Mnemonics, Tools, SATA

DescriptionSeismic Acquisition Tool - A

Related channels
BR1 Break Time Picking Mode 1
BR2 Break Time Picking Mode 2
BR3 Break Time Picking Mode 3
BR4 Break Time Picking Mode 4
BTIM Break Time for Downhole Geophone
CALI Caliper
CHIR Chirp Flag (1 if Shaker Data)
CNF1 Correlation Normalize Factor D1
CNF2 Correlation Normalize Factor D2
CNF3 Correlation Normalize Factor D3
CNFS Square Root of Surface Waveform Autocorrelation
CPRE Compressor Pressure
D1 Downhole Sensor 1 Waveform
D2 Downhole Sensor 2 Waveform
D3 Downhole Sensor 3 Waveform
D4 Downhole Sensor 4 Waveform
DEPT Depth Index
DEVS Gimbal Deviation
DFI Data File Identification
DOFL Navigation Distance Off Line
DOFT Distance Off Target
DSG Downhole Sensor Gain
DSGX Downhole Sensor Gain X Axis
DSGY Downhole Sensor Gain Y Axis
DSGZ Downhole Sensor Gain Z Axis
DV1 Downhole Sweep Sensor 1 (X-axis)
DV2 Downhole Vibroseis Sensor 2 Waveform
DV3 Downhole Vibroseis Sensor 3 Waveform
ELEV Elevation Source
ESTF Estimated Seismic Telemetry Frame
FNOR Magnetic Field Intensity Computed Norm
GT1 Geophone Type 1
GT2 Geophone Type 2
GT3 Geophone Type 3
GT4 Geophone Type 4
HANG Hmx Projection Horizontal Angle
HAZI Hole Azimuth Relative to True North
HCGF Seismic High Cut Geophone Filter
IDDS ID of Downhole Sensor Processed
IDSS Id of Surface Sensor processed
INDE Inside Diameter Edge
LCGF Seismic Low Cut Geophone Filter
NATE Navigation Along Track Error
NBRG Navigation Bearing
NFIX Navigation Fix
NGE Navigation Gun Easting
NGN Navigation Gun Northing
NHEA Navigation Heading
NRNG Navigation Range
NSHN Navigation Shot Number
NTH Navigation Time Hour
NTM Navigation Time Minute
NTS Navigation Time Second
OAZI Source Offset Azimuth
ODFW Source Offset Distance from Well
P1AZ Pad 1 Azimuth in Horizontal Plane (0 = True North)
PPRE PTS Fluid Pressure
PTM MRTT pretest mode
RB Relative Bearing
RBSG Gimbal Relative Bearing
RCAL Raw Caliper
RDEV Raw Deviation
RPPR Raw Pad Pressure
S1 Surface Sensor Waveform 1
S2 Surface Sensor Waveform 2
S3 Surface Sensor Waveform 3
S4 Surface Sensor Waveform 4
S5 Surface Sensor Waveform 5
S6 Surface Sensor Waveform 6
S7 Surface Sensor Waveform 7
S8 Surface Sensor Waveform 8
SCAT Stack Catalogue
SDEP Station Depth
SDEV Sonde Deviation
SNUM Shot Number
SRDS Sample Rate Downhole Sensor
SRSS Sample Rate Surface Sensor
SS2A Surface Sensor 2 Azimuth
SS2D Surface Sensor 2 Depth
SS2O Surface Sensor 2 Offset
SS3A Surface Sensor 3 Azimuth
SS3D Surface Sensor 3 Depth
SS3O Surface Sensor 3 Offset
SS4A Surface Sensor 4 Azimuth
SS4D Surface Sensor 4 Depth
SS4O Surface Sensor 4 Offset
SS5A Surface Sensor 5 Azimuth
SS5D Surface Sensor 5 Depth
SS5O Surface Sensor 5 Offset
SS6A Surface Sensor 6 Azimuth
SS6D Surface Sensor 6 Depth
SS6O Surface Sensor 6 Offset
SS7A Surface Sensor 7 Azimuth
SS7D Surface Sensor 7 Depth
SS7O Surface Sensor 7 Offset
SS8A Surface Sensor 8 Azimuth
SS8D Surface Sensor 8 Depth
SS8O Surface Sensor 8 Offset
SSAT Status of SAT
SSG1 Surface Sensor Gain 1
SSG2 Surface Sensor Gain 2
SSG3 Surface Sensor Gain 3
SSGA Surface Sensor Gain
SV1 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 1
SV2 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 2
SV3 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 3
