Mnemonics, Tools, MRSF-NA

DisciplineWell Testing
DescriptionMDT Insitu Sleeve Stress Tester

Related channels
ADVLVSTA Autodeflate Valve Status
CTOT Total Compressibility of Rock and Fluid
DDDUR Drawdown Duration
DDMOB Drawdown Mobility
DDMOBPF Drawdown Mobility Proportionality Factor
DDMOBQUAL Drawdown Mobility Quality Indicator
DDMOBREFPRSRC Drawdown Mobility Reference Pressure Source
DDMOBREFPRU Drawdown Mobility Reference Pressure from User
DDPERM Drawdown Permeability
DDRATE Drawdown Rate
DDVOL Drawdown Volume
DEFVOLPER Packer Element Deflation Volume Percentage
DIFFPRES Differential Pressure
DISPDDMOB Display the Drawdown Mobility
DISPFORMPRPNT Display Formation Pressure Point
DISPHYDA Display Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract
DISPHYDB Display Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set
DISPSFMOB Display Superflow Mobility Point
DISPTEMP Display Temperature
DPRLIDEPIN Pressure Change Limit for Computing Spherical Depth of Investigation
DPRREFPR Delta Pressure Reference Pressure
DRYTEST Dry Test Flag
DTIME Delta Time From Beginning of Buildup
DVFLT Derivative Filter Used to Compute Derivative of Pressure
DVMCECHO Dual Valve Motor Controller Board Echo
DVMPSPRSTA Dual Valve Motor Protection/Solenoid Protection Board Status
EBUETI Time Interval Between Interpreted End of Buildup and End of Test
EBUTIM End of Buildup Time
EBUTIMA End of Buildup Time From Automatic Picks
EFFPRBRAD Effective Probe Radius
ERDTIM End of the Radial Flow Regime Interval Time
ESPTIM End of the Spherical Flow Regime Interval Time
ESTATIONTIM Time at End of Station
EXCLFORMPRPNT Exclude Formation Pressure Point from Gradient Computation
EXCLHYDA Exclude Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract from Gradient Computation
EXCLHYDB Exclude Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set from Gradient Computation
EXCLTEMP Exclude Temperature from Gradient Computation
FORMPRES Formation Pressure
FORMPRQUAL Formation Pressure Quality Indicator
FORMPRSRC Formation Pressure Source
HYDAPRES Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract
HYDATIM Time of Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract
HYDBPRES Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set
HYDBTIM Time of Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set
HYDPKSRC Hydrostatic Pressure Time Picks Source
IDSUMLIST Include This Test in the Detailed Summary Listing?
IFRIDPLT Include the Flow Regime ID Plot in Client Product?
IGSUMLIST Include This Test in the General Summary Listing?
INFPRES Inflate Pressure
INFVLVPOS Inflate Valve Position
INFVOL Packer Element Inflation Volume
INFVOLPER Packer Element Inflation Volume Percentage
INTFLORATE Interval Flowrate
INTSTOR Interval Storage
INTTSTTYP Interpreted Test Type
INTVLVPOS Interval Valve Position
IPVSTPLT Include the Pressure Versus Time Plot in Client Product?
IRDPLT Include the Radial Analysis Plot in Client Product?
ISFAPLT Include the Superflow Analysis Plot in Client Product?
ISFASLIST Include This Test in the Superflow Analysis Summary Listing?
ISPPLT Include the Spherical Analysis Plot in Client Product?
