Mnemonics, Software product, SCQ

DescriptionSonic Calibration Quicklook

Related channels
AIMP Acoustic Impedance
DFI Data File Identification
DT Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time)
DTC Delta-T Time Corrected
IVEL Interval Velocity
OUT0 Output #1 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT1 Output #2 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT2 Output #3 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT3 Output #4 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT4 Output #5 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT5 Output #6 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT6 Output #7 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT7 Output #8 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT8 Output #9 For Depth/Time Conversion
OUT9 Output #10 For Depth/Time Conversion
REFL Reflection Coefficient
RHOB Bulk Density
SNUM Shot Number
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SRDS Sample Rate Downhole Sensor
TTIM Transit Time
TVDE True Vertical Depth

Related parameters
ADTM Adjust Delta-T Minimum
CDTS Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical
CSIN Inner Casing External Diameter
DTF Delta-T Fluid
DTM Delta-T Matrix
GFTS Geogram Film Time Scale
GODI Geogram Output Depth Interval
ITTD Integrated Transit Time Destination
PNSC Pass Number Sonic Calibration
RTMS Rotary Table to MSL
SRDR Seismic Reference Datum to Rotary Table
STAC Seismic Trace Amplification Coefficient
SZMS Schlumberger Zero to Mean Sea Level
TSTT Time Slice Two-Way
TTST Transit Time Sonic Top
WCFR Wavelet Central Frequency
WDUR Wavelet Duration (KLAUDER)
WEFR Wavelet Stop Frequency (Klauder)
WSFR Wavelet Start Frequency (Klauder)
WSNU Wavelet Sample Number

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