Mnemonics, Tools, PTC

DescriptionACTiveCT (Coiled Tubing) tool that measures downhole pressures, temperatures, and CCL

Related channels
ACCL Averaged Casing Collar Locator
BTEP Board Temperature
CCL Casing Collar Locator Amplitude
CCL_AMP CCL Maximum Amplitude
CCL_DCT CCL Detect Value
CCL_MAXV CCL Maximum Voltage
CCL_TIME CCL Maximum Time
CIRC_PRESS CoilCAT Circulating Pressure
CIRC_PRESS2 CoilCAT Circulating Pressure 2
CT_AN_PRESS CoilCAT Annulus Pressure
CT_AN_PRESS2 CoilCAT Annulus Pressure 2
CT_CORR_DEPTH Coiled Tubing Corrected Depth
CT_DENSITY CoilCAT Coiled Tubing Fluid Density
CT_SPEED CoilCAT Coiled Tubing Speed
CT_WEIGHT Coiled Tubing Weight
DELTA_PRESS CoilCAT Delta Pressure (Inside-Outside)
DHAP Downhole Annulus Pressure
DHAT Downhole Annulus Temperature
DHCTP Coiled Tubing Bottomhole Pressure
DHCTT Coiled Tubing Bottomhole Temperature
FQ_AN_BHOLE CoilCAT Annular Bottomhole Foam Quality
FQ_CT_BHOLE CoilCAT Coiled Tubing Bottomhole Foam Quality
FQ_CT_INJ CoilCAT Coiled Tubing Injection Foam Quality
FT_BHA_RATE CoilCAT Fluid Tracker Rate Out of Bottomhole Assembly
FT_SEL_INDEX CoilCAT Fluid Tracker Index
FT_TOT_LIQ CoilCAT Fluid Tracker Total Liquid Volume Pumped
FT_TOT_N2 CoilCAT Fluid Tracker Total Nitrogen Volume Pumped
N2_VOLUME CoilCAT Nitrogen Volume Pumped
OVR_PUMP_RATE CoilCAT Overall Pump Rate
TOT_CEM_RATE CoilCAT Total Cement Pump Rate
TOT_FLOW_RATE CoilCAT Total Flow Rate
TOT_FLOWM_RATE CoilCAT Total Flowmeter Rate
TOT_FLUID CoilCAT Total Fluid Volume Pumped
TOT_FLUID_RATE CoilCAT Total Fluid Rate
TOT_LIQ_RATE CoilCAT Total Liquid Rate
TOT_MM_RATE CoilCAT Total Micro Motion Flowmeter Rate
TOT_MUD_RATE CoilCAT Total Mud Pump Rate
TOT_PUMP_RATE CoilCAT Total Pump Rate
TOTAL_N2_RATE CoilCAT Total Nitrogen Rate
WH_PRESS CoilCAT Wellhead Pressure
WH_PRESS2 CoilCAT Circulating Pressure 2

Related parameters
DEPTH_OFFSET Offset used to correct depth values
MAX_TOOL_SPEED Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained by, a logging tool.
TOOLPROPREF1 Tool Reference 1
TOOLPROPREF2 Tool Reference 2
TOOLPROPREF3 Tool Reference 3

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