Mnemonics, Tools, XPT-BA

DisciplineWell Testing
DescriptionXpress Pressure Tool - BA

Related channels
BT_HYD Sapphire Gauge Board Temperature for Hydrostatic
BT_SAP Sapphire Gauge Board Temperature
CP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation
CP_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
CP_SAP Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation
CP_SAP_DL Sapphire Pressure with Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
ETIM_XPT Elapsed Time
HYDACOM Sapphire Gauge Calibration Coefficients for Hydrostatic
HYDBTEMP Sapphire Gauge Board Temperature for Hydrostatic
HYDPCO Sapphire Gauge Dynamic Compensation for Hydrostatic
HYDPFLCOR Sapphire Gauge Pressure Flowline Correction for Hydrostatic
HYDPRES Sapphire Gauge Pressure for Hydrostatic
HYDRPRES Sapphire Gauge Raw Pressure for Hydrostatic
HYDTELBTEMP Sapphire Gauge Board Temperature Telemetry Data for Hydrostatic
HYDTELPRES Sapphire Gauge Pressure Telemetry Data for Hydrostatic
HYDTELTEMP Sapphire Gauge Temperature Telemetry Data for Hydrostatic
HYDTEMP Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature for Hydostatic
MAXPRES Maximum Pressure
MINPRES Minimum Pressure
MSPE_XPT XPT Motor Speed
MTEP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature
MTEP_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
MTEP_QG CQG Manometer Temperature
MTEP_QG_DL CQG Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
MTEP_QMB Quartzdyne Manometer Temperature
MTEP_QMB_DL Quartzdyne Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
MTEP_SAP Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature
MTEP_SAP_DL Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature (Depth Logging)
NCP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure without Flowline Correction
NCP_SAP Sapphire Pressure without Flowline Correction
PCO_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Dynamic Compensation
PCO_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PCO_SAP Sapphire Dynamic Compensation
PCO_SAP_DL Sapphire Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PDEP_XPT XPT Probe Depth
PDEP_XPT_DL XPT Probe Depth (Depth Logging)
PND_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation
PND_HYD_DL Hydostatic Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
PND_SAP Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation
PND_SAP_DL Sapphire Pressure without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
POTV Potentiometer Volume
PRSP_CMD Requested Flowrate
PTNO_XPT XPT Pretest Number
PTNO_XPT_DL XPT Pretest Number (Depth Logging)
PTT_XPT XPT Pretest Type
PTT_XPT_DL XPT Pretest Type (Depth Logging)
PTV_XPT XPT Pretest Volume
PTV_XPT_DL XPT Pretest Volume (Depth Logging)
QCP CQG Pressure with Dynamic Compensation
QCP_DL CQG Pressure with Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QDRPRES Quartzdyne Raw Pressure
QGPCO Dynamic Compensation Applied to Quartz Gauge Sensor Raw Pressure
QGPFLCOR CQG Gauge Pressure Flowline Correction
QGRPRES CQG Raw Pressure
QMBNDP Quartzdyne Pressure Without Dynamic Compensation
QMBNDP_DL Quartzdyne Pressure Without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QMBNDP_SAP Quartzdyne Pressure From Sapphire Without Dynamic Compensation
QMBNDP_SAP_DL Quartzdyne Pressure From Sapphire Without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QMBRP Quartzdyne Raw Pressure
QMBRP_DL Quartzdyne Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
QMBRP_SAP Quartzdyne Raw Pressure From Sapphire
QMBRP_SAP_DL Quartzdyne Raw Pressure From Sapphire (Depth Logging)
QNDP CQG Pressure without Dynamic Compensation
QNDP_DL CQG Pressure without Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QPCO CQG Dynamic Compensation
QPCO_DL CQG Dynamic Compensation (Depth Logging)
QRP CQG Raw Pressure
QRP_DL CQG Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
RP_HYD Hydrostatic Sapphire Raw Pressure
RP_HYD_DL Hydrostatic Sapphire Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
RP_SAP Sapphire Raw Pressure
RP_SAP_DL Sapphire Raw Pressure (Depth Logging)
SAPACOM Sapphire Gauge Calibration Coefficients
SAPBTEMP Sapphire Gauge Board Temperature
SAPPCO Sapphire Gauge Dynamic Compensation
SAPPFLCOR Sapphire Gauge Pressure Flowline Correction
SAPPRES Sapphire Gauge Pressure
SAPRPRES Sapphire Gauge Raw Pressure
SAPTELBTEMP Sapphire Gauge Board Temperature Telemetry Data
SAPTELPRES Sapphire Gauge Pressure Telemetry Data
SAPTELTEMP Sapphire Gauge Temperature Telemetry Data
SAPTEMP Sapphire Gauge Manometer Temperature
XGSTW0 XPT Gauges Status Word 0
XGSTW0_DL XPT Gauges Status Word 0 (Depth Logging)
XGSTW1 XPT Gauges Status Word 1
XGSTW1_DL XPT Gauges Status Word 1 (Depth Logging)
XMLOS Low Oil Level
XMST XPT Motors State Word
XMST_DL XPT Motors State Word (Depth Logging)
XMSW XPT Motors Status

