Mnemonics, Tools, ZAIT-F

DescriptionArray Induction Tool - Z (3-D) Oil-Based Mud Only, ZAIT-D with Version 8 (Rather Than Version 7) Tool Firmware Present

Related channels
ABFR Array Induction Quality Control Borehole Formation Ratio
ACED Array Induction Computed Effective Electrical Borehole Diameter
ACES Array Induction Computed Effective Standoff
ADES Array Induction Diagnostic Executive Summary
ADI07 AIT Dip Invariant 7 inch Resistivity
ADI11 AIT Dip Invariant 11 inch Resistivity
ADI15 AIT Dip Invariant 15 inch Resistivity
ADI22 AIT Dip Invariant 22 inch Resistivity
ADI27 AIT Dip Invariant 27 inch Resistivity
AE10 Array Induction Resistivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE10
AE20 Array Induction Resistivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE20
AE30 Array Induction Resistivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE30
AE60 Array Induction Resistivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE60
AE90 Array Induction Resistivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE90
AECEF Array Induction End Of Casing Effect Flag
AECF Array Induction Environmentally Compensated Log Processing Chart Flag
AECO10 Array Induction Conductivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE10
AECO20 Array Induction Conductivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE20
AECO30 Array Induction Conductivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE30
AECO60 Array Induction Conductivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE60
AECO90 Array Induction Conductivity Environmentally Compensated Log Processing AE90
AECW Array Induction Environmentally Compensated Log Processing Combined Weights
AEFL Array Induction Environmentally Compensated Log Processing Flags
AEHF Array Induction Environmentally Compensated Log Processing Hole Flag
AEMF Array Induction Environmentally Compensated Log Processing Magnetic Mud Flag
AERS Array Induction Environmentally Compensated Log Processing Resolution Flag
AF10 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A10
AF20 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A20
AF30 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A30
AF60 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A60
AF90 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A90
AFCB Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background
AFCO Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity
AFCO10 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A10
AFCO20 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A20
AFCO30 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A30
AFCO60 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A60
AFCO90 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A90
AFD1 Array Induction Four Foot Inner Diameter of Invasion
AFD2 Array Induction Four Foot Outer Diameter of Invasion
AFOO Array Induction Four Foot Curves Out of Order Flag
AFRI Array Induction Four Foot Radial Resistivity Image
AFRT Array Induction Four Foot Rt
AFRWAI Array Induction Four Foot Radial RWA Image
AFRX Array Induction Four Foot Rxo
AFSHI Array Induction Four Foot Radial Hydrocarbon Saturation Image
AFSWI Array Induction Four Foot Radial Water Saturation Image
AFVM Array Induction Four Foot Volume Mud Filtrate
AHAZI Array Induction Corrected HAZI
AIBC Array Induction Borehole Corrected
AIBCF Array Induction Borehole Corrected Fully Corrected
AIBCFN Array Induction Borehole Corrected Fully Calibrated Rotated to North
AIBCFT Array Induction Borehole Corrected Fully Calibrated Rotated to Top of Hole
AIBD Array Induction Input Borehole Diameter To AIT Processing
AIEC Array Induction Electronically Calibrated
AIFC Array Induction Fully Calibrated
AIFCA Array Induction Fully Calibrated Air
AIFCF Array Induction Fully Calibrated Fully Corrected
AIMR Array Induction Input Borehole Mud Resistivity To AIT Processing
AMC Array Induction Mud Resistivity Electronically Calibrated
AMF Array Induction Mud Resistivity Fully Calibrated
AO10 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A10
AO20 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A20
AO30 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A30
AO60 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A60
AO90 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A90
AOCB Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background
AOCO Array Induction One Foot Conductivity
AOCO10 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A10