LOSTSEAL Lost Seal Test Flag
LRBPRES Last Read Buildup Pressure
MAXPRES Maximum Pressure
MINPRES Minimum Pressure
PAC_DEPTH Packer Depth
PAN1 MRPA Quartz Gauge N1 Count
PAN12 MRPA 2 Quartz Gauge N1 Count
PAN2 MRPA Quartz Gauge N2 Count
PAN22 MRPA 2 Quartz Gauge N2 Count
PAN3 MRPA Quartz Gauge N3 Count
PAN32 MRPA 2 Quartz Gauge N3 Count
PAN4 MRPA Quartz Gauge N4 Count
PAN42 MRPA 2 Quartz Gauge N4 Count
PAQSX MRPA AXTON Quartz Gauge Status
PAQSX2 MRPA 2 AXTON Quartz Gauge Status
PRCHAN Pressure Channel Name
PRCHANSRC Pressure Channel Source Tool Path
PRFLTSMPRES Pressure Filter Used to Compute Smoothed Pressure
PRODVOL Produced Volume
PRODVOLSRC Produced Volume Source
QDDPRES Quartzdyne Gauge Delta Pressure
QDINFPRES Quartzdyne Gauge Inflate Pressure
QDNB Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Signal Component
QDNBP Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Prime Signal Component
QDPRES Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Pressure
QDPRESS_SFT MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Pressure
QDPRESS_SFT_DL MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Pressure (Depth Logging)
QDPRESS_SFT2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Pressure
QDPRESS_SFT2_DL MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Pressure (Depth Logging)
QDRDDV Quartzdyne Gauge Radial Derivative
QDSMDPRES Quartzdyne Gauge Smoothed Delta Pressure
QDSMPRES Quartzdyne Gauge Smoothed Pressure
QDSPDV Quartzdyne Gauge Spherical Derivative
QDSTA Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Status
QDTEMP Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Temperature
QGDPRES Quartz Gauge Delta Pressure
QGINFPRES Quartz Gauge Inflate Pressure
QGN1 Quartz Gauge N1 Count
QGN2 Quartz Gauge N2 Count
QGN3 Quartz Gauge N3 Count
QGN4 Quartz Gauge N4 Count
QGNB Quartz Gauge Sensor Nb Signal Component
QGNBP Quartz Gauge Sensor Nb Prime Signal Component
QGNC Quartz Gauge Sensor Nc Signal Component
QGNCP Quartz Gauge Sensor Nc Prime Signal Component
QGPCO Dynamic Compensation Applied to Quartz Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
QGPRCORR Bellows Correction and Flowline Correction Applied to Quartz Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
QGPRES Quartz Gauge Sensor Pressure Corrected by Bellows Correction, Flowline Correction and Dynamic Compensation
QGRDDV Quartz Gauge Radial Derivative
QGSFRATE Quartz Gauge Superflow Rate
QGSFRCONPRES Quartz Gauge Superflow Reconstructed Pressure
QGSFRCONTIM Quartz Gauge Superflow Reconstructed Time
QGSMDPRES Quartz Gauge Smoothed Delta Pressure
QGSMPRES Quartz Gauge Smoothed Pressure
QGSPDV Quartz Gauge Spherical Derivative
QGSTA Quartz Gauge Sensor Status
QGTEMP Quartz Gauge Sensor Temperature
RCMSW1 RCM Status Word 1
RCMSW2 RCM Status Word 2
RDEXTRPRES Radial Extrapolated Pressure
RDMOB Radial Mobility
RDMOBTH Radial Mobility Thickness
RDPERM Radial Permeability
RDPERMTH Radial Permeability Thickness
RDPKSRC Radial Flow Regime Interval Time Picks Source
RDSLRDDV Radial Flow Regime Interval Slope of Radial Derivative
RDSLSPDV Radial Flow Regime Interval Slope of Spherical Derivative
REDUCEHYD Reduced Hydrostatic Pressure Detected
RETTIM End of Retract Time
RINFPRES Raw Inflate Pressure
RMNINTPRES Raw Minimum Interval Pressure
RMXINTPRES Raw Maximum Interval Pressure
RPAC_DEPTH Raw Packer Depth
RQDPRES Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
RQGPRES Quartz Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
RSFTPD MRSF Raw Packer Depth
RSFTPD_DL MRSF Raw Packer Depth (Depth Logging)
RSFTPD2 MRSF 2 Raw Packer Depth
RSFTPD2_DL MRSF 2 Raw Packer Depth (Depth Logging)
RSGPRES Raw Strain Gauge Sensor Pressure
RUN Run Number
SAPDPRES Sapphire Gauge Delta Pressure
SAPRDDV Sapphire Gauge Radial Derivative
SAPSMPRES Sapphire Gauge Smoothed Pressure
SAPSPDV Sapphire Gauge Spherical Derivative
SBUTIM Start of Buildup Time
SBUTIM1 Start of Buildup Time First Approximation
SBUTIMA Start of Buildup Time From Automatic Picks
