Mnemonics, Tools, SDT

DescriptionSonic Digital Tool

Related channels
BI Bond Index
BILI Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation
CBFS CBL Amplitude (Far Spacing)
CBL CBL Amplitude
CBLF CBL Amplitude (Fluid Compensated)
CBSL CBL Amplitude (Sliding Gate)
CDTC Confidence Delta-T High Resolution Compensated
CDTR Confidence Delta-T High Resolution Receiver
CDTT Confidence Delta-T High Resolution Transmitter
CHE Coherent Compressional Energy
COHC Coherence Value at Compressional Peak
COHS Coherence Value at Shear Peak
COST Coherence Value at Stoneley Peak
DBUF Diagnostic Buffer
DLOG Dot Log
DT Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time)
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTHC Delta-T High Resolution Compensated
DTHR Delta-T High Resolution Receiver
DTHT Delta-T High Resolution Transmitter
DTL Delta-T Long Spacing
DTLF Delta-T Long Spacing Far
DTLN Delta-T Long Spacing Near
DTMD Delta-T Mud
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTST Delta-T Stoneley - Monopole Stoneley
GOBO Good Bond
ITT Integrated Transit Time
LDTL Long Spacing Delta-T Long
LSA1 Long Spacing Sonic Amplitude 1
LSA2 Long Spacing Sonic Amplitude 2
LSA3 Long Spacing Sonic Amplitude 3
LSA4 Long Spacing Sonic Amplitude 4
LSDT Long Spacing Delta-T
LTT1 Long Spacing Transit Time 1
LTT2 Long Spacing Transit Time 2
LTT3 Long Spacing Transit Time 3
LTT4 Long Spacing Transit Time 4
MG1N Multi-Gain Waveform 1 Normalization Factor
MG2N Multi-Gain Waveform 2 Normalization Factor
MG3N Multi-Gain Waveform 3 Normalization Factor
MG4N Multi-Gain Waveform 4 Normalization Factor
MG5N Multi-Gain Waveform 5 Normalization Factor
MG6N Multi-Gain Waveform 6 Normalization Factor
MG7N Multi-Gain Waveform 7 Normalization Factor
MG8N Multi-Gain Waveform 8 Normalization Factor
MGW1 Multi-Gain Waveform 1
MGW2 Multi-Gain Waveform 2
MGW3 Multi-Gain Waveform 3
MGW4 Multi-Gain Waveform 4
MGW5 Multi-Gain Waveform 5
MGW6 Multi-Gain Waveform 6
MGW7 Multi-Gain Waveform 7
MGW8 Multi-Gain Waveform 8
MTT Mud Transit Time
NPK Number of Peaks
PMN0 Packed Multigain Waveform Normalization Factor 0
PMW0 Packed Multi-Gain Waveform 0
PR Poisson's Ratio
PRG0 Packed Receiver Geometry 0
PTG0 Packed Transmitter Geometry
PWD0 Packed Waveform Depth 0
PWF0 Packed Waveform 0
PWN0 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors 0
SHE Coherent Shear Energy
SLOW Slowness
SMTT Smoothed Mud Transit Time
SOBS Label Borehole Size for Bias Correction
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SSDT Status of SDT
SSLT Status of Sonic Logging Tool
SSVE Sonic Shear Velocity
STCD Slowness Time Coherence Data
STE Coherent Stoneley Energy
SVEL Sonic Velocity
TT Transit Time for CBL
TT1 Transit Time 1
TT2 Transit Time 2
TT3 Transit Time 3
TT4 Transit Time 4
TTFS Transit Time (Far Spacing)
TTL1 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 1
TTL2 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 2
TTL3 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 3
TTL4 Transit Time High Resolution Long Spacing 4
TTS1 Transit Time High Resolution Short Spacing 1
TTS2 Transit Time High Resolution Short Spacing 2
TTS3 Transit Time High Resolution Short Spacing 3
TTS4 Transit Time High Resolution Short Spacing 4
TTSL Transit Time (Sliding Gate)
VDL Variable Density Log
VPVS Compressional to Shear Velocity Ratio
WF1 Waveform 1
WF1N Waveform 1 Normalization Factor
WF2 Waveform 2
WF2N Waveform 2 Normalization Factor
WF3 Waveform 3
WF3N Waveform 3 Normalization Factor
WF4 Waveform 4
WF4N Waveform 4 Normalization Factor
WF5 Waveform 5
WF5D Waveform 5 Depth
WF5N Waveform 5 Normalization Factor
WF6 Waveform 6
WF6D Waveform 6 Depth
WF6N Waveform 6 Normalization Factor
WF7 Waveform 7
WF7D Waveform 7 Depth
WF7N Waveform 7 Normalization Factor
WF8 Waveform 8
WF8D Waveform 8 Depth
WF8N Waveform 8 Normalization Factor
WF9 Waveform 9
WF9D Waveform 9 Depth
WF9N Waveform 9 Normalization Factor
WFC Warning Flag for Compressional
WFI1 Waveform Image 1
WFI2 Waveform Image 2
WFI3 Waveform Image 3
WFSH Warning Flag for Shear
WFST Warning Flag for STONELEY

