Mnemonics, Tools, SSLT

DescriptionSLIM Sonic Logging Tool

Related channels
BI Bond Index
BILI Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation
CBL CBL Amplitude
CBLF CBL Amplitude (Fluid Compensated)
CMCG CBL Cement Type Compensation Gain
DT Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time)
DTC_RA_BHC Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - BHC by Upper and Lower Transmitters
DTC_RA_FT Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
DTC_RA_LT Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
DTC_RA_UT Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
DTC_TA_FT Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
DTC_TA_LT Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
DTC_TA_UT Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Upper Transmitter
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTL Delta-T Long Spacing
DTS_RA_BHC Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - BHC by Upper and Lower Transmitters
DTS_RA_FT Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
DTS_RA_LT Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
DTS_RA_UT Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
DTS_TA_FT Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
DTS_TA_LT Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
DTS_TA_UT Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Upper Transmitter
DTSM Delta-T Shear
FCF CBL Fluid Compensation Factor
FVPU Fraction of Valid Data in Preference Used
GOBO Good Bond
ITT Integrated Transit Time
LQC_HW_STAT Hardware Total Status
NPK_RA_FT Number of STC Peaks, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
NPK_RA_LT Number of STC Peaks, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
NPK_RA_UT Number of STC Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
NPK_TA_FT Number of STC Peaks, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
NPK_TA_LT Number of STC Peaks, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
NPK_TA_UT Number of STC Peaks, Transmitter Array - Upper Transmitter
PKCH_RA_FT STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
PKCH_RA_LT STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
PKCH_RA_UT STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
PKCH_TA_FT STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
PKCH_TA_LT STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
PKCH_TA_UT STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Upper Transmitter
PKSL_RA_FT STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
PKSL_RA_LT STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
PKSL_RA_UT STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
PKSL_TA_FT STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
PKSL_TA_LT STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
PKSL_TA_UT STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Upper Transmitter
PKTI_RA_FT STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
PKTI_RA_LT STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
PKTI_RA_UT STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
PKTI_TA_FT STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
PKTI_TA_LT STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
PKTI_TA_UT STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Transmitter
PR Poisson's Ratio
SPAA1 Sonic Peak Amplitude Array 1
SPAA2 Sonic Peak Amplitude Array 2
SPAA3 Sonic Peak Amplitude Array 3
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SPJ_RA_FT STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
SPJ_RA_LT STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
SPJ_RA_UT STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
SPJ_TA_FT STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Far Transmitter
SPJ_TA_LT STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Lower Transmitter
SPJ_TA_UT STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
STTA1 Sonic Transit Time Array 1
STTA2 Sonic Transit Time Array 2
STTA3 Sonic Transit Time Array 3
SVEL Sonic Velocity
SWFA1 Sonic Waveform Array 1
SWFA2 Sonic Waveform Array 2
SWFA3 Sonic Waveform Array 3
SWNA1 Sonic Waveform Normalization Factor Array 1
SWNA2 Sonic Waveform Normalization Factor Array 2
SWNA3 Sonic Waveform Normalization Factor Array 3
TIME_STC_RA_FT Time Index of STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Far Transmitter
TIME_STC_RA_LT Time Index of STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Lower Transmitter
TIME_STC_RA_UT Time Index of STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Upper Transmitter
TT Transit Time for CBL
VDL Variable Density Log
VPVS Compressional to Shear Velocity Ratio