SDDTIM Start of Drawdown Time
SDDTIM1 Start of Drawdown Time First Approximation
SDDTIMA Start of Drawdown Time From Automatic Picks
SERNUM Tool Serial Number
SETID Set-Retract Sequence Identifier
SETTIM Start of Set Time
SFMOB Superflow Mobility
SFMOBQUAL Superflow Mobility Quality Indicator
SFPERM Superflow Permeability
SFQDINFPRES MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFQDINFPRES2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFQGINFPRES MRSF Quartz Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFQGINFPRES2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFSGINFPRES MRSF Strain Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFSGINFPRES2 MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFSOIINFPRES MRSF SOI Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFSOIINFPRES2 MRSF 2 SOI Gauge Inflate Pressure
SFTAD MRSF Autodeflate Valve Status
SFTAD_DL MRSF Autodeflate Valve Status (Depth Logging)
SFTAD2 MRSF 2 Autodeflate Valve Status
SFTAD2_DL MRSF 2 Autodeflate Valve Status (Depth Logging)
SFTBP MRSF Quartz Gauge Nb_Prime Signal Component
SFTBP_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Nb_Prime Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTBP2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nb_Prime Signal Component
SFTBP2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nb_Prime Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTCP MRSF Quartz Gauge Nc_Prime Signal Component
SFTCP_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Nc_Prime Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTCP2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nc_Prime Signal Component
SFTCP2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nc_Prime Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTDV MRSF Dual Valve Motor Control Command Echo
SFTDV_DL MRSF Dual Valve Motor Control Command Echo (Depth Logging)
SFTDV2 MRSF 2 Dual Valve Motor Control Command Echo
SFTDV2_DL MRSF 2 Dual Valve Motor Control Command Echo (Depth Logging)
SFTFP MRSF Inflate Valve Position
SFTFP_DL MRSF Inflate Valve Position (Depth Logging)
SFTFP2 MRSF 2 Inflate Valve Position
SFTFP2_DL MRSF 2 Inflate Valve Position (Depth Logging)
SFTHP MRSF Inflate Pressure
SFTHP_DL MRSF Inflate Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTHP2 MRSF 2 Inflate Pressure
SFTHP2_DL MRSF 2 Inflate Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTIV MRSF Inflation Volume
SFTIV_DL MRSF Inflation Volume (Depth Logging)
SFTIV2 MRSF 2 Inflation Volume
SFTIV2_DL MRSF 2 Inflation Volume (Depth Logging)
SFTMB MRSF Quartz Gauge Nb Signal Component
SFTMB_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Nb Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTMB2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nb Signal Component
SFTMB2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nb Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTMC MRSF Quartz Gauge Nc Signal Component
SFTMC_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Nc Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTMC2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nc Signal Component
SFTMC2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Nc Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTN1 MRSF Quartz Gauge N1 Count
SFTN1_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge N1 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN12 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge N1 Count
SFTN12_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge N1 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN2 MRSF Quartz Gauge N2 Count
SFTN2_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge N2 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN22 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge N2 Count
SFTN22_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge N2 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN3 MRSR Quartz Gauge N3 Count
