Mnemonics, Tools, EPULSEXR475

Description4.75 inch Direction and Inclination and Gamma Ray Telemmetry Tool (EPulse XR)

Related channels
ANGX Quadrant Calibration Angle
APWD Low Resolution Annulus Pressure, Real-Time
AZIM_CONT Continuous Hole Azimuth
BATV_LD Loaded Battery Voltage
BX_ROT Rotating Magnetometer, X-Axis
CORR_INDEX Survey Station Correction Index
CRPM Collar Rotational Speed
DHAP Downhole Annulus Pressure
DIP Dip Angle
DLMSG Downlink Command
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density
GR Gamma Ray
GR_CONF Gamma Ray Bit Confidence
GX_ROT Continuous Rotational Gravity X-axis
HV_MAX High Voltage Maximum
HV_MIN High Voltage Minimum
INCL_CONT Continuous Inclination (Hole Deviation)
INCL_RAW Uncorrected Survey Station Inclination
IPRS Internal Pressure
IPWD Low Resolution Internal Pressure, Real-Time
MAV Minus Analog Voltage
NRPM Negative Rotation Indicator
PAV Plus Analog Voltage
PRECNUM Downlink Precursor
QLTY Survey quality: GOOD or BAD versus criteria
SAG_CORR Survey Station Sag Correction
SBX Magnetic X-Axis Reading, Stationary
SBY Magnetic Y-Axis Reading, Stationary
SBZ Magnetic Z-Axis Reading, Stationary
SDEP_RAW Unmodified Survey Station Depth
SGX Gravity X-Axis Reading, Stationary
SGY Gravity Y-Axis Reading, Stationary
SGZ Gravity Z-Axis Reading, Stationary
SHKR Shock Rate
SHKRSK Shock Risk
STICK Stick Slip Indicator
STUCK Percent Time Stuck Below 5 RPM Indicator
SVY_SOURCE Survey Station Source Tool
SVY_USAGE Survey Usage Limitations Indicator
TEMP Computed Borehole Temperature
TEMP_DNI Direction and Inclination Sensor Temperature
TOOLB Tool Magnetometer Magnitude from the Long Survey Axes
TOOLBYZ Root-Mean-Square of the Long Survey By and Bz Axes
TOOLG Tool Gravity Magnitude from the Long Survey Axes
TOOLGYZ Root-Mean-Square of the Long Survey Gy and Gz Axes
VGAP Gap Voltage
ZGAP Gap Impedance
ZGAPRC_E EMAG Gap Impedance, Recorded Mode

Related parameters
BATT_POSITION Battery Location
BOTGAPDC_TOGAP GAP Center to Bottom of GAP Collar
CHANGE_SIGNAL Equipment Change Signal
COLLAR_LENGTH Drill Collar Length
DNI_TO_REF Direction and Inclination Sensor to Reference Distance
FG_TO_TBOT Top of Fiberglass to Tool Bottom
GR_SOURCE Source Selection for Record Mode Gamma Ray
REF_TO_TBOT Reference to Tool Bottom
REF_TO_TOPSPEC Pressure to Top of SPEC Collar
TFO Toolface Angle Offset
XO_LENGTH Crossover Length

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