Code | Name | Parent Code | Description |
AEOL_FLUV | Aeolian Fluvial Environment | AEOL | An environment of deposition from rivers or relatively large streams in the Aeolian environment |
AEOL_LAKE | Aeolian Lake/Lacustrine Environment | AEOL | Inland water body in the Aeolian environment |
AEOL_WADI_SBKH | Aeolian Wadi/Sabkha Environment | AEOL | Salt-flat in the Aeolian environment |
AEOL | Aeolian/Eolian Environment | SILC_CLST | Environment characterized by eroding, transporting, and depositing wind activity. |
ALUV_FAN | Alluvial Fan Environment | ALUV_SEDM | A sloping, fan-shaped body of coarse material deposited by a stream at the place where it emerges from an upland into a broad valley or a plain. |
ALUV_FLPL | Alluvial Flood Plain/Basins Environment | ALUV_SEDM | A strip of relatively flat land bordering an alluvial stream, underlain by overbank deposits. |
ALUV_SEDM | Alluvial Sediments Environment | CONT | An environment of deposition from a river or stream. |
ALUV_SWMP | Alluvial Swamp Environment | ALUV_SEDM | Area around alluvial stream of water-saturated ground supporting trees, shrubs and grasses. |
TRANS_INSL_AMLG_CHNL | Amalgamated Channels Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_INSL | High density stacking of channels in the deep water intraslope basin environment. |
TRANS_INSL_AMLG_SHEET | Amalgamated Sheets Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_INSL | High density stacking of sheet deposits in the deep water intraslope basin environment. |
ANST_ABND_CHNL | Anastomosed Abandoned Channel Environment | ANST | An anastomosed channel which is no longer active, but may be filled with deposits. |
ANST_CHNL | Anastomosed Channel Environment | ANST | An anastomosed river channel. |
ANST_CRVS_CHNL | Anastomosed Crevasse Channel Environment | ANST | Small channel cutting across the levee of an anastomosed channel. |
ANST_CRVS_SPLAY | Anastomosed Crevasse Splay Environment | ANST | An environment of deposition by outwash from a break through the levee of the outer bend of an anastomosed channel. |
ANST | Anastomosed Environment | ALUV_SEDM | Multi-channel rivers that have relatively low gradients, deep and narrow channels, and stable banks |
ANST_LEVEE | Anastomosed Levee Environment | ANST | A raised embankment deposited along the shore of an anastomosed channel. |
CARB_BACK_REEF | Back Reef Environment | CARB_REEF | Lagoon side back of the carbonate reef core. |
TRANS_BARR_BACK_SHORE | Barrier Island Backshore Environment | TRANS_BARR | The seaward portion of a barrier coast that lies above the high tide level and in front of the barrier crest. |
TRANS_BARR_BEACH | Barrier Island Beach Environment | TRANS_BARR | The seaward portion of a barrier coast that lies between low and high tide levels, characterized by temporary accumulations of sand. |
TRANS_BARR_EBB_DELTA | Barrier Island Ebb Tidal Delta Environment | TRANS_BARR | Small delta forming on the seaward side of a barrier island, deposited in the falling water portion of the tidal cycle |
TRANS_BARR_FLOOD_DELTA | Barrier Island Flood Tidal Delta Environment | TRANS_BARR | Small delta forming on the landward side of a barrier island, deposited in the rising water portion of the tidal cycle |
TRANS_BARR_LAGN | Barrier Island Lagoon Environment | TRANS_BARR | A shallow body of salt or brackish water, partly or completely separated from a sea or lake by a barrier island. |
TRANS_BARR_MARSH | Barrier Island Marsh/Swamp Environment | TRANS_BARR | Periodically wet or continually flooded flats in the barrier coast zone with the surface very shallowly submerged; covered dominantly with sedges, cattails, rushes, or other hydrophytic plants. |
TRANS_BARR_MUD_FLAT | Barrier Island Mud Flat Environment | TRANS_BARR | Relatively level area of fine grained material in a barrier coast, alternately covered and uncovered by the tide or covered by shallow water, and barren of vegetation. |
TRANS_BARR_TIDAL_CHNL | Barrier Island Tidal Channel Environment | TRANS_BARR | Transverse channel across a barrier island, which permits water to sweep in and out of the lagoon. |
TRANS_BARR_WASH_FAN | Barrier Island Washover Fan Environment | TRANS_BARR | A fan-like deposit of sand washed over a barrier island during a storm. |
TRANS_BARR | Barrier Island/Strand Plain Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | Ridge of sand paralleling the shoreline and extending above sea level only slightly. |