SFTN3_DL MRSR Quartz Gauge N3 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN32 MRSR 2 Quartz Gauge N3 Count
SFTN32_DL MRSR 2 Quartz Gauge N3 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN4 MRSF Quartz Gauge N4 Count
SFTN4_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge N4 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTN42 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge N4 Count
SFTN42_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge N4 Count (Depth Logging)
SFTNB MRSF New Board Echo
SFTNB_DL MRSF New Board Echo (Depth Logging)
SFTNB2 MRSF 2 New Board Echo
SFTNB2_DL MRSF 2 New Board Echo (Depth Logging)
SFTPC MRSF Quartz Gauge Pressure Compensation
SFTPC_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Pressure Compensation (Depth Logging)
SFTPC2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Pressure Compensation
SFTPC2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Pressure Compensation (Depth Logging)
SFTPD MRSF Packer Depth
SFTPD_DL MRSF Packer Depth (Depth Logging)
SFTPD2 MRSF 2 Packer Depth
SFTPD2_DL MRSF 2 Packer Depth (Depth Logging)
SFTPRCORR Correction Applied to the MRSF Quartz Gauge Sensor Pressure
SFTPRCORR_DL Correction Applied to the MRSF Quartz Gauge Sensor Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTPRCORR2 Correction Applied to the MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Sensor Pressure
SFTPRCORR2_DL Correction Applied to the MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Sensor Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTQDNB MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Signal Component
SFTQDNB_DL MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTQDNB2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Signal Component
SFTQDNB2_DL MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTQDNBP MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Prime Signal Component
SFTQDNBP_DL MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Prime Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTQDNBP2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Prime Signal Component
SFTQDNBP2_DL MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Nb Prime Signal Component (Depth Logging)
SFTQDP MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
SFTQDP_DL MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTQDP2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
SFTQDP2_DL MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTQDST MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Status
SFTQDST_DL MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Status (Depth Logging)
SFTQDST2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Status
SFTQDST2_DL MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Status (Depth Logging)
SFTQDT MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Temperature
SFTQDT_DL MRSF Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Temperature (Depth Logging)
SFTQDT2 MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Temperature
SFTQDT2_DL MRSF 2 Quartzdyne Gauge Sensor Temperature (Depth Logging)
SFTQP MRSF Quartz Gauge Pressure
SFTQP_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTQP2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Pressure
SFTQP2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTQSG MRSF Quartz Gauge G Status
SFTQSG_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge G Status (Depth Logging)
SFTQSG2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge G Status
SFTQSG2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge G Status (Depth Logging)
SFTQSX MRSF AXTON Quartz Gauge Status
SFTQSX_DL MRSF AXTON Quartz Gauge Status (Depth Logging)
SFTQSX2 MRSF 2 AXTON Quartz Gauge Status
SFTQSX2_DL MRSF 2 AXTON Quartz Gauge Status (Depth Logging)
SFTQT MRSF Quartz Gauge Temperature
SFTQT_DL MRSF Quartz Gauge Temperature (Depth Logging)
SFTQT2 MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Temperature
