Mnemonics, Tools, CETG

DescriptionCement Evaluation Tool

Related channels
AAG1 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 1
AAG2 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 2
AAG3 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 3
AAG4 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 4
AAG5 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 5
AAG6 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 6
AAG7 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 7
AAG8 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 8
AAG9 Anticipated Gain for Transducer 9
AGT1 Automatic Gain for Transducer 1
AGT2 Automatic Gain for Transducer 2
AGT3 Automatic Gain for Transducer 3
AGT4 Automatic Gain for Transducer 4
AGT5 Automatic Gain for Transducer 5
AGT6 Automatic Gain for Transducer 6
AGT7 Automatic Gain for Transducer 7
AGT8 Automatic Gain for Transducer 8
AGT9 Automatic Gain for Transducer 9
AIQL Acoustic Impedance Quicklook
AIT1 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 1
AIT2 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 2
AIT3 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 3
AIT4 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 4
AIT5 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 5
AIT6 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 6
AIT7 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 7
AIT8 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 8
AIT9 Acoustic Impedance Transducer 9
AW11 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 1
AW12 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 2
AW13 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 3
AW14 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 4
AW15 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 5
AW16 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 6
AW17 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 7
AW18 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 8
AW19 Anticipated W1 for Transducer 9
AW2 AW2I/W2FP Mixture
AW21 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 1
AW22 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 2
AW23 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 3
AW24 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 4
AW25 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 5
AW26 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 6
AW27 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 7
AW28 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 8
AW29 Anticipated Ratio W2/W1 Sensor 9
AW3 AW3I/W3FP Mixture
AW31 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 1
AW32 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 2
AW33 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 3
AW34 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 4
AW35 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 5
AW36 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 6
AW37 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 7
AW38 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 8
AW39 Anticipated Ratio W3/W1 Sensor 9
BLPR Black percentage
CAL1 Caliper 1
CAL2 Caliper 2
CAL3 Caliper 3
CAL4 Caliper 4
CALU Mean Diameter
CAR1 Rotated Caliper 1 According to RB
CAR2 Rotated Caliper 2 According to RB
CAR3 Rotated Caliper 3 According to RB
CAR4 Rotated Caliper 4 According to RB
CCLU Casing Collar Locator Ultrasonic
CSMN Compressive Strength Minimum
CSMX Compressive Strength Maximum
CSQL Compressive Strength Quicklook
DEVI Hole Deviation
DTT1 Transit Time Sensor 1
DTT2 Transit Time Sensor 2
DTT3 Transit Time Sensor 3
DTT4 Transit Time Sensor 4
DTT5 Transit Time Sensor 5
DTT6 Transit Time Sensor 6
DTT7 Transit Time Sensor 7
DTT8 Transit Time Sensor 8
DTT9 Transit Time Sensor 9
DUM7 Dummy 7
ECCE Amplitude of Eccentering
EDAV External Diameter Average Value
ER1 External Radius 1
ER2 External Radius 2
ER3 External Radius 3
ER4 External Radius 4
ER5 External Radius 5
ER6 External Radius 6
ER7 External Radius 7
ER8 External Radius 8
FE1 First Echo Value For Transducer 1
FE2 First Echo Value For Transducer 2
FE3 First Echo Value For Transducer 3
FE4 First Echo Value For Transducer 4
FE5 First Echo Value For Transducer 5
FE6 First Echo Value For Transducer 6
FE7 First Echo Value For Transducer 7
FE8 First Echo Value For Transducer 8
FEN1 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 1
FEN2 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 2
FEN3 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 3
