Mnemonics, Tools, CMT

DescriptionCircumferential Microsonic Tool

Related channels
AZIM Measured Azimuth
C1 Caliper 1
C2 Caliper 2
LIK1 Likeness Curve Quadrant 1 Frame-to-Frame
LIK2 Likeness Curve Quadrant 2 Frame-to-Frame
LIK3 Likeness Curve Quadrant 3 Frame-to-Frame
LIK4 Likeness Curve Quadrant 4 Frame-to-Frame
NNOI Negative Noise Sonic Amplitude
NOIS Noise Amplitude
NSA1 Negative Sonic Amplitude for Mode 1
NSA2 Negative Sonic Amplitude for Mode 2
NSA3 Negative Sonic Amplitude for Mode 3
NSA4 Negative Sonic Amplitude for Mode 4
PNOI Positive Noise Sonic Amplitude
PSA1 Positive Sonic Amplitude for Mode 1
PSA2 Positive Sonic Amplitude for Mode 2
PSA3 Positive Sonic Amplitude for Mode 3
PSA4 Positive Sonic Amplitude for Mode 4
RAZI Raw Azimuth
RC1 Raw C1
RC2 Raw C2
TT1 Transit Time 1
TT2 Transit Time 2
TT3 Transit Time 3
TT4 Transit Time 4
WF1 Waveform 1
WF1D Waveform 1 Depth
WF1N Waveform 1 Normalization Factor
WF2 Waveform 2
WF2D Waveform 2 Depth
WF2N Waveform 2 Normalization Factor
WF3 Waveform 3
WF3D Waveform 3 Depth
WF3N Waveform 3 Normalization Factor
WF4 Waveform 4
WF4D Waveform 4 Depth
WF4N Waveform 4 Normalization Factor
WFN Waveform from Noise Mode
WFND Noise Waveform Depth
WFNN Noise Waveform Normalization Factor

Related parameters
AGW Amplitude Gate Width
ASEL Presentation Amplitude Select
DDEL Digitizing Delay
DELA Delay for CALI-derived Sliding Gate
DETE Delta-T Detection
DG Downhole Gain
DSIN Digitizer Sample Interval
DSPA Waveform Depth Spacing
DWCO Digitizer Word Count
LIKB Likeness Beginning of Window
LIKW Likeness Width of Window
MGAI Maximum Gain
MODE Sonic Firing Mode (e.g. DDBHC = Depth-Derived BHC, STRA = Single Transmitter, SREV = Single Receiver
MSG Minimum Sliding Gate Time
NMG Noise Measurement Gain
RATE Firing Rate
SGS Sliding Gate Setting
SGW Sliding Gate Width
SLEV Signal Level for AGC
SS Sweep Speed
T0D T0 Delay Allow/Disallow
TC Track Coverage
VDLD VDL Destination
VWF Viewable Waveforms
WFD Waveform Destination
WFM Waveform Mode
WFS Waveform Spacing

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