SFTQT2_DL MRSF 2 Quartz Gauge Temperature (Depth Logging)
SFTRH MRSF Raw Inflate Pressure
SFTRH_DL MRSF Raw Inflate Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRH2 MRSF 2 Raw Inflate Pressure
SFTRH2_DL MRSF 2 Raw Inflate Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRM MRSF Raw Minimum Interval Pressure
SFTRM_DL MRSF Raw Minimum Interval Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRM2 MRSF 2 Raw Minimum Interval Pressure
SFTRM2_DL MRSF 2 Raw Minimum Interval Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRQ MRSF Raw Quartz Gauge Pressure
SFTRQ_DL MRSF Raw Quartz Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRQ2 MRSF 2 Raw Quartz Gauge Pressure
SFTRQ2_DL MRSF 2 Raw Quartz Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRS MRSF Raw Strain Gauge Pressure
SFTRS_DL MRSF Raw Strain Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRS2 MRSF 2 Raw Strain Gauge Pressure
SFTRS2_DL MRSF 2 Raw Strain Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRX MRSF Raw Maximum Interval Pressure
SFTRX_DL MRSF Raw Maximum Interval Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTRX2 MRSF 2 Raw Maximum Interval Pressure
SFTRX2_DL MRSF 2 Raw Maximum Interval Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTSA MRSF Strain Gauge Automatic Compensation Coefficients
SFTSA_DL MRSF Strain Gauge Automatic Compensation Coefficients (Depth Logging)
SFTSA2 MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Automatic Compensation Coefficients
SFTSA2_DL MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Automatic Compensation Coefficients (Depth Logging)
SFTSF MRSF Strain Gauge Frequency
SFTSF_DL MRSF Strain Gauge Frequency (Depth Logging)
SFTSF2 MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Frequency
SFTSF2_DL MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Frequency (Depth Logging)
SFTSG MRSF Strain Gauge Pressure
SFTSG_DL MRSF Strain Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTSG2 MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Pressure
SFTSG2_DL MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Pressure (Depth Logging)
SFTSO MRSF Solenoid Status
SFTSO_DL MRSF Solenoid Status (Depth Logging)
SFTSO2 MRSF 2 Solenoid Status
SFTSO2_DL MRSF 2 Solenoid Status (Depth Logging)
SFTSP MRSF Pump Sequence Status
SFTSP_DL MRSF Pump Sequence Status (Depth Logging)
SFTSP2 MRSF 2 Pump Sequence Status
SFTSP2_DL MRSF 2 Pump Sequence Status (Depth Logging)
SFTTG MRSF Temperature Gauge Command Echo
SFTTG_DL MRSF Temperature Gauge Command Echo (Depth Logging)
SFTTG2 MRSF 2 Temperature Gauge Command Echo
SFTTG2_DL MRSF 2 Temperature Gauge Command Echo (Depth Logging)
SFTTV MRSF Strain Gauge Temperature
SFTTV_DL MRSF Strain Gauge Temperature (Depth Logging)
SFTTV2 MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Temperature
SFTTV2_DL MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Temperature (Depth Logging)
SFTVD MRSF Dual Valve Diagnostic
SFTVD_DL MRSF Dual Valve Diagnostic (Depth Logging)
SFTVD2 MRSF 2 Dual Valve Diagnostic
SFTVD2_DL MRSF 2 Dual Valve Diagnostic (Depth Logging)
SFTVP MRSF Interval Valve Position
SFTVP_DL MRSF Interval Valve Position (Depth Logging)
SFTVP2 MRSF 2 Interval Valve Position
SFTVP2_DL MRSF 2 Interval Valve Position (Depth Logging)
SFTVPER MRSF Inflate Volume Percentage
SFTVPER_DL MRSF Inflate Volume Percentage (Depth Logging)
SFTVPER2 MRSF 2 Inflate Volume Percentage
SFTVPER2_DL MRSF 2 Inflate Volume Percentage (Depth Logging)
SG_ACOM_COEFS Strain Gauge Automatic Compensation Coefficients
SGDPRES Strain Gauge Delta Pressure
SGFRQ Strain Gauge Sensor Frequency
SGINFPRES Strain Gauge Inflate Pressure
SGPRES Strain Gauge Sensor Pressure
SGRDDV Strain Gauge Radial Derivative
SGSFRATE Strain Gauge Superflow Rate
SGSFRCONPRES Strain Gauge Superflow Reconstructed Pressure
SGSFRCONTIM Strain Gauge Superflow Reconstructed Time
SGSMDPRES Strain Gauge Smoothed Delta Pressure
SGSMPRES Strain Gauge Smoothed Pressure
SGSPDV Strain Gauge Spherical Derivative
SGTEMP Strain Gauge Sensor Temperature
