Mnemonics, Tools, MRFA-NPG

DisciplineWell Testing
Description25K Composition Fluid Analyzer, Inverted Sealed Connectors

Related channels
AHYD Apparent Hydrocarbon Density
ANHYDAVG Average Apparent Hydrocarbon Density
ANHYDAVGBSMP Average Apparent Hydrocarbon Density Before Sampling
CFAID CFA Analysis Identifier
CFANUM CFA Analysis Number
CFASRC CFA Source Tool Path
CGAR Condensate Gas Ratio
CGARAVG Condensate Gas Ratio Average
CGARAVGBSMP Condensate Gas Ratio Average Before Sampling
CO2_APD CO2 Average Partial Density
CO2_APDBSMP CO2 Average Partial Density Before Sampling
CO2_PD CO2 Partial Density
CO2AR Average Ratio of CO2 Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
CO2ARBSMP Average Ratio of CO2 Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2 Before Sampling
CO2I CO2 Analysis Flag
CO2IAVG CO2 Analysis Flag Average
CO2IAVGBSMP CO2 Analysis Flag Average Before Sampling
CO2IID CO2 Analysis Flag Image Display
CO2R Ratio of CO2 Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
CRID Compositional Ratio Image Display
ETH_APD C2-C5 Average Partial Density
ETH_APDBSMP C2-C5 Average Partial Density Before Sampling
ETH_PD C2-C5 Partial Density
ETHAR Average Ratio of C2-C5 Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
ETHARBSMP Average Ratio of C2-C5 Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2 Before Sampling
ETHR Ratio of C2-C5 Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
FAOD_476 Optical Density Channel 476 nm
FAOD_647 Optical Density Channel 647 nm
FAQI Data Quality Indicator
FAQIAVG Data Quality Indicator Average
FAQIAVGBSMP Data Quality Indicator Average Before Sampling
FAQIID Data Quality Indicator Image Display
FLD0 Fluorescence Channel 0
FLD0AVG Fluorescence Channel 0 Average
FLD0AVGBSMP Fluorescence Channel 0 Average Before Sampling
FLD1 Fluorescence Channel 1
FLD1AVG Fluorescence Channel 1 Average
FLD1AVGBSMP Fluorescence Channel 1 Average Before Sampling
FLDR Fluorescence Reflection
FLDRAVG Fluorescence Reflection Average
FLDRAVGBSMP Fluorescence Reflection Average Before Sampling
FLRA Fluorescence Ratio
FLRAVG Fluorescence Ratio Average
FLRAVGBSMP Fluorescence Ratio Average Before Sampling
GOR Gas Oil Ratio
HEX_APD C6+ Average Partial Density
HEX_APDBSMP C6+ Average Partial Density Before Sampling
HEX_PD C6+ Partial Density
HEXAR Average Ratio of C6+ Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
HEXARBSMP Average Ratio of C6+ Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2 Before Sampling
HEXR Ratio of C6+ Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
ICFASUMLIST Include This CFA Analysis in the CFA Summary Listing
METH_APD Methane Average Partial Density
METH_APDBSMP Methane Average Partial Density Before Sampling
METH_PD Methane Partial Density
METHAR Average Ratio of Methane Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
METHARBSMP Average Ratio of Methane Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2 Before Sampling
METHR Ratio of Methane Partial Density to Partial Density of Hydrocarbon + CO2
WATF Water Fraction
WATFID Water Volume Fraction Image Display

Related parameters
CFANUM CFA Analysis Number
FA2M CO2 Allow/Disallow Mode
FADM Dew Detection Allow/Disallow Mode
FAGM GOR Allow/Disallow Mode
FAODW Water Absorption Spectra
FAPC Path Correction Coefficient
FAPCH Heptane Pathlength Ratio to 2mm
FAPCW Water Pathlength Ratio to 2mm
FAPM Composition Allow/Disallow Mode
FAT_TCPS_RT Temperature Compensation (RT) Temperature
FAT_TCPS_T1 Temperature Compensation (100degC) Temperature
FAT_TCPS_T2 Temperature Compensation (150degC) Temperature
FAT_TCPS_T3 Temperature Compensation (175degC) Temperature
FATCM Temperature Compensation Coefficient Measure Mode
FATCS Temperature Compensation Coefficient Source Mode
FLIM_BEFORE_DARK Fluorescence Detector Source Intensity Monitor Before Calibration Dark Mode
FLIM_BEFORE_SOURCE Fluorescence Detector Source Intensity Monitor Before Calibration Source Mode
FLIM_DRY_DARK Fluorescence Detector Source Intensity Monitor Dry Calibration Dark Mode
FLIM_DRY_SOURCE Fluorescence Detector Source Intensity Monitor Dry Calibration Source Mode
HAPI Hydrocarbon API
ICFASUMLIST Include This CFA Analysis in the CFA Summary Listing
RFAT_BEFORE Fluid Analyzer Temperature Before Calibration Measure
RFAT_BEFORE_CURRENT Fluid Analyzer Temperature Before Calibration Current
RFAT_BEFORE_OFFSET Fluid Analyzer Temperature Before Calibration Offset
RFLD_BEFORE_DARK Fluorescence Detector Before Calibration Dark Mode
RFLD_DRY Fluorescence Detector Dry Calibration Measure Mode
RFLD_DRY_DARK Fluorescence Detector Dry Calibration Dark Mode
RFLD_R6G Fluorescence Detector Rhodamine 6G Calibration Measure Mode
RFLD_R6G_DARK Fluorescence Detector Rhodamine 6G Calibration Dark Mode
RSPC_BEFORE_DARK Spectrometer Before Calibration Dark Mode
RSPC_BEFORE_SOURCE Spectrometer Before Calibration Source Mode
RSPC_DRY Spectrometer Dry Calibration Measure Mode
RSPC_DRY_DARK Spectrometer Dry Calibration Dark Mode
RSPC_DRY_SOURCE Spectrometer Dry Calibration Source Mode
RSPC_DRY2_OD Dry2 Optical Density
RSPC_HEPTANE_OD Heptane Optical Density
RSPC_HEPTANE_OD_CORR Baseline Corrected Heptane Optical Density
RSPC_WATER_OD Water Optical Density

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