSATION_TYPE Geometrical spreading compensation factor
AMPLITUDE_SPECTRUM_TYPE Amplitude spectrum output e.g. Scale_In_DB, Linear_Scale
ANISOTROPY_APPROX_FACTOR Value in percentage used in the case of ANISOTROPY_TYPE Approximation to stretch raypath length
ANISOTROPY_TYPE Type of anisotropy e.g. TI, Azimuthal, Approximation
ATTENUATION_EXP Attenuation exponent for true amplitude recovery
AUTOCORR_TIME_WINDOW Autocorrelation time window duration
AUTOCORR_TYPE Autocorrelation Type e.g. Time_Window, Time_Window_D_2, Time_Window_In_Sec
CENTRAL_DIP Initial dip around which migration is performed
CENTRAL_DIP_AZIMUTH Azimuth of initial dip around which migration is performed
CENTRAL_INCLINATION Inclination of initial dip around which migration is performed
COMPONENT_TYPE_VECT Vector of component types which correspond to input clusters e.g. X, Y, Z, S
CRITERIA_VECT Vector of Criteria for Normalization Types e.g. [MAX NMO NRM DNO]
DATA_IMAG_BIND_TAB Binding tables whose rows contain the indices of: image line, input data set
DIP_APERTURE Angle between two Dips
DIP_APERTURE_STEP Angular step sample interval between DIP_APERTURE
DOMAIN_TYPE Output domain type e.g. FreqDomain_Fk_Analyser, WaveDomain_Fk_Analyser, FreqWaveDomain_Fk_Analyser
FAN_VEL_HIGH Upper band of velocity fan e.g. for velocity filter
FAN_VEL_LOW Lower band of velocity fan e.g. for velocity filtering
FILTER_APPLIED_TO_TYPE Filter application e.g. Entire_Trace, First_Window, Window_By_Window
FILTER_DESIGN_TYPE Filter design e.g. Trace_Per_Trace, By_Reference_Trace
FILTER_LENGTH_TYPE Mode of entry of the filter length or duration e.g. TIME_WINDOW, NB_ZERO_CROSS
FILTER_ORDER Filter order e.g. for Butterworth filter
FILTER_OUTPUT_TYPE Selection of the filter output e.g. Compensation_Modeling
FILTER_PHASE_TYPE Selection of the output filter phase e.g. Digital_Min_Phase, Futterman_Phase
FILTER_PHASE_TYPE_VECT Vector of filters phase types e.g. [Zero_Phase Minimum_Phase]
FILTER_TYPE Filter type: Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Band-stop
FILTER_TYPE_VECT Vector of filter types
FIRST_GATHER_KEY_VALUE Value of the primary key Header of the first gather to be processed using ORDERSET OS
FIRST_GATHER_NO First gather to be processed using ORDERSET OS
FIRST_TRACE_KEY_VALUE Value of the secondary key Header of the first trace to be processed in the current gather using ORDERSET OS
FIRST_TRACE_NO First trace and headers to be processed in the current gather
FREQ_CENTER Filter center frequency
FREQ_END Zero power high bound of a frequency interval
FREQ_HIGH Filter high cut frequency
FREQ_HIGH_VECT Vector of filters high cut frequencies
FREQ_LOW Filter low cut frequency
FREQ_LOW_VECT Vector of filters low cut frequencies
FREQ_NOTCH Notch frequency
FREQ_REF A reference frequency value
FREQ_SAMPLING_INTERVAL Sampling interval for a frequency Measurement
FREQ_START Zero power low bound of a frequency interval
FREQ_TAPER Taper interval in frequency
FREQ_TAPER_VECT Vector of taper intervals in frequency
GATE_LENGTH Gate duration for Normalization
GATHER_NO_VECT Set of gather numbers to be processed using selected ORDERSET
GATHER_STEP Step between gathers to be processed using selected ORDERSET
GM_ADJUSTMENT_METHOD Sonic adjustment method name in a zone
GM_ADJUSTMENT_THRESHOLD Sonic adjustment threshold value in a zone
GM_AUTOINDEX Geogram autoindex option: 1=calculate start and stop depth/time, 2=use user settings
GM_BLSH Average sonic correction applied in a zone
GM_NEGATIVE_METHOD Method of sonic correction to use in zones with negative drift gradient
GM_POSITIVE_METHOD Method of sonic correction to use in zones with positive drift gradient
GM_START_INDEX Geogram initial display mode type: 1=depth display, 0=time display
GM_START_MODE Geogram start calibration mode e.g. 1=calibration, 0=synthetic
GM_TSTART Geogram start time for time displays
GM_TSTOP Geogram stop time for time displays
GM_ZSTART Geogram start depth for depth displays
GM_ZSTOP Geogram stop depth for depth displays
INPUT_CLUSTER_VECT Vector of input Clusters to be processed
INPUT_SYNCHRO_VECT Vector of input Synchronizations to be processed
LAST_GATHER_KEY_VALUE Value of the primary key Header of the last gather to be processed using ORDERSET OS
LAST_GATHER_NO Last gather to be processed using ORDERSET OS
LAST_TRACE_KEY_VALUE Value of the secondary key Header of the last trace to be processed in the current gather using ORDERSET OS
LAST_TRACE_NO Last trace and headers to be processed in the current gather
LENG_SAMPLING_INTERVAL Sampling interval for a length Measurement
LENG_TAPER Taper interval in length
LENG_TAPER_VECT Vector of taper intervals in length
LEVEL_OF_REFERENCE Level of Reference chosen to compute a normalization factor to be applied to all traces
