Mnemonics, Software product, RSTPRO

DescriptionRSTPro Enhanced Carbon-Oxygen Processing

Related channels
FCOR_REC Reconstructed FCOR Array (Far carbon/oxygen yield ratio)
NCOR_REC Reconstructed NCOR Array (Near carbon/oxygen yield ratio)
NICR_REC Reconstructed NICR Array (Net inelastic count-rate ratio)
SO_SIG SO Uncertainty
VUOI_SIG VUOI Uncertainty
VUWA_SIG VUWA Uncertainty
YG_SIG YG Uncertainty
YO_SIG YO Uncertainty
YW_SIG YW Uncertainty

Related parameters
ANNULAR_GAS_FLAG Annular Gas Flag (Yes=100% gas; No=0% gas in annulus)
BOREHOLE_GAS_HOLDUP_SOURCE Source of Borehole Gas Holdup for RST C/O Algorithm
BOREHOLE_OIL_HOLDUP_SOURCE Source of Borehole Oil Holdup for RST C/O Algorithm
BOREHOLE_WATER_HOLDUP_SOURCE Source of Borehole Water Holdup for RST C/O Algorithm
CALOPT Parameter Calibration Option Switch
DETECTOR_USAGE_OPTION RST Detector Usage Option (Near only, Far only, Both)
ESOBCL Elemental Solver Option for Capture Chlorine Borehole Minus Formation Standard
ESOCALM Elemental Solver Option for Capture Aluminum Standard
ESOCBA Elemental Solver Option for Capture Barium Standard
ESOCBS Elemental Solver Option for Capture Barite Standard
ESOCCA Elemental Solver Option for Capture Calcium Standard
ESOCCL Elemental Solver Option for Capture Chlorine Standard
ESOCDN Elemental Solver Option for Capture Density Standard
ESOCFE Elemental Solver Option for Capture Iron Standard
ESOCGD Elemental Solver Option for Capture Gadolinium Standard
ESOCH Elemental Solver Option for Capture Hydrogen Standard
ESOCK Elemental Solver Option for Capture Potassium Standard
ESOCMG Elemental Solver Option for Capture Magnesium Standard
ESOCNA Elemental Solver Option for Capture Sodium Standard
ESOCNI Elemental Solver Option for Capture Nickel Standard
ESOCOP Elemental Solver Option for Capture Copper Standard
ESOCS Elemental Solver Option for Capture Sulfur Standard
ESOCSI Elemental Solver Option for Capture Silicon Standard
ESOCSS Elemental Solver Option for Capture Stainless Steel Standard
ESOCTB Elemental Solver Option for Capture Tool Background Standard
ESOCTI Elemental Solver Option for Capture Titanium Standard
ESOIC Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Carbon Standard
ESOICA Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Calcium Standard
ESOIFE Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Iron Standard
ESOIMG Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Magnesium Standard
ESOIO Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Oxygen Standard
ESOIS Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Sulfur Standard
ESOISI Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Silicon Standard
ESOITB Elemental Solver Option for Inelastic Tool Background Standard
ESOOAT Elemental Solver Option for Oxygen Activation
FCOR_SOLUTION_WEIGHT Weight of FCOR Channel in RST Three Phase Holdup Algorithm
FORMATION_OIL_SATURATION_SOURCE Formation Oil Saturation Source for RST C/O Transforms
FORMATION_WATER_SATURATION_SOURCE Formation Water Saturation Source for RST C/O Transforms
FSKP Frame Skip Option
GAS_CORRECTION_OPT Gas Correction Option (No/Yes)
GRAVEL_POROSITY_COMPUTATION_MODE Gravel Porosity Computation (Manual, Autodetect)
NCOR_SOLUTION_WEIGHT Weight of NCOR Channel in RST Three Phase Holdup Algorithm
NICR_SOLUTION_WEIGHT Weight of NICR Channel in RST Three Phase Holdup Algorithm
PASS_RST Pass Number for RST
RSCSN Reservoir Saturation Cartridge Serial Number
RSSSN Reservoir Saturation Sonde Serial Number
RST_ALPHA_PROCESSING_MODE RST Alpha Processing Mode (Compute, Recycle, Off)
RST_CAPTURE_SPECTRUM_SELECT RST Capture Spectra to Use for Fitting: B_AND_C (default), C_ONLY
RST_LITHOLOGY_SOURCE Source of Lithology Information for RST C/O to VUOI Transform
RST_POROSITY_SOURCE Source of Porosity Information for RST C/O to VUOI Transform
RST_RDF_CORRECTION Perform RST Resolution Degradation Correction (Yes/No)
RST_YIELD_SOURCE RST Yield Algorithm: RSTPro (New) or RSTClassic (Old)
RSTOOL RST Sonde Diameter: 1-11/16 in (RSTA/C) or 2-1/2 in (RSTB/D)
RSTPRO_COMPLETION_DESCRIPTION Completion Description (Selection) for RST Special Completions
SDCSP Skip Data for Cable Speed Index Channel: skip processing if SDCSP is non-absent and < actual speed
SDPHIT Skip Data for PHIT Index Channel: skip processing if SDPHIT is non-absent and > actual porosity
SO_SIG Oil Saturation Uncertainty
STACK_OPT Option to Include This Pass in Stacking (Yes/No)
SW Water Saturation
SW_SIG Water Saturation Uncertainty
TUBING_POSITION_INDICATOR Tubing Position Inside Casing (1=Eccentered, 0=Centered)
YG Gas Holdup
YG_SIG Gas Holdup Uncertainty
YO Oil Holdup
YO_SIG Oil Holdup Uncertainty
YW Water Holdup
YW_SIG Water Holdup Uncertainty

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