FEN4 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 4
FEN5 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 5
FEN6 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 6
FEN7 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 7
FEN8 First Echo Normalized Value For Transducer 8
FRGI Free Gas Index
FVEL Fluid Acoustic Slowness
GGCI Good + Gaseous Cement Index
GOCI Good Cement Index
IR1 Internal Radius 1
IR2 Internal Radius 2
IR3 Internal Radius 3
IR4 Internal Radius 4
IR5 Internal Radius 5
IR6 Internal Radius 6
IR7 Internal Radius 7
IR8 Internal Radius 8
IRAV Internal Radius Averaged Value
IRMN Internal Radius Minimum Value
IRMX Internal Radius Maximum Value
IRR1 Rotated Radius 1 According to RB
IRR2 Rotated Radius 2 According to RB
IRR3 Rotated Radius 3 According to RB
IRR4 Rotated Radius 4 According to RB
IRR5 Rotated Radius 5 According to RB
IRR6 Rotated Radius 6 According to RB
IRR7 Rotated Radius 7 According to RB
IRR8 Rotated Radius 8 According to RB
LAT1 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 1
LAT2 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 2
LAT3 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 3
LAT4 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 4
LAT5 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 5
LAT6 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 6
LAT7 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 7
LAT8 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 8
LAT9 Logarithm of Amplitude For Transducer 9
LDIR Largest pipe defect indicator from radii
LDIT Largest pipe defect indicator from thickness
MATT Mud attenuation
MNCS Minimum Compressive Strength
MXCS Maximum Compressive Strength
OVAL Ovalization
PCAL Caliper from Phase Shift Imbalance
PEC Percentage of External Corrosion
PECC Eccentering
PFVL PIQL Fluid Acoustic Slowness
PIR1 PIQL Corrected Radius 1
PIR2 PIQL Corrected Radius 2
PIR3 PIQL Corrected Radius 3
PIR4 PIQL Corrected Radius 4
PIR5 PIQL Corrected Radius 5
PIR6 PIQL Corrected Radius 6
PIR7 PIQL Corrected Radius 7
PIR8 PIQL Corrected Radius 8
PPEC PIQL Percentage of external corrosion
PWCR Pipe Wall Change From Radii
PWCT Pipe Wall Change from Thicknesses
RAFL radius flag
RB Relative Bearing
RTFL Radius + Thickness Flag
THAV Thickness Average Value
THFL Thickness flag
THMN Thickness Minimum Value
THMX Thickness Maximum Value
THT1 Thickness Transducer 1
THT2 Thickness Transducer 2
THT3 Thickness Transducer 3
THT4 Thickness Transducer 4
THT5 Thickness Transducer 5
THT6 Thickness Transducer 6
THT7 Thickness Transducer 8
THT8 Thickness Transducer 8
W1T1 Window 1 for Transducer 1
W1T2 Window 1 for Transducer 2
W1T3 Window 1 for Transducer 3
W1T4 Window 1 for Transducer 4
W1T5 Window 1 for Transducer 5
W1T6 Window 1 for Transducer 6
W1T7 Window 1 for Transducer 7
W1T8 Window 1 for Transducer 8
W1T9 Window 1 for Transducer 9
W2F9 Window 2 Free Pipe For Transducer 9
W2H AW2I/W2FP High Barycenter
W2L AW2I/W2FP Low Barycenter
W2N1 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 1
W2N2 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 2
W2N3 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 3
W2N4 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 4
W2N5 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 5
W2N6 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 6
W2N7 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 7
W2N8 Ratio (W2/W1) Normalized for Transducer 8
W2N9 W2/W1 Normalized for Transducer 9
W2R1 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 1
W2R2 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 2
W2R3 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 3
W2R4 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 4
W2R5 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 5
W2R6 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 6
W2R7 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 7
W2R8 W2 Renormalized for Transducer 8
W2R9 W2 Renormalized 9
W2T1 Window 2 for Transducer 1
W2T2 Window 2 for Transducer 2
W2T3 Window 2 for Transducer 3
W2T4 Window 2 for Transducer 4
W2T5 Window 2 for Transducer 5
W2T6 Window 2 for Transducer 6
W2T7 Window 2 for Transducer 7
W2T8 Window 2 for Transducer 8
W2T9 Window 2 for Transducer 9
W2XP W2 for Crossplot
W3F9 W3 Free Pipe for Transducer 9
W3H AW3I/W3FP High Barycenter
W3L AW3I/W3FP Low Barycenter
W3N1 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 1
W3N2 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 2
W3N3 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 3