MASK_UD_TYPE Selection to mask arrivals with upgoing or downgoing apparent velocity e.g. Mask_Up, Mask_Down
MAX_GAIN Maximum gain
MODEL_1D_DEPTH_VECT Vector containing start lengths for a 1D model e.g. depths
MODEL_1D_NB_VALUES Number of parameters for a 1D model
MODEL_1D_TIME_VECT Vector containing start times for a 1D model
MODEL_1D_VALUES_VECT Vector containing parameters for a 1D model
MODEL_NAME_AT_RECEIVER Background velocity model on the receiver side used for salt proximity in migration
MODEL_NAME_AT_SOURCE Background velocity model on the Source side used for salt proximity in migration
NB_CDP Number of Common Depth Points
NB_CONTROL_POINTS Number of control points
NB_INTERVALS Number of intervals to be used e.g. for P sampling
NB_POINTS_IN_POLYGON Number of points per polygon
NB_SAMPLES_IN_WINDOW Number of samples in a window
NB_SLOPE_INTERVALS Number of slope intervals
NB_TRACES_FOR_SMOOTHING Number of sources or receivers taken into account to smooth the travel time in ray shooting migration
NB_TRACES_FOR_TAPER Taper duration in number of traces
NB_TRACES_IN_WINDOW Numbers of traces in a window across traces
NB_ZERO_CROSS Number of zero-crossings e.g. of an autocorrelation function
NORMALIZATION_WINDOW Normalization Window Width
NORMALIZE_FLIP_TRACES_VECT Vector for Normalization and/or Flip
OPTION_VECT String vector for specifying processing options and flags
ORDERSET OrderSet Number e.g. 0 = OS00, 1 = OS01, i = OSi
OUTPUT_CLUSTER_VECT Vector of Cluster output by the processing
OUTPUT_SYNCHRO_VECT Vector of Synchronizations output by the processing
PHASE_ANGLE Phase angle value
PHASE_CONTROL_TYPE Output signal phase e.g. Zero_Phase_Signal, Zero_Phase_Operator, Minimum_Phase_Operator
PHASE_SPECTRUM_TYPE Phase spectrum output e.g. Phase_Unwrapping
POLYGON_T_VECT TwoWayTime coordinates for a polygon
POLYGON_X_VECT X-coordinates for a polygon
POLYGON_Y_VECT Y-coordinates for a polygon
POLYGON_Z_VECT Z-coordinates for a polygon
PRED_TIME_TYPE Type of Deconvolution Prediction time e.g. PRED_TIME_WINDOW, NB_ZERO_CROSS
PRED_TIME_WINDOW Duration of Deconvolution Prediction time window
PROCESS_FLAG_VECT Set of Flags used inside of one process
PROCESS_MNEMONIC Set of Process mnemonics describing a processing sequence
PROCESS_TYPE_VECT Set of options used inside of one process
REF_TRACE_DSRD Reference trace depth with respect to SRD
REF_TRACE_NO Reference trace number
REF_TRACE_TTIM Reference trace time
SAMPLE_INTERVAL_TYPE Sample interval type e.g. All_Samples, Start_Time
SLOPE_END End slope in the Slant Stack i.e. tau-P domain
SLOPE_SAMPLING_INTERVAL Sampling interval for the slopes in the Slant Stack
SLOPE_START Start slope in the Slant Stack i.e. tau-P domain
SPREADING_EXP Spreading exponent for true amplitude recovery
SST_METHOD Computation method for slant stack
STACK_TYPE Stack type selection e.g. Median, Mean
TAPER_LENGTH_SELECTION_TYPE Taper duration selection type e.g. Automatic, Entered
TAPER_TYPE Taper type e.g. Off, Triangular, Hanning, Hamming
THRES_VEL_HIGH Upper threshold velocity e.g. for velocity filtering
THRES_VEL_LOW Lower threshold velocity e.g. for velocity filtering
TIME_HEADER_NAME Name of a selected trace time header
TIME_HEADER_NAME_VECT Vector of names of selected trace time headers
TIME_SAMPLING_INTERVAL Sampling interval for a time Measurement
TIME_SHIFT Time to be subtracted from a selected trace time header value
TIME_SHIFT_VECT Times to be subtracted from trace time headers selected in TIME_HEADER_NAME_VECT
TIME_TAPER Taper duration in time
TIME_TAPER_VECT Vector of taper durations in time
TIME_WINDOW Time Window duration
TIME_WINDOW_END Window end time
TIME_WINDOW_OVERLAP Overlap duration of two time windows
TIME_WINDOW_START Window start time
TIME_WINDOW_START_VECT Vector of window start times
TIME_WINDOW_VECT Vector of Time Window durations
TRACE_INTERVAL_TYPE Input trace interval e.g. AllTraces, FromTrace
TRACE_NO_VECT Set of trace numbers to be processed in the current gather
TRACE_STEP Step between traces to be processed in the current gather
VIBRO_SHIFT Time Shift to apply in case of Vibrosesi acquisition
WAVE_CODE Wave event Code for reflection/transmission e.g. PrP, PrS, SrP, SrS, PtP, PtS, StP, StS
WAVE_CODE_AT_RECEIVER Wave Code on the receiver side e.g. Pr1Pr0S
WAVE_CODE_AT_SOURCE Wave Code on the Source side e.g. Pr1Pr0S
WAVEFORM_RMS_VALUE RMS value of the Waveform for Normalization
WAVELET_DELAY_TIME Delay time of the desired wavelet for shaping deconvolution
WAVELET_OUTPUT_TIME_WINDOW Output Wavelet duration after a processing e.g. a Deconvolution
WAVELET_TYPE Wavelet type e.g. By_Auto, By_Filter, Unit_Impulse
WHITE_NOISE White noise to be added to the zero-lag autocorrelation between [0 1]

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