Mnemonics, Tools, HPAB

DescriptionHewlett Packard Adaptor

Related channels
FHPG Fractional part of HPGP
HPF HP Frequency
HPGD HP Gauge Digital Pressure
HPGP HP Gauge Pressure
HPT HP Gauge Temperature
OHPG Ones Digit of HP Gauge Pressure
THPG Tens Digit of HP Gauge Pressure

Related parameters
CCTU Calibration Coefficients Temperature Units
FLD Flow Line Density
G0HP G0 HP Gauge Function Coefficient
G1HP G1 HP Gauge Function Coefficient
G3HP G3 HP Gauge Function Coefficient
G4HP HP16 G4 Coefficient
H0HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient H0
H1HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient H1
H2HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient H2
H3HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient H3
H4HP HP16 H4 Coefficient
HPG0 HP Gauge Function Coefficient G0
HPG1 HP Gauge Function Coefficient G1
HPG2 HP Gauge Function Coefficient G2
HPG3 HP Gauge Function Coefficient G3
HPG4 HP Gauge Function Coefficient G4
HPH0 HP Gauge Function Coefficient H0
HPH1 HP Gauge Function Coefficient H1
HPH2 HP Gauge Function Coefficient H2
HPH3 HP Gauge Function Coefficient H3
HPH4 HP Gauge Function Coefficient H4
HPI0 HP Gauge Function Coefficient I0
HPI1 HP Gauge Function Coefficient I1
HPI2 HP Gauge Function Coefficient I2
HPI3 HP Gauge Function Coefficient I3
HPI4 HP Gauge Function Coefficient I4
HPJ0 HP Gauge Function Coefficient J0
HPJ1 HP Gauge Function Coefficient J1
HPJ2 HP Gauge Function Coefficient J2
HPJ3 HP Gauge Function Coefficient J3
HPJ4 HP Gauge Function Coefficient J4
HPPA HP Gauge Pressure Computation Algorithm
HPT HP Gauge Temperature
HPTS HP Temperature Source
I0HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient I0
I1HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient I1
I3HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient I3
I4HP HP16 I4 Coefficient
J0HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient J0
J1HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient J1
J2HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient J2
J3HP HP Gauge Function Coefficient J3
J4HP HP16 J4 Coefficient
PCTS Pressure Correction Temperature Source

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