W3N4 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 4
W3N5 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 5
W3N6 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 6
W3N7 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 7
W3N8 W3/W1 Ratio Normalized for Transducer 8
W3N9 W3/W1 Normalized for Transducer 9
W3R1 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 1
W3R2 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 2
W3R3 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 3
W3R4 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 4
W3R5 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 5
W3R6 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 6
W3R7 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 7
W3R8 W3 Renormalized for Transducer 8
W3R9 W3 Renormalized 9
W3T1 Window 3 for Transducer 1
W3T2 Window 3 for Transducer 2
W3T3 Window 3 for Transducer 3
W3T4 Window 3 for Transducer 4
W3T5 Window 3 for Transducer 5
W3T6 Window 3 for Transducer 6
W3T7 Window 3 for Transducer 7
W3T8 Window 3 for Transducer 8
W3T9 Window 3 for Transducer 9
W3XP W3 for Crossplot
WAG1 Waveform gain transducer 1
WAG2 Waveform gain transducer 2
WAG3 Waveform gain transducer 3
WAG4 Waveform gain transducer 4
WAG5 Waveform gain transducer 5
WAG6 Waveform gain transducer 6
WAG7 Waveform gain transducer 7
WAG8 Waveform gain transducer 8
WAG9 Waveform gain transducer 9
WFT1 Internal Waveform transducer 1
WFT2 Internal Waveform transducer 2
WFT3 internal Waveform transducer 3
WFT4 internal Waveform transducer 4
WFT5 internal Waveform transducer 5
WFT6 internal Waveform transducer 6
WFT7 Internal Waveform transducer 7
WFT8 Internal Waveform transducer 8
WFT9 Internal Waveform transducer 9
WTT1 Waveform transit time transducer 1
WTT2 Waveform transit time transducer 2
WTT3 Waveform transit time transducer 3
WTT4 Waveform transit time transducer 4
WTT5 Waveform transit time transducer 5
WTT6 Waveform transit time transducer 6
WTT7 Waveform transit time transducer 7
WTT8 Waveform transit time transducer 8
WTT9 Waveform transit time transducer 9
WWM W2Ni Mean Ratio over 360 deg
WWT1 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 1
WWT2 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 2
WWT3 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 3
WWT4 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 4
WWT5 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 5
WWT6 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 6
WWT7 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 7
WWT8 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 8
WWT9 W2/W1 Ratio for Transducer 9

Related parameters
AGMX Maximum Gain of Cartridge
AIAL Acoustic Impedance Algorithm
ASUW Allowed Statistical Uncertainty on WC2
BIW First Command Word
BNL Background Noise Level
CEEC Cement Evaluation Electronic Cartridge Type
CETS Cement Evaluation Tool Sonde Type
CHID Mask Hidden surface on 3D image
CIDA Casing Inner Diameter for Casing A
CIDB Casing Inner Diameter for Casing B
CMTY Cement Type
CMUD Weight of Mud
CODA Casing Outer Diameter for Casing A
CODB Casing Outer Diameter for Casing B
CSAV Compressive Strength Averaging
CSCG Compressive Strength Conversion Gain
CSCO Compressive Strength Conversion Offset
CSID Casing Inner Diameter
CST1 Validity flag tr1
CST2 Validity flag tr2
CST3 Validity flag tr3
CST4 Validity flag tr4
CST5 Validity flag tr5
CST6 Validity flag tr6
CST7 Validity flag tr7
CST8 Validity flag tr8
CST9 Validity flag tr9
CSW Casing Weight
CSWA Casing Weight for Casing A
CSWB Casing Weight for Casing B
CT0D CET T0 Delay WF/VDL Status
CTC CET Track Coverage for WF/VDL Logs
CVDL CET VDL Destination
CWFD BTT/CET Waveform Destination
CWFS CET Waveform Spacing
DFVL Default Fluid Velocity
DOT Diameter of Transducer Sensor
DSP Despiking filter requested
DSPF Despiking Filter Applied
DSTH Despiking Threshold
DTH Additional Sonic Transit Time Due to Hydrocarbons
ECCF Eccentricity Filtering
FACT Thmax factor
FES1 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 1
FES2 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 2
FES3 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 3
FES4 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 4
FES5 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 5
FES6 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 6
FES7 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 7
FES8 First Echo in smooth pipe transducer 8
FGRL Free Gas Ratio for Logic
FILT Filtering
FRFL Formation Reflection Flag
FVEL Fluid Interval Transit Time