CARB_REEF_CREST_BARR | Barrier Reef Environment | CARB_REEF_CREST | A reef that lies some distance from a continental coast or volcanic island, shielding a lagoon of open water from a few hundred feet to several miles wide lies between the reef and the mainland. |
MARN_BASIN_CNTR | Basin Center Environment | MARN | The deep center region of a marine basin. |
MARN_BASIN_MRGN | Basin Margin Environment | MARN | The marginal region of a marine basin. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_BASIN | Basin Plain Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | A deep marine basin far separated from coastal or submarine fan processes. |
TRANS_BAY_HEAD_DELTA | Bay Head Delta Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A delta formed where a river enters an estuarine bay. |
TRANS_BAY_LAGN | Bay/Bay Lagoon Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A shallow body of salt or brackish water in an estuary, partly or completely separated from the sea by barrier islands. |
TRANS_BEACH_BACK_SHORE | Beach Backshore Environment | TRANS_BARR_BEACH | The portion of a beach that lies between the mean high-tide level and the zone of sand dunes or undisturbed vegetation. |
TRANS_BEACH_BERM | Beach Berm/Coastal Dune Environment | TRANS_BARR_BEACH | A low, impermanent, nearly horizontal or landward-sloping shelf, ledge, or narrow terrace on the backshore of a barrier beach, deposited by storm waves. |
TRANS_BEACH_FORE_SHORE | Beach Foreshore Environment | TRANS_BARR_BEACH | The portion of a beach between the mean high and low tide levels. |
TRANS_BRAID_DELTA | Braid Delta Environment | TRANS | A delta with multiple channels that interweave as a result of repeated bifurcation and convergence of flow around inter-channel bars. |
BRAID_GRVL | Braided Gravelly Environment | BRAID_STRM | A braided stream characterized by excessive deposition of gravel. |
BRAID_SAND | Braided Sandy Environment | BRAID_STRM | A braided stream characterized by excessive deposition of sand. |
BRAID_STRM | Braided Streams Environment | ALUV_SEDM | A stream characterized by excessive deposition of sand and/or gravel bars so that water flows in many branching and reuniting channels. |
CARB | Carbonate Environment | ENVI | Environment characterized by deposition of carbonates sediments either biologically or chemically. |
CARB_SLOPE | Carbonate Slope Environment | CARB | Sloped outer portion of a carbonate platform or shelf that descends into deep water. |
CARB_TIDAL_FLAT | Carbonate Tidal Flat Environment | CARB | A broad, flat region of muddy carbonate sedimentation, covered and uncovered in each tidal cycle. |
TRANS_CHEN_PLAIN | Chenier Plain Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | A mud-rich strand plain, occupied by cheniers and intervening mud-flats with marsh and swamp vegetation. |
BRAID_CHUT_BAR | Chute Bar Environment | BRAID_SAND | A bar deposited in chute-like shape in a sandy braided stream. |
TRANS_BARR_COAST_DUNE | Coastal Dune/Berm Environment | TRANS_BARR | A small terrace in the backshore area of the barrier coast with its terrace facing seaward. |
TRANS_COAST_PLAIN | Coastal Plain Environment | TRANS | A low, broad plain that has as its lower margin an oceanic shore and its strata horizontal or gently dipping toward the sea, and generally represents an area of recently prograded continental sediment. |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN_CHNL | Deep Fan Channel Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | Channel in the deep water fan environment. |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN_DEBR | Deep Fan Debris Flow Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | A sediment gravity flow in which fine sediment and fluids support large particles in a deep water fan. |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN_LEVEE | Deep Fan Levee Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | A long, broad low ridge or embankment of sediments beside and parallel to a fan channel in a deep water fan. |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN_LOBE | Deep Fan Lobe Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | A contiguous deposit in a deep water fan within a localized area, bounded by converging stratigraphic surfaces at the distal extremity of the fan. |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN_OVBA | Deep Fan Overbank Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | A level, low-lying area adjacent to streams that is periodically flooded by stream water in the deep fan environment. |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN_TRANS | Deep Fan Transition Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | Portion of the deep fan environment at the outermost limit of influence of continental conditions. |
