Mnemonics, Software product, SEDIVIEW

DescriptionSedimentology Analysis Module for Structural Dip Determination and Sedimentary Dip Analysis (DIPFAN Project)

Related channels
DIP_DISPERSION_INDICATOR Normalized value of the dip dispersion value. The lower it is the upper the dispersion is.
DIP_DISPERSION_VALUE Dip dispersion value as the sum of angular gaps between local curvature axis with great circle and parallel dips with poles of the great circle
MODEL_BLUE_COMPONENT Color blue component for the RGB graphic representation
MODEL_GREEN_COMPONENT Color green component for the RGB graphic representation
MODEL_LINE_TEXTURE_COMPONENT Name of the graphic line texture representation
MODEL_LINE_TEXTURE_NUMBER Identification number of the graphic line texture representation
MODEL_LINE_THICKNESS_COMPONENT Thickness of the graphic line texture representation
MODEL_NAME Model name
MODEL_NUMBER Model number
MODEL_OPACITY_COMPONENT Color opacity component for the RGB graphic representation
MODEL_PATTERN_COMPONENT Name of the graphic pattern representation
MODEL_PATTERN_NUMBER Identification number of the graphic pattern representation
MODEL_RED_COMPONENT Color red component for the RGB graphic representation
STEREONET_SHAPE Stereonet shape value to quantify the dip dispersion on a stereonet

Related parameters
BOTTOM_DEPTH Deepest depth of an interval
COLLECTION_NAME Name of collection
DIP_CLASSIFICATION_CODES List of Geological Class Codes corresponding to the Dip Classification Names, used in Dip Classification Encoding
DIP_CLASSIFICATION_ENCODING_BASE Numeric Base Value used in Dip Classification Encoding. Must be greater than the numbers of Dip Classification Names
DIP_CLASSIFICATION_NAMES List of Geological Class Names available for dip characterization
DIP_SEVERITY_CUTOFF Dip DIMQC Severity cutoff retained for SediView filtering processing
FILTER_CONFIG_FLAGS Filtering configuration flags for filtering processing
FX_MODEL_DEFINITION Definition Of a Model (Name + Pattern + Color)
LITHO_TYPE Lithotype (Sandstone, Limestone, etc.)
MAX_ANGLE_FOR_PARALLEL Maximum plane angle threshold for parallel dips sequence in Local Great Circle processing
MIN_ANGLE_FOR_DISPERSED Minimum plane angle threshold for dispersed sequence in Local Great Circle processing
MIN_SEQUENCE_LENGTH Minimum number of dips to retain a sequence
MODEL_NAMES List of model names
NEW_DIP_SEQUENCE_THRESHOLD Plane angle threshold for SediView processing
OBJ Objectives
QCUTOFF Quality Cutoff for 2D/3D Dip Vector Analysis
SEDIMENTARY_BODY_FLAG Boolean Flag to indicate if a zone corresponds to a sedimentary structure or not
TOP_DEPTH Shallowest depth of an interval
WELL_SEGMENTATION Well segmentation (zonation) used to filter candidate zones to process

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