SMDTIM Smoothed Delta Time
SMPDEV Sampling Device
SMPDEVSRC Sample Device Source Tool Path
SMPMODE Sampling Mode
SMPPNTTYP Formation Tester Sampling Point Type
SOIINFPRES SOI Gauge Inflate Pressure
SOIPRES_SFT1DL MRSF SOI Pressure (Depth Logging)
SOIPRES_SFT2DL MRSF 2 SOI Pressure (Depth Logging)
SOIRPRES_SFT1DL MRSF SOI Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
SOIRPRES_SFT2DL MRSF 2 SOI Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
SOITEMP SOI Temperature
SOITEMP_SFT1DL MRSF SOI Temperature (Depth Logging)
SOITEMP_SFT2DL MRSF 2 SOI Temperature (Depth Logging)
SOL_STAT Solenoid Status
SPDEPIN Spherical Depth of Investigation
SPEXTRPRES Spherical Extrapolated Pressure
SPMOB Spherical Mobility
SPPERM Spherical Permeability
SPPKSRC Spherical Flow Regime Interval Time Picks Source
SPSLRDDV Spherical Flow Regime Interval Slope of Radial Derivative
SPSLSPDV Spherical Flow Regime Interval Slope of Spherical Derivative
SQSW Sequence Status Word
SRDTIM Start of the Radial Flow Regime Interval Time
SRETTIM Start of Retract Time
SSPTIM Start of the Spherical Flow Regime Interval Time
SSTATIONTIM Time at Start of Station
TEMPCHAN Temperature Channel Name
TEMPCHANSRC Temperature Channel Source Tool Path
TEMPTIMSRC Temperature Capture Time Source
TOTSETTIM Total Set Time
TPT Total Production Time
TSTID Test Identifier
TSTNUM Test Number
TSTPKSRC Test Time Picks Source
TSTSRC Test Creation Source
TSTTEMP Test Temperature
TSTTYP Formation Tester Test Type
TVFTH True Vertical Formation Thickness
UNDERBAL Under-balanced Well Detected
VLVDIAG Valve Diagnostic Status
XQGSTA AXTON Quartz Gauge Status

Related parameters
ADVLVPRESLMT Autodeflate Valve Reset Pressure Limit
BOTCOEFF Bottom Coefficient
CHKVLVDFLMT Check Valve Differential Limit
COLDDMOB Color Map Index of Drawdown Mobility Point
COLFORMPRES Color Map Index of Formation Pressure Point
COLHYDA Color Map Index of Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract Point
COLHYDB Color Map Index of Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set Point
COLSFMOB Color Map Index of Superflow Mobility
COLTEMP Color Map Index of Temperature Point
CTLINTPRES Packer Control Task Interval Pressure
DDMOBQUAL Drawdown Mobility Quality Indicator
DDMOBREFPRSRC Drawdown Mobility Reference Pressure Source
DDMOBREFPRU Drawdown Mobility Reference Pressure from User
DDVOL Drawdown Volume
DDVOLSRC Drawdown Volume Source
DISPDDMOB Display the Drawdown Mobility
DISPFORMPRPNT Display Formation Pressure Point
DISPHYDA Display Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract
DISPHYDB Display Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set
DISPSFMOB Display Superflow Mobility Point
DISPTEMP Display Temperature
DPRLIDEPIN Pressure Change Limit for Computing Spherical Depth of Investigation
DVFLT Derivative Filter Used to Compute Derivative of Pressure
DVMPSPR_CONFIG Dual Valve Motor Position/Solenoid/Protection (DVMPSPR) Board Configuration
EBUTIM End of Buildup Time
EBUTIMA End of Buildup Time From Automatic Picks
ELMDIFFPRES Packer Element Differential Pressure
ERDTIM End of the Radial Flow Regime Interval Time
ESPTIM End of the Spherical Flow Regime Interval Time
EXCLFORMPRPNT Exclude Formation Pressure Point from Gradient Computation
EXCLHYDA Exclude Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract from Gradient Computation
EXCLHYDB Exclude Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set from Gradient Computation
EXCLTEMP Exclude Temperature from Gradient Computation
FLTR_SIZE Filter Size
FORMPRQUAL Formation Pressure Quality Indicator
FORMPRSRC Formation Pressure Source
HOLE_DIA Hole Diameter
HYDATIM Time of Hydrostatic Pressure After Retract
HYDBTIM Time of Hydrostatic Pressure Before Set
HYDPKSRC Hydrostatic Pressure Time Picks Source
IDSUMLIST Include This Test in the Detailed Summary Listing?
IFRIDPLT Include the Flow Regime ID Plot in Client Product?
IGSUMLIST Include This Test in the General Summary Listing?