DEEP_LAKE | Deep Lake Environment | LAKE | A lake having subenvironments segregated by depth. |
TRANS_DEEP_WATER | Deep Water Environment | TRANS | An offshore environment where water depths exceed approximately 600 feet [200 m], the approximate water depth at the edge of the continental shelf |
TRANS_DELTA_FRONT | Delta Front Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | The seaward portion of a river delta, sloping downward into the basin at an angle steeper the delta plain. |
TRANS_TIDAL_MARSH | Delta Marsh/Swamp Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | a Periodically wet or continually flooded area around a tidal stream, of saturated to shallowly submerged ground supporting trees, shrubs and grasses. |
TRANS_MOUTH_BAR | Delta Mouth Bar Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | Sand bars deposited at the mouth of a distributary channel in the river delta environment. |
TRANS_DELTA_PLAIN | Delta Plain Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | The level or nearly level portion of a river delta; a flood plain characterized by repeated channel bifurcation and divergence, multiple distributary channels, and interdistributary flood basins. |
TRANS_SPLAY | Delta Splay Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | A flat area of deposition of outwash material from breaks in the channel levees in a river delta. |
TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | Deltaic/River Delta Environment | TRANS | An environment of deposition at the mouth of a river, where flow velocity decreases as it enters a body of standing water. |
TRANS_DEEP_DSTL_LEVEE | Distal Fan Levee Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN_LEVEE | A long, broad low ridge or embankment of sediments beside and parallel to a fan channel in the distal portion of a deep water fan. |
TRANS_DEEP_DSTL_FAN | Distal/Lower Fan Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | The portion of a deep water fan formed farthest from the source area. |
TRANS_DIST_CHNL | Distributary Channel Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | A river branch that flows away from a main channel and does not rejoin it in the river delta environment. |
DUNE_BRCH | Dune Barchan Environment | DUNE | A crescent-shaped sand dune with horns pointing downwind. |
DUNE_DOME | Dune Dome Environment | DUNE | Mound of sand that is circular or elliptical in shape, with no slip-faces; may be formed by the modification of stationary barchans. |
DUNE | Dune Environment | AEOL | A heap of sand or other loose sediment accumulated by wind. |
DUNE_LINR_SEIF | Dune Linear/Seif Environment | DUNE_LONG | A large, sharp-crested, longitudinal dune or chain of sand dunes. If unmodified, the crest, in profile, commonly consists of a succession of curved slip faces produced by strong, but infrequent cross winds. |
DUNE_LONG | Dune Longitudinal Environment | DUNE | A long dune parallel to the direction of the prevailing wind. |
DUNE_PARBL | Dune Parabolic Environment | DUNE | A sand dune with a long, scoop-shaped form, convex in the downwind direction so that its horns point upwind, whose ground plan, when perfectly developed, approximates the form of a parabola. |
DUNE_SHEET | Dune Sheet Environment | DUNE | A large, irregularly shaped, commonly thin, surficial mantle of eolian sand, lacking the discernible slip faces that are common on dunes. |
DUNE_STAR | Dune Star Environment | DUNE | Large pyramidal or star-shaped dune with three or more sinuous radiating ridges from a central peak of sand. This dune has 3 or more slip faces. Produced by variable winds. This dune does not migrate along the ground, but does grow vertically. |
DUNE_STRK | Dune Streak Environment | DUNE | A dune of fine mineral dust. |
DUNE_TRNV | Dune Transverse Environment | DUNE | A very asymmetric sand dune elongated perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction, having a gentle windward slope and a steep leeward slope standing at or near the angle of repose of sand; it generally forms in areas of sparse vegetation. |
ENVI | Environment | | The sum of all the effects of external conditions (physical, chemical and biological) on sedimentary deposits. |