SV4 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 4
SV5 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 5
SV6 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 6
SV7 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 7
SV8 Surface Vibroseis Sensor Waveform 8
TIME Time Index
TOD7 PL Time Of Day
TOFD Time of First Downhole Datum
TOFS Time of First Surface Datum
TSAT Temperature SAT
TSEL Trace Selection
TTIM Transit Time
VANG Try Projection Vertical Angle
VIND Quality Indicator
VSNU VSP Shot Number
WI1 Waveform Integration 1
WI2 Waveform Integration 2
WI3 Waveform Integration 3
WI4 Waveform Integration 4
WLKN Walkaway Gun Position Number

Related parameters
ADAC Automatic D-A Convert
ADGC Automatic Downhole Gain Control
AFD Automatic Fire Delay
APPT Anchor Pad Pressure Threshold
ARSG Auto Ranger Surface Sensor Gain
AUXC AC AUX Connection
CAMI Caliper Minimum Opening
CAMX Caliper Maximum Opening
COMN Number of compressors
COMT Compressor type
CORLN Correlated Waveform Duration
CPPT Close Pad Pressure Threshold
CSHO Current Shot Number
CSTA Counter Stack Number
DFS1 Delay Firing Source 1 (WSAM Only)
DFS2 Delay Firing Source 2 (WSAM Only)
DFS3 Delay Firing Source 3 (WSAM Only)
DGSH Downhole Gain for Shaker
DGT Downhole Geophone Type
DSG Downhole Sensor Gain
DSGS Downhole Sensor Gain Shaker
DSGX Downhole Sensor Gain X Axis
DSGY Downhole Sensor Gain Y Axis
DSGZ Downhole Sensor Gain Z Axis
DSPK D-Spikes Control
DSPS Downhole Sensor Processing Selection
DSTT Downhole Surface Travel Time (Dynamite Only)
DTW Detection Time Window (Vibroseis)
ELEV Surface Sensor Elevation
EW Explosive Weight
EXFI External Firing Mode (WSAM/WSM)
FAUT Automatic Fire Counter
FBSD Filter Blanking Time Samples delay
FBTD Filter Blanking Time Downhole
FBTS Filter Blanking Time Surface
FIMO Seismic Firing Mode
GDTL Gun Depth to Tide (Ground) Level
GMMA Geophone Moving Mass
GSIZ Geophone Size
GTSP Geophone Time Starting Point
GUNP Gun pressure
GVOL Air Gun Volume
HCGF High Cut Geophone Filter
HDTL Hydrophone Depth to Tide (Ground) Level
HMGA HMX Projection, Gun Mode, After Break
HMGB HMX Projection, Gun Mode, Before Break
HMTH HMX Projection, Angle Calculation Threshold
HMVA HMX Projection, Vibro Mode, After Break
HMVB HMX Projection, Vibro Mode, Before Break
HTL High Tide Level
HTLD High Tide Level Day
HTLH High Tide Level Hour
HTLM High Tide Level Minute
JTYP Job Type
LCGF Low Cut Geophone Filter
LTL Low Tide Level
LTLD Low Tide Level Day
LTLH Low Tide Level Hour
LTLM Low Tide Level Minute
LTTC Log Phase Shot Transit Time Computation
MONR Monitor Reset
MSHO MSIB Shot Parameter
MTTC Nanual Transit Time Computation
OAZI Offset Azimuth of Selected Surface Sensor
ODFW Offset Distance From Well
OFNB Offsets number
OSEL Offset Selection
OSPB Offset Selective Playback
PPDC Pad Pressure Drop Control
PSEL Plot Selector
PSNB Playback Stack Number
PTAR Plot True Amplitude Recovery
PTTC Playback Phase transit time computation
PTYP Pad/Platform Type
PXCO Playback phase X correlation
RIVI River index
RTMS Rotary Table to MSL
RTTL Rotary Table to Tide Level
RTYP Rig Type
SAT SAT type
SDEP Tool Set Depth
SDPS Seismic Data Processing Selection
SES Surface Energy Source
