Mnemonics, Software product, SCANTEX

DescriptionModule that extracts textural information about layering, fractures and heterogeneities from electrical images

Related channels
CEM_RES Cemented Resistivity
CFRAC Cemented Fraction
COFRAC Conductive Fraction
CRFRAC Cemented and Res Fraction
CROFRAC Cemented, Res and Other Fraction
IC_BC_RATIO Ratio of image connectedness to connectedness in the borehole
INCLUSION_PROPORTION Proportion of Volume, Area or Length occupied by inclusions
MHSKEW Skew of High end from Median
MLSKEW Skew of Low end from Median
MODEL_BLUE_COMPONENT Color blue component for the RGB graphic representation
MODEL_GREEN_COMPONENT Color green component for the RGB graphic representation
MODEL_LINE_TEXTURE_COMPONENT Name of the graphic line texture representation
MODEL_LINE_TEXTURE_NUMBER Identification number of the graphic line texture representation
MODEL_LINE_THICKNESS_COMPONENT Thickness of the graphic line texture representation
MODEL_NAME Model name
MODEL_NUMBER Model number
MODEL_OPACITY_COMPONENT Color opacity component for the RGB graphic representation
MODEL_PATTERN_COMPONENT Name of the graphic pattern representation
MODEL_PATTERN_NUMBER Identification number of the graphic pattern representation
MODEL_RED_COMPONENT Color red component for the RGB graphic representation
OFRAC Other Fraction
PBIN Porosity spectrum Bin
PKRES Resistivity at histogram peak
POROSITY_AVG Porosity average at an image level
POROSITY_MAX Porosity maximum at an image level
POROSITY_MIN Porosity minimum at an image level
POROSITY_SDEV Standard deviation of porosity
PORPER Percentile Porosity from Porosity Histogram
RBIN1 Resistivity spectrum Peak bin
RBIN2 Resistivity spectrum bin of low spread
RBIN3 Resistivity spectrum bin of high spread
RESMAX Maximum value of resistivity
RESMIN Minimum value of resistivity
RFRACT Resistive Fraction
RSORT Raw Sorting Index
RSPEC Resistivity Spectrum Curve
SANDRES Sand Resistivity
SDEVWN Vug Porosity from WN Thresholding
SEC_PEAK Second peak threshold
SHALERES Shale Resistivity
SORL Sorting Limit
SORT Sorting Index
SPRHIGH Resistivity Spread High
SPRLOW Resistivity Spread Low
SRHIGH Sort High Percentile
SRLOW Sort Low Percentile
VRESMAX Maximum value of resistivity for VDL
VRESMIN Minimum value of resistivity for VDL

Related parameters
CEMENT_RES Cement Resistivity
LQC_MAX LQC Maximum value for computation (BorTex)
MAX_POROSITY Cutoff value for Porosity curve
MUD_FILTERING_THRESHOLD Threshold for mudcrack filtering in BorTex
POROSITY_SDEV_MULT Porosity Standard Deviation multiplier
RESMAX BorTex RSA Maximum Resistivity
RESMIN BorTex RSA Minimum Resistivity
SEC_PEAK BorTex RSA second peak threshold
SHALE_VALUE OBMI Vshale Threshold for BorTex processing
SORT_HIGH BorTex RSA Sort High Percentile
SORT_LIMIT BorTex RSA sorting limit
SORT_LOW BorTex RSA Sort Low Percentile
TOTAL_POROSITY_MULT Total porosity multiplier
VDL_RESMAX BorTex RSA VDL Maximum Resistivity
VDL_RESMIN BorTex RSA VDL Minimum Resistivity

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