TRANS_FLUV_CHNL | Estuarine Fluvial Channel Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A major passageway or conduit for the flow of water through the uppermost landward portion of the estuary environment. |
TRANS_FLUV_OVBK | Estuarine Fluvial Overbank/Fluvial Floodplain Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A level, low-lying land area adjacent to an estuary, that is periodically flooded. |
TRANS_FLUV_POINT_BAR | Estuarine Fluvial Point Bar Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A sand bar deposited by lateral accretion on the inner shore of a meander loop in the uppermost landward portion of the estuary environment. |
TRANS_FLUV_SPLAY | Estuarine Fluvial Splay Environment | TRANS_ESTU | An outwash of material from crevasse channels on the outer bend of a fluvial channel in the uppermost landward portion of the estuary environment. |
TRANS_ESTU_POINT_BAR | Estuarine Point Bar Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A sand bar deposited by lateral accretion on the inner shore of a meander loop of an estuary, showing indications of tidal fluctuation. |
TRANS_ESTU_TIDAL_BAR | Estuarine Tidal Bar Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A longitudinal sand bar in the funnel portion of an estuary, influenced by tidal fluctuation. |
TRANS_ESTU_TIDAL_INLET | Estuarine Tidal Inlet Environment | TRANS_ESTU | A transverse channel across a barrier island or jetty at the mouth of an estuary, which permits water to sweep in and out. |
TRANS_ESTU | Estuary/Estuarine Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | The mouth of a flooded river valley, usually depositing fine-grained sediments in the brackish water . |
TRANS_DEEP_FAN | Fan Environment | TRANS_DEEP_WATER | A deep-water, cone- or fan-shaped body of clastic sediment located seaward of large river deltas or submarine canyons. |
TRANS_FAN_DELTA | Fan-Delta Environment | TRANS | A body of alluvium, nearly flat and fan-shaped, deposited at or near the mouth of a mountain canyon where it enters a body of relatively quiet water. |
CARB_FORE_REEF | Fore Reef Environment | CARB_REEF | Ocean side front of the carbonate reef core. |
CARB_REEF_CREST_FRNG | Fringing Reef Environment | CARB_REEF_CREST | A reef that is closely attached to the shore. There is no lagoon or open water between the reef and the land upon which it is attached. |
GLCL | Glacial Environment | SILC_CLST | Environment in area affected by a glacier. |
TRANS_INCS_VALY | Incised Valley Environment | TRANS | A valley developed by rejuvenated erosion downward into the substrate, beginning at the coastline and progressing upstream. |
TRANS_INTER_DIST_BAY | Interdistributary Bay Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | Open areas of shallow water within an active delta between interdistributary channels. |
INTER_DUNE_DEPR | Interdune Depression Environment | INTER_DUNE | Relatively sunken part of the interdune. |
INTER_DUNE | Interdune Environment | AEOL | The relatively flat surface, whether sand-free or sand-covered, between dunes. |
TRANS_INSL_LEVEE | Intraslope Levee Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_INSL | An embankment of sediments deposited along the shore of a channel in the deep water intraslope basin environment. |
TRANS_INSL_OVBK | Intraslope Overbank Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_INSL | A level area of fine-grained deposition adjacent to intraslope channels formed by flow escaping from channel levees. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_INSL | Intraslope/Ponded Basin Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | An environment of deposition within an intraslope depression in deep water not associated with a submarine fan. |
LAKE_DELTA | Lake Delta Environment | LAKE | A prograding body of sediment formed at the mouth of a stream coming into a lake. |
LAKE_MUD_FLAT | Lake Mudflat Environment | LAKE | A flat area of mud deposition at the shore of a lake. |
LAKE_PLAYA | Lake Playa Environment | LAKE | A level or nearly level area that occupies the lowest part of a completely closed lake basin and that is covered with water at irregular intervals of distance and time, forming a temporary lake. |
LAKE_SHRE | Lake Shoreline Environment | LAKE | The environment at the junction of land with a lake. |
LAKE | Lake/Lacustrine Environment | CONT | Lake environment. |
BRAID_LONG_BAR | Longitudinal Bar Environment | BRAID_SAND | A sand bar deposited in longitudinal orientation in a sandy braided stream. |