HMNF FEi Histogram Minimum scale
HMNR Radius Histogram Minimum Scale
HMPA Heavy Mud Preamplifier
HMPT Heavy Mud Preamplifier Type
HMXF FEi Histogram Maximum Scale
HMXR Radius Histogram Maximum scale
IF2L Image Type for Track 2 on Left Side
IF2R Image Type for Track 2 on Right Side
IF3L Image Type for Track 3 on Left Side
IF3R Image Type for Track 3 on Right Side
IF4L Image Type for Track 4 on Left Side
IF4R Image Type for Track 4 on Right Side
IL2 Integration Length W2
IL3 Integration Length W3
IMAD Image Destination
IMAF Image Filtering
IMAL Image Lower Limit
IMAO Image Output Type
IMAR Image Rotation
IMAU Image Upper Limit
IS2 Integration Start W2
IS3 Integration Start W3
LAO1 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 1
LAO2 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 2
LAO3 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 3
LAO4 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 4
LAO5 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 5
LAO6 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 6
LAO7 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 7
LAO8 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 8
LAO9 Log Amplitude Offset Transducer 9
MCSF Minimum Compression Strength If Formation Reflection
MESH Mesh Window
MXPA Maximum Number of Peaks Allowed
MXTH Maximum Thickness Factor
NHIS Number of Histogram
PRO1 Radius Offset for Transducer 1
PRO2 Radius Offset for Transducer 2
PRO3 Radius Offset for Transducer 3
PRO4 Radius Offset for Transducer 4
PRO5 Radius Offset for Transducer 5
PRO6 Radius Offset for Transducer 6
PRO7 Radius Offset for Transducer 7
PRO8 Radius Offset for Transducer 8
RAFT Threshold for Metal Loss From Radii Flag
RBP Reading in Bonded Pipe
RFP Reading in Free Pipe
RFT1 Rejection on Failure for Test 1
RFT2 Rejection on Failure for Test 2
RFT3 Rejection on Failure for Test 3
ROT1 Radius Offset Transducer 1
ROT2 Radius Offset Transducer 2
ROT3 Radius Offset Transducer 3
ROT4 Radius Offset Transducer 4
ROT5 Radius Offset Transducer 5
ROT6 Radius Offset Transducer 6
ROT7 Radius Offset Transducer 7
ROT8 Radius Offset Transducer 8
RTFT Threshold for Metal Loss From Thickness and Radii Flag
SCAL Plot Scaling Mode
SPIK Spike
SRP Statistics Results Printed
STPR Radius Step
SVC Sound Velocity in Casing
SVEL Sonic Velocity
T1WD Trace 1 Waveform Displayed
T2WD Trace 2 Waveform Displayed
T3WD Trace 3 Waveform Displayed
T4WD Trace 4 Waveform Displayed
TFWB Transducer Frequency Window Begin
TFWE Transducer Frequency Window End
THFT Threshold for Metal Loss From Thickness Flag
THIP Thickness Presence
TLWD waveform displayed in CET5
TMUC Type of Mud
TPAS Histogram Type
TR9O Transducer 9 Offset to Reflector
TR9R Transducer 9 Distance to Reflector
TTWB Thickness Time Window Begin
TTWE Thickness Time Window End
TTYP Tool Type
UDW Second Command Word
W2C1 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 1
W2C2 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 2
W2C3 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 3
W2C4 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 4
W2C5 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 5
W2C6 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 6
W2C7 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 7
W2C8 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 8
W2C9 Window 2 Correction for Transducer 9
W2FA W2/W1 in Free Pipe for Casing A
W2FB W2/W1 in free pipe for casing B
W2FP Window 2 in Free Pipe
W2GS Threshold for Gas Detection
W2OA W2/W1 Offset for Casing A
W2OB W2/W1 Offset for Casing B
W2OF W2 Offset for Crossplots
W3C1 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 1
W3C2 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 2
W3C3 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 3
W3C4 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 4
W3C5 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 5
W3C6 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 6
W3C7 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 7
W3C8 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 8
W3C9 Window 3 Correction for Transducer 9
W3FA W3/W1 in free pipe for casing A
W3FB W3/W1 in Free Pipe for Casing B
W3FP Window 3 in Free Pipe
W3OA W3/W1 offset for casing A
W3OB W3/W1 Offset for Casing B
W3OF W3 offset for Crossplots
WDMO WDM (Wavefrom Digitizer Module) Owner
WEGA Waveform Extra Gain
WMUC Weight of Mud for CET
ZTCL Z Threshold Between Cement and Liquid
ZTLG Z Threshold Between Liquid and Gas

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