SGSIZ1 Surface Sensor 1 Size Gun
SGSIZ2 Surface Sensor 2 Size Gun
SGSIZ3 Surface Sensor 3 Size Gun
SGSIZ4 Surface Sensor 4 Size Gun
SGSIZ5 Surface Sensor 5 Size Gun
SGSIZ6 Surface Sensor 6 Size Gun
SGSIZ7 Surface Sensor 7 Size Gun
SGSIZ8 Surface Sensor 8 Size Gun
SNRA Signal to Noise Ratio
SPOA Source Position Offset Azimuth
SPOD Source Position Offset Distance
SRCS SAT Resistivity Correlation Switch
SRDG Seismic Reference Datum to Ground Level
SRDH Downhole sampling rate
SRDR Seismic Reference Datum to Rotary Table
SRSS Surface sampling rate
SS2A Surface Sensor 2 Azimuth
SS2D Surface Sensor 2 Depth
SS2O Surface Sensor 2 Offset
SS3A Surface Sensor 3 Azimuth
SS3D Surface Sensor 3 Depth
SS3O Surface Sensor 3 Offset
SS4A Surface Sensor 4 Azimuth
SS4D Surface Sensor 4 Depth
SS4O Surface Sensor 4 Offset
SS5A Surface Sensor 5 Azimuth
SS5D Surface Sensor 5 Depth
SS5O Surface Sensor 5 Offset
SS6A Surface Sensor 6 Azimuth
SS6D Surface Sensor 6 Depth
SS6O Surface Sensor 6 Offset
SS7A Surface Sensor 7 Azimuth
SS7D Surface Sensor 7 Depth
SS7O Surface Sensor 7 Offset
SS8A Surface Sensor 8 Azimuth
SS8D Surface Sensor 8 Depth
SS8O Surface Sensor 8 Offset
SSEL Shot Source Selection
SSG1 Surface Sensor Gain 1
SSG2 Surface Sensor Gain 2
SSG3 Surface Sensor Gain 3
SSGA Surface Sensor Gain
SSPS Surface Sensor Processing Selection
SSS1 Surface Sensor Source 1
SSS2 Surface Sensor Source 2
SSS3 Surface Sensor Source 3
SSS4 Surface Sensor Source 4
SSS5 Surface Sensor Source 5
SSS6 Surface Sensor Source 6
SSS7 Surface sensor Source 7
SSS8 Surface Sensor Source 8
SSTD Surface Sensor To Display
SSTY Surface Sensor Type
STAK Stack Control
STWS Source Type
SURD Surface Firing Delay
SVCV Clients velocity
SVSIZ1 Surface Sensor 1 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ2 Surface Sensor 2 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ3 Surface Sensor 3 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ4 Surface Sensor 4 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ5 Surface Sensor 5 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ6 Surface Sensor 6 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ7 Surface Sensor 7 Size Vibroseis
SVSIZ8 Surface Sensor 8 Size Vibroseis
SVSO Transit time at top of sonic
SVTT Transit Time At Seismic Reference Depth
SVUN Surface velocity units
SVWZ Weathered Zone survey velocity
SWAT Shoot when at Target
SZMS Schlumberger Zero to Mean Sea Level
TEPI SAT Telemetry Errors Print-out Interval
TLMS Tide Level to Mean Sea Level
TTCO TT correction which has been applied
TWSM Type of Well Seismic Module
TYGA TRY Projection, Gun Mode, After Break
TYGB TRY Projection, Gun Mode, Before Break
TYTH TRY Projection, Angle Calculation Threshold
TYVA TRY Projection, Vibro Mode, After Break
TYVB TRY Projection, Vibro Mode, Before Break
VDSM Variable Display Sweep Monitoring
VSDR Vibrator Sweep Direction
VSLE Vibrator Sweep Length
VSR Vibrator Sweep Rate
VSSF Vibrator Sweep Start Frequency
VST Vibrator Sweep Taper
WDMS Water Depth to Mean Sea Level
WFPD Waveform Plot Destination
WLKI Walkaway Increment
WLKN Walk-Away Number
WSAG WSAM Gain Forcing
WSAM Surface Module Type and Number
WSKI Waveshape Kit

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