Mnemonics, Tools, MRMS-P

DisciplineWell Testing
Description25K Multi-Sample, No Sealed Bulk Head

Related channels
BTLSW Bottle Status Word
BTLVLV_CMDECHO Bottle Valve Command Echo
BTLVLV_STA Bottle Valve Status
CFAIDS Associated CFA Analysis Identifiers
ESMPTIM End of Sample Time
ESMPTPRES Sampling Point Pressure at End of Sample
H2SBSMP H2S Concentration Before Sampling
H2SSMP H2S Concentration During Sampling
INTSMPTTYP Interpreted Sample Type
ISMPSUMLIST Include This Sample in the Sample Summary Listing
LFAIDS Associated LFA Analysis Identifiers
LWR_VLVPOS Lower Valve Position
MNSMPTPRES Minimum Sampling Point Pressure
MNSMPTTTIM Minimum Sampling Point Pressure Time
PRCHAN Pressure Channel Name
RATEBSMP Rate Before Sampling
RATESMP Flowrate During Sampling
RCMSW1 RCM Status Word 1
RCMSW2 RCM Status Word 2
RESBSMP Resistivity Before Sampling
RESSMP Resistivity During Sampling
SERNUM Tool Serial Number
SETID Set-Retract Sequence Identifier
SMPDEVSRC Sample Device Source Tool Path
SMPDEVVOL Sampling Device Volume
SMPID Sample Identifier
SMPMODE Sampling Mode
SMPNUM Sample Number
SMPPNTTYP Formation Tester Sampling Point Type
SMPPRES Sample Chamber Pressure when the Chamber is Closed
SSMPTIM Start of Sample Time
SSMPTPRES Sampling Point Pressure at Start of Sample
STAN Station Number
TEMPBSMP Temperature Before Sampling
TEMPCHAN Temperature Channel Name
TEMPCHANSRC Temperature Channel Source Tool Path
TEMPSMP Temperature During Sampling
TOTVOLPMPBSMP Total Volume Pumped Before Sampling
UPR_VLVPOS Upper Valve Position

Related parameters
BTLCNFG_MPSR Bottle Configuration
BTLCNFG_SPMC Bottle Configuration
BTLPOS Bottle Position
BTLVOL Bottle Volume
FLOWLINE_VOL Flowline Volume
IS_EXIT_PORT Use as an exit port
ISMPSUMLIST Include This Sample in the Sample Summary Listing
RSTVLVPOS Mask for Reset Valve Position
SMPNUM Sample Number
TEMPCHAN Temperature Channel Name
TEMPCHANSRC Temperature Channel Source Tool Path

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