Related parameters
DDPL_XPT Pretest Drawdown Limit
DEVI_FL_CORR_XPT Tool Deviation Angle
FDEP_XPT Formation Test Depth
FL_DEN Flowline Density
FLD_XPT Flowline Density
GDDS Gauge for Drawdown Selector
GDSV Gauges Downhole Software Version
GDYCO Sapphire Dynamic Compensation Applied
HYD_MLINE_LEN Hydrostatic Mud Length
HYD_OLINE_DENS Hydrostatic Oil Density in Flowline
HYD_OLINE_LEN Hydrostatic Oil Length
LOW_VOLT Low Pump Motor Voltage
MDSV1 Motors Downhole Software Version 1
MDSV2 Motors Downhole Software Version 2
OVBL Overbalance Type
PDCO_XPT XPT Playback Depth Correction
PGSR Pressure Gauges Sampling Rate
PMV_ACTUAL Actual Pump Motor Voltage
PMV_XPT Pump Motor Voltage
PMVT_XPT Pump Motor Voltage Tolerance
PTM_XPT Pretest Type
PTRESO_MODEL PreTest Resolver Offset
PURESO_MODEL Pump Resolver Offset
QDPPARAMCOEF Quartzdyne Pressure Param Coefficients
QDPRCOEF Quartzdyne Gauge Pressure Coefficients
QDTEMPCOEF Quartzdyne Gauge Temperature Coefficients
QDTPARAMCOEF Quartzdyne Temperature Param Coefficients
QDYCO CQG Dynamic Compensation Applied
QGCLKTEMPCOE CQG Clock Temperature Coefficients
SAP_BTEMP_G_MODEL Sapphire Board Temperature Gain Coefficients
SAP_BTEMP_MODEL Sapphire Board Temperature Coefficients
SAP_BTEMP_O_MODEL Sapphire Board Temperature Offset Coefficients
SAP_MLINE_LEN Sapphire Mud Length
SAP_OLINE_DENS Sapphire Oil Density in Flowline
SAP_OLINE_LEN Sapphire Oil Length
SAP_PRES_G_MODEL Sapphire Pressure Gain Coefficients
SAP_PRES_MODEL Sapphire Pressure Coefficients
SAP_PRES_O_MODEL Sapphire Pressure Offset Coefficients
SAP_TEMP_G_MODEL Sapphire Temperature Gain Coefficients
SAP_TEMP_MODEL Sapphire Temperature Coefficients
SAP_TEMP_O_MODEL Sapphire Temperature Offset Coefficients
SAPCA Sapphire Pressure Correction Applied Option
STAB_RATE Pressure Rate Threshold for LQC

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