Mnemonics, Tools, ECS-A

DescriptionElemental Capture Spectroscopy Sonde

Related channels
ASAL_WALK2 Apparent Salinity (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CALM_20 Capture Aluminum Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CBA_20 Capture Barium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CBA_WALK2 Capture Barium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CCA_20 Capture Calcium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CCA_WALK2 Capture Calcium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CCHL_20 Capture Chlorine Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CCHL_WALK2 Capture Chlorine Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CDCL_20 Capture Chlorine Borehole Minus Formation Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CDCL_WALK2 Capture Chlorine Borehole Minus Formation Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CFE_WALK2 Capture Iron Relative Yield (Corrected, SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CFEU_20 Capture Iron Relative Yield (Uncorrected, 20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CFEU_WALK2 Capture Iron Relative Yield (Uncorrected, SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CGD_20 Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CGD_WALK2 Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CHY_20 Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CHY_WALK2 Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CHY_WALK2_BSL Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield Baseline (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CK_20 Capture Potassium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CK_WALK2 Capture Potassium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CMAG_20 Capture Magnesium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CNA_20 Capture Sodium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CNC_20 Capture Nickel-Chromium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CNC_WALK2 Capture Nickel-Chromium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CSI_20 Capture Silicon Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CSI_WALK2 Capture Silicon Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CSTS_ECS Spectroscopy Combined Tool Status Word
CSUL_WALK2 Capture Sulfur Relative Yield (Corrected, SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CSUU_20 Capture Sulfur Relative Yield (Uncorrected, 20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CSUU_WALK2 Capture Sulfur Relative Yield (Uncorrected, SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
CTI_20 Capture TItanium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
CTI_WALK2 Capture TItanium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
D1ST_ECS ECS Detector Status
DWAL_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Pseudo Aluminum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWAL_MI_ACQ DWAL_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWAL_PL_ACQ DWAL_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWAL_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Aluminum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWAL_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Aluminum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWAL_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Pseudo Aluminum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWAL_WALK2_MI DWAL_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty
DWAL_WALK2_PL DWAL_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty
DWCA_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Calcium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWCA_MI_ACQ DWCA_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWCA_PL_ACQ DWCA_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWCA_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Calcium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWCA_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Calcium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWCA_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Calcium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWCA_WALK2_MI DWCA_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty
DWCA_WALK2_PL DWCA_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty
DWCL_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Chlorine (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWCL_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Chlorine Associated with Salt (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWFE_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Iron + 0.14 Aluminum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWFE_MI_ACQ DWFE_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWFE_PL_ACQ DWFE_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWFE_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Iron (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWFE_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Iron (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWFE_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Iron + 0.14 Aluminum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWFE_WALK2_MI DWFE_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty
DWFE_WALK2_PL DWFE_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty
DWGD_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Gadolinium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWGD_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Gadolinium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWGD_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Gadolinium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWGD_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Gadolinium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWHY_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Hydrogen (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWHY_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Hydrogen Associated with Coal (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWSI_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Silicon (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWSI_MI_ACQ DWSI_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWSI_PL_ACQ DWSI_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWSI_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Silicon (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWSI_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Silicon (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWSI_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Silicon (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWSI_WALK2_MI DWSI_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty
DWSI_WALK2_PL DWSI_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty
DWSU_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Sulfur (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWSU_MI_ACQ DWSU_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWSU_PL_ACQ DWSU_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWSU_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Sulfur (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWSU_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Sulfur (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWSU_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Sulfur (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWSU_WALK2_MI DWSU_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty
DWSU_WALK2_PL DWSU_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty
DWTI_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Titanium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWTI_MI_ACQ DWTI_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWTI_PL_ACQ DWTI_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty (in Acquisition)
DWTI_SIG_ACQ Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Fraction Titanium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
DWTI_SIG_WALK2 Statistical Uncertainty in Dry Weight Titanium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWTI_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Titanium (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
DWTI_WALK2_MI DWTI_WALK2 Minus Uncertainty
DWTI_WALK2_PL DWTI_WALK2 Plus Uncertainty
DXFE_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Excess Iron (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
ECMG_20 Gain from Frame by Frame Marquardt Solver (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ECST ECS Temperature
EGCF_20 Gain Correction Factor (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
EMC2 ECS Marquardt Chi-squared
ENGE_ACQ Matrix Epithermal Neutron Porosity from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
ENGE_WALK2 Matrix Epithermal Neutron Porosity from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
EOCF_20 Offset Correction Factor (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ERDF_20 Resolution Degradation Factor (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ESAT ECS Spectrum Acquisition Time
ESDT ECS Dead Time Count Rate
ESSP ECS Spectrum
ESSR_20 Spectral Count Rate (Channels 40-240) (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ESUF_ACQ Elemental Statistical Uncertainty Factor (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
ESUF_WALK2 Elemental Statistical Uncertainty Factor (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
EWWS_20 Marquardt Spectrum (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
FY2W_WALK2 Oxides Closure Normalization Factor (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
IC_20 Inelastic Carbon Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
IC_WALK2 Inelastic Carbon Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
ICA_20 Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ICA_WALK2 Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
IO_20 Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
IO_WALK2 Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
ISI_20 Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ISI_WALK2 Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
ITB_20 Inelastic Tool Background Relative Yield (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
ITB_WALK2 Inelastic Tool Background Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
LQC_HW_ECS Hardware LQC status image object
LQC_SPEC SpectroLith LQC status image object
LQC_SPEC_ACQ SpectroLith LQC status image object in Acquisition
LQC_YIELDS Yields LQC status word image object
MARQ_UPDATE_20 Marquardt Update State (20 Elemental Standards Processing)
NCCA_OS_WALK2 SpectroLith Normalized Calcium Yield Offset Value (WALK2)
NCCA_WALK2 Normalized Calcium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
NCFE_OS_WALK2 SpectroLith Normalized Iron Yield Offset Value (WALK2)
NCFE_WALK2 Normalized Iron Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
NCSI_OS_WALK2 SpectroLith Normalized Silicon Yield Offset Value (WALK2)
NCSI_WALK2 Normalized Silicon Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
NCSU_WALK2 Normalized Sulfur Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
NCSUL_OS_WALK2 SpectroLith Normalized Sulfur Yield Offset Value (WALK2)
NCTI_OS_WALK2 SpectroLith Normalized Titanium Yield Offset Value (WALK2)
NCTI_WALK2 Normalized Titanium Relative Yield (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
PEGE_ACQ Matrix Photoelectric Factor from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
PEGE_WALK2 Matrix Photoelectric Factor from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
QCPMT Photomultiplier Tube Quality Control
QCPMT_ACQ Photomultiplier Tube Quality Control (in Acquisition)
RHGE_ACQ Matrix Density from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
RHGE_WALK2 Matrix Density from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
SIGE_ACQ Matrix Sigma from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
SIGE_WALK2 Sigma Matrix from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model
SPEC_BARITE_FL Barite Mud Flag for Spectroscopy Processing
SPEC_CSG_DEPTH Casing Depth for Spectroscopy Processing
SPL_CLAY_MODEL SpectroLith Clay Model
SPL_HI_FETI_FL SpectroLith High Iron and Titanium Mineralogy Flag
SPL_SULFUR_MIN SpectroLith Sulfur Mineral Option
TNGE_ACQ Matrix Thermal Neutron Porosity from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
TNGE_WALK2 Matrix Thermal Neutron Porosity from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
UGE_ACQ Matrix Volumetric Photoelectric Factor from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
UGE_WALK2 Matrix Volumetric Photoelectric Factor from Elemental Concentrations (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WANH_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Anhydrite/Gypsum (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WCAR_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Carbonate (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
WCAR_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Carbonate (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WCLA_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Clay (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
WCLA_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Clay (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WCOA_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Coal (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WEVA_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Salt (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WPYR_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Pyrite (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WQFM_ACQ Dry Weight Fraction Quartz+Feldspar+Mica (QFM) (SpectroLith WALK2 Model in Acquisition)
WQFM_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Quartz+Feldspar+Mica (QFM) (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)
WSID_WALK2 Dry Weight Fraction Siderite (SpectroLith WALK2 Model)