AOCO20 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A20
AOCO30 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A30
AOCO60 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A60
AOCO90 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A90
AOD1 Array Induction One Foot Inner Diameter of Invasion
AOD2 Array Induction One Foot Outer Diameter of Invasion
AOOO Array Induction One Foot Curves Out of Order Flag
AORI Array Induction One Foot Radial Resistivity Image
AORT Array Induction One Foot Rt
AORWAI Array Induction One Foot Radial RWA Image
AORX Array Induction One Foot Rxo
AOSHI Array Induction One Foot Radial Hydrocarbon Saturation Image
AOSWI Array Induction One Foot Radial Water Saturation Image
AOVM Array Induction One Foot Volume Mud Filtrate
AP1AZ Array Induction Corrected P1AZ
AP1NO Array Induction Corrected P1NO
AQABN Array Induction Quality Control Borehole Corrected Non-Filtered Array Signal
AQCFIR Array Induction Quality Control Filtered Invertibility Residual
AQCIA Array Induction Quality Control Invertibility Angle
AQCIR Array Induction Quality Control Invertibility Residual
AQFSC Array Induction Quality Control Filtered Sigma Combos
AQRI Array Induction Quality Control Array Ratio Image
AQSC Array Induction Quality Control Sigma Combos
AQTCI Array Induction Quality Control Triaxial Array Ratio and Status Image
AQTI Array Induction Quality Control Diagnostic Real-Time Image
ARB Array Induction Corrected RB
ASCA Array Induction SP to Armor Calibrated
ASDEV Array Induction Corrected SDEV
AT10 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10
AT20 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20
AT30 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30
AT60 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60
AT90 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90
ATCAV Array Induction Temperature Calibrated Vector
ATCB Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background
ATCO Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity
ATCO10 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A10
ATCO20 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A20
ATCO30 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A30
ATCO60 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A60
ATCO90 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A90
ATD1 Array Induction Two Foot Inner Diameter of Invasion
ATD2 Array Induction Two Foot Outer Diameter of Invasion
ATOM Array Induction Tool Mode
ATOO Array Induction Two Foot Curves Out of Order Flag
ATRI Array Induction Two Foot Radial Resistivity Image
ATRT Array Induction Two Foot Rt
ATRWAI Array Induction Two Foot Radial RWA Image
ATRX Array Induction Two Foot Rxo
ATSHI Array Induction Two Foot Radial Hydrocarbon Saturation Image
ATSWI Array Induction Two Foot Radial Water Saturation Image
ATVM Array Induction Two Foot Volume Mud Filtrate
DPAA54_1D 3D Induction 1D Inversion Apparent Dip Azimuth from 54 inch Array
DPAA54_LB_1D 3D Induction 1D Inversion Apparent Dip Azimuth Lower Bound from 54 inch Array
DPAA54_UB_1D 3D Induction 1D Inversion Apparent Dip Azimuth Upper Bound from 54 inch Array
DPAZ_BHC 3D Induction Borehole Correction Derived True Dip Azimuth
DPTR_BHC 3D Induction Borehole Correction Derived True Dip Magnitude
DQ_BHC 3D Induction Borehole Correction Derived Dip Quality
LQC_RH_ZDB_IMG 3D Induction Best Zero-D Inversion Rh LQC Stripe Image
LQC_RV_ZDB_IMG 3D Induction Best Zero-D Inversion Rv LQC Stripe Image
LQC39_1D_IMG 3D Induction 1D Inversion LQC Stripe Image for 39 inch Array
LQC54_1D_IMG 3D Induction 1D Inversion LQC Stripe Image for 54 inch Array
LQC72_1D_IMG 3D Induction 1D Inversion LQC Stripe Image for 72 inch Array
RSPA Raw SP Armor To Fish
SP Spontaneous Potential
SPAR SP, Armor Return Compensated
TRIEFA 3D Induction Effective Fracture Aperture from Longest Available Array
TRIEFP 3D Induction Effective Fracture Porosity from Longest Available Array
TRIFOI15 3D Induction 15 Inch Array Fracture Orientation Indicator
TRIFOI21 3D Induction 21 Inch Array Fracture Orientation Indicator
TRIFOI27 3D Induction 27 Inch Array Fracture Orientation Indicator
TRIFOI39 3D Induction 39 Inch Array Fracture Orientation Indicator
TRIFOI54 3D Induction 54 Inch Array Fracture Orientation Indicator
TRIFOI72 3D Induction 72 Inch Array Fracture Orientation Indicator
TRIFSC ZAIT Quality Control Filtered Sigma Combos
TRISC ZAIT Quality Control Sigma Combos
TRIVFI15 3D Induction 15 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator
TRIVFI21 3D Induction 21 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator
TRIVFI27 3D Induction 27 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator
TRIVFI39 3D Induction 39 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator
TRIVFI54 3D Induction 54 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator
TRIVFI72 3D Induction 72 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator
TRIVFIAVG15 3D Induction 15 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Averaged
TRIVFIAVG21 3D Induction 21 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Averaged
TRIVFIAVG27 3D Induction 27 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Averaged
TRIVFIAVG39 3D Induction 39 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Averaged
TRIVFIAVG54 3D Induction 54 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Averaged
TRIVFIAVG72 3D Induction 72 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Averaged
TRIVFIREF15 3D Induction 15 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference
TRIVFIREF21 3D Induction 21 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference
TRIVFIREF27 3D Induction 27 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference
TRIVFIREF39 3D Induction 39 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference
TRIVFIREF54 3D Induction 54 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference
TRIVFIREF72 3D Induction 72 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference
TRIVFIREFAVG15 3D Induction 15 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference Averaged
TRIVFIREFAVG21 3D Induction 21 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference Averaged
TRIVFIREFAVG27 3D Induction 27 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference Averaged
TRIVFIREFAVG39 3D Induction 39 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference Averaged
TRIVFIREFAVG54 3D Induction 54 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference Averaged
TRIVFIREFAVG72 3D Induction 72 Inch Array Vertical Fracture Indicator Reference Averaged

Related parameters
AAPL Array Induction Answer Product Level(Depth Log/View only)
ABHME Array Induction Extended Borehole Correction Mode
ABLM Array Induction Basic Logs Mode
ACDE Array Induction Casing Detection Enable
ACEN Array Induction Tool Centering Flag (in Borehole)
ACQ_BOARD_LABEL Acquisition Board Label for BER Usage
AIOC Array Induction Inclinometry Offset Count
AISS Array Induction Inclinometry Data Source Selector
AMRF Array Induction Mud Resistivity Factor
ANGDR Array Induction No Inclinometry Default Rotation
AROT Array Induction Rotation Selector
ARPM Array Induction Radial Processing Mode
ASTA Array Induction Tool Standoff
ATSE Array Induction Temperature Selection(Sonde Error Correction)
BN_RMSP_TYPE Bottom Nose Type
EARTH_SIGNAL_HIGH Sonde Error Correction Computed Background
FLEX3_LABEL_REV Flex 3 Label and Revision
GR_OPT Gamma Ray Option
LF_LOC_CODE Lift Facility Location Code
M_SC_SONDE_ERR_DIFF Master - Shop Check Sonde Error Difference
MASTER_CAL_LOCATION Master Calibration Facility Location Code
MUD_GAIN_COARSE Mud Resistivity Calibration Gain Coarse
MUD_GAIN_FINE Mud Resistivity Calibration Gain Fine
RECEIVER_BOARD_LABEL Receiver Board Label for BER Usage
RGULATR_BOARD_LABEL Regulator Board Label for BER Usage
SE_CORR_SC Sonde Error Correction Shop Check
SE_DIFF_SC Sonde Error Correction High - Low Difference Shop Check
SE_EARTH_SIG_HIGH_SC Sonde Error Correction Computed Background Shop Check
SE_HIGH_SC Sonde Error Correction High Level Shop Check
SE_LOW_SC Sonde Error Correction Low Level Shop Check
SE_TEMP_AVG_SC Sonde Error Correction Average Temperature Shop Check
SE_TEMP_DIFF_SC Sonde Error High - Low Temperature Difference Shop Check
SHOP_CHECK_LOCATION Shop Check Facility Location Code
SONDE_CHAR_TEMP_COEF Sonde Characterization Temperature Coefficients
SONDE_ERR_CORR Sonde Error Correction
SONDE_ERR_DIFF Sonde Error Correction High - Low Difference
SONDE_ERR_HIGH Sonde Error Correction High Level
SONDE_ERR_LOW Sonde Error Correction Low Level
SONDE_ERR_TEMP_AVG Sonde Error Correction Average Temperature
SONDE_ERR_TEMP_DIFF Sonde Error High - Low Temperature Difference
SONDE_STANDOFF Sonde Aux Standoff
SPDR SP Drift Per Foot
SPNV SP Next Value
TANK_RES Mud Calibration Tank Fluid Resistivity
TRIBAF 3D Induction Bad Array Flag
TRIVFD_PARAM 3D Induction Vertical Fracture Detection Parameters
XMITTER_BOARD_LABEL Transmitter Board Label for BER Usage

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