Mnemonics, Tools, APS-BA

DescriptionAccelerator Porosity Sonde - BA (both CTS and DTS Telemetry)

Related channels
A1B1 Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 1 Count Rate
A1B2 APS Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 2 Count Rate
A1B3 APS Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 3 Count Rate
A1B4 APS Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 4 Count Rate
A1EO Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
A1EP Array-1 Detector Count Rate
A1TD Array-1 Detector Time Distribution
A2B1 Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 1 Count Rate
A2B2 APS Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 2 Count Rate
A2B3 APS Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 3 Count Rate
A2B4 APS Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 4 Count Rate
A2EO Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
A2EP Array-2 Detector Count Rate
A2TD Array-2 Detector Time Distribution
ADHV Array Detectors Measured High Voltage
AFB1 Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 1 Count Rate
AFB2 Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 2 Count Rate
AFB3 Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 3 Count Rate
AFB4 Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 4 Count Rate
AFEC Far Detector Count Rate
AFEO Far Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
AFTC Thermal Detector Count Rate
AFTD Thermal Detector Time Distribution
ANEC Near Detector Count Rate
ANEO Near Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
APDC Near/Array Corrected Dolomite Porosity
APLC Near/Array Corrected Limestone Porosity
APLU Near/Array Uncorrected Limestone Porosity
APSC Near/Array Corrected Sandstone Porosity
ATFC Thermal Detector Acquisition Time
ATFD Far Detector Acquisition Time
ATFT APS Thermal Detector Time Distribution Acquisition Time
ATNC Array Detectors Acquisition Time
ATND Near Detector Acquisition Time
ATNT APS Array Detectors Time Distribution Acquisition Time
CSTS_APS APS Executive Status Word
D1ST_APS APS Detector Status Word
EFPU Near/Far Limestone Porosity Corrected except for Formation Salinity (Non-Linear)
ENAR Dead Time Corrected Near/Array Count Rate Ratio
ENFR Dead Time Corrected Near/Far Count Rate Ratio
ENPI Near/Array Limestone Porosity Corrected except for Formation Salinity (Linear)
ESIGF Early-Time-Decay Formation Capture Cross Section
FDHV Far Detector Measured High Voltage
FHSC Near/Far Porosity Hole Size Correction
FPDU Near/Far Uncorrected Dolomite Porosity
FPLC Near/Far Corrected Limestone Porosity
FPLU Near/Far Uncorrected Limestone Porosity
FPMC Near/Far Corrected Dolomite Porosity
FPSC Near/Far Corrected Sandstone Porosity
FPSU Near/Far Uncorrected Sandstone Porosity
FSOC Near/Far Porosity Standoff Correction
FTSC Near/Far Porosity Temperature-Pressure-Salinity Correction
H1B1 APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 1 Count Rate
H1B2 APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 2 Count Rate
H1B3 APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 3 Count Rate
H1B4 APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 4 Count Rate
H1EO APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
H1EP APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Count Rate
H1TD APS High Resolution Array-1 Detector Time Distribution
H2B1 APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 1 Count Rate
H2B2 APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 2 Count Rate
H2B3 APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 3 Count Rate
H2B4 APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 4 Count Rate
H2EO APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
H2EP APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Count Rate
H2TD APS High Resolution Array-2 Detector Time Distribution
HADC APS High Resolution Near/Array Corrected Dolomite Porosity
HALC APS High Resolution Near/Array Corrected Limestone Porosity
HASC APS High Resolution Near/Array Corrected Sandstone Porosity
HFB1 APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 1 Count Rate
HFB2 APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 2 Count Rate
HFB3 APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 3 Count Rate
HFB4 APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Neutron Burst-Off Background Window 4 Count Rate
HFCR APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Count Rate
HFEC APS High Resolution Far Detector Count Rate
HFEO APS High Resolution Far Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
HFHC APS High Resolution Near/Far Porosity Hole Size Correction
HFLC APS High Resolution Near/Far Corrected Limestone Porosity
HFMC APS High Resolution Near/Far Corrected Dolomite Porosity
HFOC APS High Resolution Near/Far Porosity Standoff Correction
HFPU APS High Resolution Near/Far Limestone Porosity Corrected except for Formation Salinity (Non-Linear)
HFSC APS High Resolution Near/Far Corrected Sandstone Porosity
HFTC APS High Resolution Near/Far Porosity Temperature-Pressure-Salinity Correction
HFTD APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Time Distribution
HNAR APS High Resolution Dead Time Corrected Near/Array Count Rate Ratio
HNEC APS High Resolution Near Detector Count Rate
HNEO APS High Resolution Near Detector Neutron Burst-Off Count Rate
HNFR APS High Resolution Dead Time Corrected Near/Far Count Rate Ratio
HNPI APS High Resolution Near/Array Limestone Porosity Corrected except for Formation Salinity (Linear)
HSIG APS High Resolution Formation Capture Cross Section
HSTC APS High Resolution Corrected Standoff Porosity
HTFC APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Count Rate Acquisition Time
HTFD High Resolution Far Detector Acquisition Time
HTFT APS High Resolution Thermal Detector Time Distribution Acquisition Time
HTNC APS High Resolution Array Detectors Count Rate Acquisition Time
HTND High Resolution Near Detector Acquisition Time
HTNT APS High Resolution Array Detectors Time Distribution Acquisition Time
MINS Minitron Status Word
NDHV Near Detector Measured High Voltage
PHICOR_APLC Total Correction Applied to APLC
PHICOR_APLC_HR APS Total Correction Applied to APLC - High Resolution
PHICOR_FPLC Total Correction Applied to FPLC
PHICOR_FPLC_HR APS Total Correction Applied to FPLC - High Resolution
PHICOR_STPC Total Correction Applied to STPC
QSDP Porosity Quality
QSDP_HR APS Porosity Quality - High Resolution
QSGF Quality of Formation Sigma
QSGF_HR APS Quality of Formation Sigma - High Resolution
SDPB Slowing Down Porosity - Borehole Corrected
SDPB_HR APS Slowing Down Porosity - Borehole Corrected - High Resolution
SIGF Formation Capture Cross Section
STOF Effective Standoff in Limestone
STPC Corrected Standoff Porosity

Related parameters
ADSO APS Array Detectors Data Source
AHCS APS Hole Size Correction Source
AHSS Hole Size Correction Switch
AMTY APS Environmental Corrections Mud Type
ASOS Standoff Correction Switch
ATSS Temperature-Pressure-Salinity Correction Switch
NARC APS Near/Array Calibration Ratio
NFRC APS Near/Far Calibration Ratio

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