Related parameters
CHISQ Chi-squared
CHISQ_SPEC_FIT Chi-square for Spectral Fit
DATA_SPEC Spectrum (Gain and Offset Applied Without Shift)
DATA_SPEC_SF Spectrum (Gain and Offset Applied With Shift)
DET_RES_20DDEGC Detector Resolution (Converted to 20 Degc)
DET_RES_FWHM Detector Resolution Measured Full Width Half Maximum at Calibration Temperature
ESVD_20DEGC High Voltage Setting (Converted to 20 Degc)
FITTED_SPEC Fitted Spectrum Without Shift
FITTED_SPEC_SF Fitted Spectrum With Shift
SPEC_BARITE_FL Barite Mud Flag for Spectroscopy Processing
SPEC_BARITE_LG Automatic Barite Logic for Spectroscopy Processing
SPEC_CSG_DEPTH Casing Depth for Spectroscopy Processing
SPEC_CSG_LOGIC Automatic Casing Logic for Spectroscopy Processing
SPEC_CSG_THR Automatic Casing Depth Detection Logic Threshold
SPEC_PEAK_LOC Spectrum Peak Location
SPEC_RDF Spectral Resolution Degradation Factor
SPEC_RDF_20DEGC Spectral Resolution Degradation Factor (Converted to 20 Degc)
SPEC_SHIFT_FAC Calibration Factor for Elemental Spectral Standards
SPEC_SHIFT_FACTOR Spectral Shift Factor
SPEC_WLEN_HBSL Window Length for Hydrogen Relative Yield Baseline Removal for Coal Processing
SPL_CH_OFF_OPT SpectroLith Cased Hole Offset Logic
SPL_CLAY_MODEL SpectroLith Clay Model
SPL_CLAY_OFFS SpectroLith Clay Offset for Calibrated Model
SPL_CLAY_SLOPE SpectroLith Clay Slope for Calibrated Model
SPL_CLAYMOD_LG SpectroLith Automatic Clay Model Logic
SPL_CLAYMOD_TH SpectroLith Automatic Clay Model Logic Clay Fraction Threshold
SPL_COAL_OPT SpectroLith Coal Processing Option
SPL_MIN_COAL SpectroLith Minimum Coal Threshold
SPL_SALT_ESSR SpectroLith Spectral Count Rate Threshold for Salt Logic
SPL_SALT_OPT SpectroLith Salt Processing Option
SPL_SALT_SCF SpectroLith Silicon+Calcium+Iron Threshold for Salt Logic (Si+Ca+Fe Relative Yields)
SPL_SIDE_OPT SpectroLith Siderite Option
SPL_SULFUR_LG SpectroLith Automatic Sulfur Mineral Logic
SPL_SULFUR_MIN SpectroLith Sulfur Mineral Option
WTMT ECS Gain Regulation Accumulation Time

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