Related parameters
AGC Automatic Gain Control Status
AMSG Auxiliary Minimum Sliding Gate
ASGL Auxiliary Sliding Gate Length
BILI Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation
BWS Bound Water Salinity
CBLG CBL Gate Width
CDPM Casing Distribution Peak Minimum
CDPS Casing Distribution Population Size
CDTS Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical
COLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
COUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
COVI Compressional Variability Index
CSNF No Fill Gap for Shear beyond this Value
CSRL Cycle Skip Recovery Logic Algorithm
CSTR Compressive Strength of Cement
CTHR Coherence Threshold
DDE0 Digitizing Delay 0
DDEL Digitizing Delay
DDMG Downhole Differential Multi_gain
DETE Delta-T Detection
DLLE Dot Log Left Edge
DLRE Dot Log Right Edge
DLTR Dot Log Track
DSI0 Digitizer Sample Interval 0
DSIN Digitizer Sample Interval
DTCM Delta-T Computation Mode
DTF Delta-T Fluid
DTLI Delta-T Limiting
DTM Delta-T Matrix
DTMD Borehole Fluid Slowness
DWC0 Digitizer Word Count 0
DWCO Digitizer Word Count
EDAC Error Depth Averaging Constant
EDMD Effective Distance Mud
EDTH Error Decision Threshold
FCF CBL Fluid Compensation Factor
FILG Label Fill Gap Control - Monopole P&S
FILT Filtering
FWOF Film Waveform Offset Factor
GAI Manual Gain
GOBO Good Bond
ITMD Intrinsic Time Mud
ITTS Integrated Transit Time Source
ITWI Integration Time Window
MAFD Monitor Analog Firing Diagnostic
MAGC Mud AGC Allow/Disallow
MCI Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation
MCS Mean Casing Slowness
MGAI Maximum Gain
MGP3 STC MultiGain Processing - Stoneley
MGP4 STC MultiGain Processing - P & S
MMOD Mud Firing Mode
MMSG Mud Minimum Sliding Gate
MODE Sonic Firing Mode (e.g. DDBHC = Depth-Derived BHC, STRA = Single Transmitter, SREV = Single Receiver
MSA Minimum Sonic Amplitude
MSGA Mud Sliding Gate Allow/Disallow
MSGL Mud Sliding Gate Length
MSGW Mud Sliding Gate Width
MUDD Mud Detection
MUDG Mud Manual Gain
NMSG Near Minimum Sliding Gate
NWI0 Number Waveform Items 0
OMUT OMU Trace to Hold VDL/Waveform to Film
RATE Firing Rate
RMOD Receiver Mode
SBOF Search Band Offset
SBWI Search Bandwidth
SDCS Standard Deviation of Casing Slowness
SFAF Sonic Formation Attenuation Factor
SGAD Sliding Gate Status
SGDT Sliding Gate Delta-T
SGW Sliding Gate Width
SHLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SHUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SHVI Shear Variability Index
SLC Sonic Logging Cartridge
SLEV Signal Level for AGC
SLL Slowness Lower Limit
SLS Sonic Sonde Type
SMB Sonic Memory Board
SOAD Sonic Output Allow/Disallow
SPFS Sonic Porosity Formula
SPLE Spacer Length
SPSO Sonic Porosity Source
SPWE Spacer Weight
SSTE Slowness Step
ST0D Sync T0 Delay
STLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
STS Sonic Trace Separation
STUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
STVI Stoneley Variability Index
SUL Slowness Upper Limit
SVS Sonic Velocity Source
SWCH Select SLEV Algorithm
SWID Slowness Width
SWW Duration of Sonic Waveform Window
T0CA T0 Correction Allow/Disallow
TLL Time Lower Limit
TSIG Test Signal
TSTE Time Step
TUL Time Upper Limit
TWID Time Width
VDLG VDL Manual Gain
VDLM VDL Firing Mode
VWF Viewable Waveforms
WAGC Waveform AGC Allow/Disallow
WDI Waveform Display Interval
WFM Waveform Mode
WFM0 Waveform Mode 0
WFSP Waveforms Selected for Processing
WGAI Waveform Manual Gain
WGDT Waveform Gain Delta-T
WGIN Waveform Gain Interval
WMOD Waveform Firing Mode
WOF Waveform Offset Factor
ZID Zone Isolation Destination

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