Related parameters
BDEP Depth of Before Calibration
BILI Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation
CBAF CBL Adjustment Factor
CBLG CBL Gate Width
CBRA CBL LQC Reference Amplitude in Free Pipe
CDTS Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical
CMCF CBL Cement Type Compensation Factor
COLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
COUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
CSIZ Casing Outer Diameter
DDE1 Digitizing Delay 1
DDE2 Digitizing Delay 2
DDE3 Digitizing Delay 3
DETE Delta-T Detection
DFAD Digital First Arrival Detection Switch
DFAD_SLIM Slim Sonic DFAD Computation Control
DLHS Label Hole Diameter Source for SOBS Channel
DLSI Depth Log Sample Interval
DSIN Digitizer Sample Interval
DTCM Delta-T Computation Mode
DTCS Compressional Delta-T Source for DTCO Channel
DTCS_SLIM Slim Sonic Compressional Delta-T Source for DTCO Channel
DTF Delta-T Fluid
DTM Delta-T Matrix
DTSS Shear Delta-T Source for DTSM Channel
DTSS_SLIM Slim Sonic Shear Delta-T Source for DTSM Channel
DWCO Digitizer Word Count
FATT Acoustic Attenuation due to Fluid
FCF CBL Fluid Compensation Factor
FIL_LENG Filter length
FILG Label Fill Gap Control - Monopole P&S
FREQ_HIGH Filter high cut frequency
FREQ_LOW Filter low cut frequency
GAI1 Manual Gain 1
GAI1_SSLT SSLT Manual Gain 1
GAI2 Manual Gain 2
GAI2_SSLT SSLT Manual Gain 2
GAI3 Manual Gain 3
GAI3_SSLT SSLT Manual Gain 3
GOBO Good Bond
ITTS Integrated Transit Time Source
ITWI_FT STC Integration Time Window - Far Transmitter
ITWI_LT STC Integration Time Window - Lower Transmitter
ITWI_UT STC Integration Time Window - Upper Transmitter
LFC Label Formation Character - Monopole P&S
LPM_FT Label Processing Mode - Far Transmitter
LPM_LT Label Processing Mode - Lower Transmitter
LPM_UT Label Processing Mode - Upper Transmitter
MAHTR Manual High Threshold Reference for first arrival detection
MATT Maximum Attenuation
MCI Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation
MNHTR Minimum High Threshold Reference for first arrival detection
MODE Sonic Firing Mode (e.g. DDBHC = Depth-Derived BHC, STRA = Single Transmitter, SREV = Single Receiver
MSA Minimum Sonic Amplitude
NFLG Normalization Flag
NFPI_L5 Near Free Pipe Sonic Amplitude for Lower Transmitter - Receiver 5
NFPI_U1 Near Free Pipe Sonic Amplitude for Upper Transmitter - Receiver 1
NMSG Near Minimum Sliding Gate
NUMP Number of Detection Passes
RSMN Label Shear/Compressional Minimum Ratio - Monopole P&S
RSMX Label Shear/Compressional Maximum Ratio - Monopole P&S
RXG Receiver Geometry - Sonic
SBOF_FT STC Search Band Offset - Far Transmitter
SBOF_LT STC Search Band Offset - Lower Transmitter
SBOF_UT STC Search Band Offset - Upper Transmitter
SBWI_FT STC Search Band Width - Far Transmitter
SBWI_LT STC Search Band Width - Lower Transmitter
SBWI_UT STC Search Band Width - Upper Transmitter
SDTH Switch Down Threshold
SFPI_L6 Short Free Pipe Sonic Amplitude for Lower Transmitter - Receiver 6
SGAD Sliding Gate Status
SGCW Sliding Gate Closing Width
SGDT Sliding Gate Delta-T
SGW Sliding Gate Width
SHLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SHUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SLEV Signal Level for AGC
SLL Slowness Lower Limit
SPFS Sonic Porosity Formula
SPM_FT STC Processing Mode - Far Transmitter
SPM_LT STC Processing Mode - Lower Transmitter
SPM_UT STC Processing Mode - Upper Transmitter
SPSO Sonic Porosity Source
SSTE Slowness Step
SUL Slowness Upper Limit
SUTH Switch Up Threshold
SWID_FT STC Slowness Width - Far Transmitter
SWID_LT STC Slowness Width - Lower Transmitter
SWID_UT STC Slowness Width - Upper Transmitter
TLL_FT STC Time Lower Limit - Far Transmitter
TLL_LT STC Time Lower Limit - Lower Transmitter
TLL_UT STC Time Lower Limit - Upper Transmitter
TRCLL_SLIM Slim Sonic Tracking Compressional Slowness Lower Limit
TRCUL_SLIM Slim Sonic Tracking Compressional Slowness Upper Limit
TRSLL_SLIM Slim Sonic Tracking Shear Slowness Lower Limit
TRSUL_SLIM Slim Sonic Tracking Shear Slowness Upper Limit
TSTE Time Step
TUL_FT STC Time Upper Limit - Far Transmitter
TUL_LT STC Time Upper Limit - Lower Transmitter
TUL_UT STC Time Upper Limit - Upper Transmitter
TWID_FT STC Time Width - Far Transmitter
TWID_LT STC Time Width - Lower Transmitter
TWID_UT STC Time Width - Upper Transmitter
TXG Transmitter Geometry - Sonic
VDLG VDL Manual Gain
VDM VDL Display Mode
ZCMT Acoustic Impedance of Cement

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