Mnemonics, Tools, XPT-A

DisciplineWell Testing
DescriptionXpress Pressure Tool - A

Related channels
CP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation
CP_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
CP_SAP Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation
CP_SAP_DL Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
ETIM_XPT Elapsed Time
MSPE_XPT XPT Motor Speed
MTEP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature
MTEP_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
MTEP_QG CQG Manometer Temperature
MTEP_QG_DL CQG Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
MTEP_SAP Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature
MTEP_SAP_DL Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
NCP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure without Flowline Correction
NCP_SAP Sapphire Pressure without Flowline Correction
PCO_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Dynamic Compensation
PCO_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PCO_SAP Sapphire Dynamic Compensation
PCO_SAP_DL Sapphire Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PDEP_XPT XPT Probe Depth
PDEP_XPT_DL XPT Probe Depth (Depth Logging)
PND_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation
PND_HYD_DL Hydostatic Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PND_SAP Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation
PND_SAP_DL Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PRSP_CMD Requested Flowrate
PTNO_XPT XPT Pretest Number
PTNO_XPT_DL XPT Pretest Number (Depth Logging)
PTT_XPT XPT Pretest Type
PTT_XPT_DL XPT Pretest Type (Depth Logging)
PTV_XPT XPT Pretest Volume
PTV_XPT_DL XPT Pretest Volume (Depth Logging)
QCP CQG Pressure with Dynamic Compensation
QCP_DL CQG Pressure with Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QDRPRES Quartzdyne Raw Pressure
QNDP CQG Pressure without Dynamic Compensation
QNDP_DL CQG Pressure without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QPCO CQG Dynamic Compensation
QPCO_DL CQG Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QRP CQG Raw Pressure
QRP_DL CQG Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
RP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Raw Pressure
RP_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
RP_SAP Sapphire Raw Pressure
RP_SAP_DL Sapphire Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
XGSTW0 XPT Gauges Status Word 0
XGSTW0_DL XPT Gauges Status Word 0 (Depth Logging)
XGSTW1 XPT Gauges Status Word 1
XGSTW1_DL XPT Gauges Status Word 1 (Depth Logging)
XMST XPT Motors State Word
XMST_DL XPT Motors State Word (Depth Logging)
XMSW XPT Motors Status

Related parameters
DDPL_XPT Pretest Drawdown Limit
DEVI_FL_CORR_XPT Tool Deviation Angle
FDEP_XPT Formation Test Depth
FLD_XPT Flowline Density
GDDS Gauge for Drawdown Selector
GDSV Gauges Downhole Software Version
GDYCO Sapphire Dynamic Compensation Applied
MDSV1 Motors Downhole Software Version 1
MDSV2 Motors Downhole Software Version 2
OVBL Overbalance Type
PGSR Pressure Gauges Sampling Rate
PMV_XPT Pump Motor Voltage
PMVT_XPT Pump Motor Voltage Tolerance
PTM_XPT Pretest Type
QDYCO CQG Dynamic Compensation Applied
STAB_RATE Pressure Rate Threshold for LQC

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