INFMODE Inflate Mode
INFPRES_OFFS Inflate Pressure Offset
INFPRESGSEL Inflate Pressure Gauge Select
INFPRESLMT Inflate Pressure Limit
INTLOWLEN Interval Lower Length
INTPRESGSEL Interval Pressure Gauge Select
INTPRESLMTCTL Surface Interval Pressure Limit Control
INTTSTTYP Interpreted Test Type
INTUPLEN Interval Upper Length
INTVOL Interval Volume
IPVSTPLT Include the Pressure Versus Time Plot in Client Product?
IRDPLT Include the Radial Analysis Plot in Client Product?
ISFAPLT Include the Superflow Analysis Plot in Client Product?
ISFASLIST Include This Test in the Superflow Analysis Summary Listing?
ISPPLT Include the Spherical Analysis Plot in Client Product?
LVIS Liquid Viscosity
MNINTPRES Minimum Interval Pressure for Downhole Limit Control
MNPACINTPRES Minimum Interval Pressure for Surface Limit Control
MXDDPRES Max Drawdown Pressure
MXINTPRES Maximum Interval Pressure for Downhole Limit Control
MXPACINTPRES Maximum Interval Pressure for Surface Limit Control
MXSTPRES Max Stress Test Pressure
OBMC OBM Compatibility
POR Porosity
PRESLMTCTL Downhole Interval Pressure Limit Control
PRFLTSMPRES Pressure Filter Used to Compute Smoothed Pressure
PRODVOL Produced Volume
PRODVOLSRC Produced Volume Source
PUMPSEL Pump Selection
QDCDATE Quartzdyne Gauge Calibration Date
QGCLKCALTMAX Quartz Gauge Clock Calibration Range Max Temperature
QGCLKCALTMIN Quartz Gauge Clock Calibration Range Min Temperature
QGXTLCALPMAX Quartz Gauge Crystal Calibration Range Max Pressure
QGXTLCALPMIN Quartz Gauge Crystal Calibration Range Min Pressure
QGXTLCALTMAX Quartz Gauge Crystal Calibration Range Max Temperature
QGXTLCALTMIN Quartz Gauge Crystal Calibration Range Min Temperature
RDPKSRC Radial Flow Regime Interval Time Picks Source
RECOMPENDTIM Recompute End Time
REDUCEHYDMSG Reduced Hydrostatic Message Delivery
RTLASTTSTTIM Time of the Last Test detected in Real Time
RTTSTNUM Real Time Generated Test Number
SBUTIM Start of Buildup Time
SBUTIMA Start of Buildup Time From Automatic Picks
SDDTIM Start of Drawdown Time
SDDTIMA Start of Drawdown Time From Automatic Picks
SETID Set-Retract Sequence Identifier
SFMOBQUAL Superflow Mobility Quality Indicator
SFTHD MRSF Measured Hole Diameter
SFTHD2 MRSF 2 Measured Hole Diameter
SFTIFP MRSF 1 Inflate Pressure Gauge Select
SFTIFP2 MRSF 2 Inflate Pressure Gauge Select
SFTIL MRSF 1 Inflate Pressure Limit
SFTIL2 MRSF 2 Inflate Pressure Limit
SFTSGTS MRSF Strain Gauge Temperature Source
SFTSGTS2 MRSF 2 Strain Gauge Temperature Source
SG_TSS Strain Gauge Sensor Temperature Source Selector
SGCDATE Strain Gauge Calibration Date
SMPDEVSRC Sampling Device Source Tool Path
SPPKSRC Spherical Flow Regime Interval Time Picks Source
SRDTIME Start of the Radial Flow Regime Interval Time
SSPTIM Start of the Spherical Flow Regime Interval Time
SSTATIONTIM Time at Start of Station
TEMPCHAN Temperature Channel Name
TEMPCHANSRC Temperature Channel Source Tool Path
TEMPTIMSRC Temperature Capture Time Source
TOPCOEFF Top Coefficient
TOTCOM Total Compressibility of Rock and Fluid
TSTID Test Identifier
TSTNUM Test Number
TSTPKSRC Test Time Picks Source
TSTSRC Test Creation Source
TVFTH True Vertical Formation Thickness
UNDERBALMSG Underbalanced Message Delivery
VOLCOEFF Volume Coefficient

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