TRANS_SHLW_LOWER_SHORE | Lower Shoreface Environment | TRANS_SHLW_SHORE | The lower part of the zone of marine coastline between mean low-tide level and normal wave base, offshore from the zone of longshore bars. |
MARN | Marine Evaporites/Arid Shorelines And Basins Environment | ENVI | Environments of deposition from sea water. |
MNDR_ABND_CHNL | Meandering Abandoned Channel Environment | MNDR | A meandering channel which is no longer active, but only contains standing water or sediment fill. |
MNDR_CHNL | Meandering Channel Environment | MNDR | The major fluvial channel in a meandering channel environment. |
MNDR_CRVS_CHNL | Meandering Crevasse Channel Environment | MNDR | A small channel cutting across the levee of a meandering channel |
MNDR_CRVS_SPLAY | Meandering Crevasse Splay Environment | MNDR | An environment of deposition of outwash material from crevasse channels on the outer bend of a meandering channel |
MNDR | Meandering Environment | ALUV_SEDM | A fluvial environment in which channels are shaped like a series of somewhat regular, loop-like bends. |
MNDR_LEVEE | Meandering Levee Environment | MNDR | An embankment along the outer shore of a meandering channel loop, formed by overbank flow |
MNDR_OXBOW_LAKE | Meandering Oxbow Lake | MNDR | The abandoned bow-shaped or horseshoe-shaped part of a former meander loop. |
MNDR_POINT_BAR | Meandering Point Bar Environment | MNDR | A sand bar deposited by lateral accretion on the inner shore of a meandering channel loop |
TRANS_SHLW_MIDL_SHORE | Middle Shoreface Environment | TRANS_SHLW_SHORE | The middle part of the zone of marine coastline between mean low-tide level and normal wave base, in the zone of longshore bars. |
TRANS_DEEP_MIDL_FAN | Middle/Mid/Medial Fan Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | Middle portion of a deep water fan, which is dominated by thick proximal sandstone turbidites separated by thin mudstones. |
CARB_MOUND | Mound Environment | CARB | A body of carbonate sediment shaped like a low rounded hill built by colonial organisms. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | Non-Fan Environment | TRANS_DEEP_WATER | A deep water environment which is not associated with a submarine fan. |
CONT | Nonmarine/Continental Environment | SILC_CLST | Broad geological term which includes all environments occurring on the surface of continents, i.e. non-marine. |
TRANS_SHLW_OFF_SHORE | Offshore Environment | TRANS_SHLW_WATER | A shallow water environment situated offshore on the continental shelf. |
TRANS_SHLW_TRANS_OFSH | Offshore-Transition Environment | TRANS_SHLW_WATER | The portion of coastline between normal and storm wave base. |
CARB_REEF_CREST_PINA | Pinnacle Reef Environment | CARB_REEF_CREST | A tall, roughly cylindrical mass of carbonate reef. |
TRANS_PRO_DELTA | Prodelta Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | An environment of deposition seaward of the main delta body in the river delta environment. |
TRANS_DEEP_PROX_LEVEE | Proximal Fan Levee Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN_LEVEE | Embankments of sand adjacent to a submarine channel in the upper, inner portion of a deep water fan. |
TRANS_DEEP_PROX_FAN | Proximal/Upper Fan Environment | TRANS_DEEP_FAN | Upper, inner portion of a deep water fan, near the sediment supply, usually depositing coarse, channelized debris flows. |
CARB_RAMP | Ramp Environment | CARB | An environment of carbonate deposition sloping gently seaward from the foot of the shore face caused by sediments retreating toward the basin. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_RAMP | Ramp/Platform Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | A siliciclastic depositional environment sloping evenly seaward from the shoreface, not associated with a submarine fan. |
CARB_REEF_CREST | Reef Crest Environment | CARB_REEF | The part of the reef where waves break. |
CARB_REEF | Reef Environment | CARB | Environment in which frame-building organisms producea a raised, subaqueous, shore-parallel ridge on the shallow continental shelf. |
CARB_REEF_LAGN | Reef Lagoon Environment | CARB_REEF | A shallow sound, channel, pond, or lake separated from the sea by a carbonate reef. |
CARB_RIM_SHELF | Rimmed Shelf Environment | CARB | A relatively flat, shallowly submerged platform or shelf of carbonate deposits with an abrupt, steep edge. |
CARB_SABKA | Sabkha Environment | CARB | Flat environment of carbonate deposition at or slightly above mean high tide level. |
MARN_SABKA | Sabkha Environment | MARN | A wide area of marine flats bordering a lagoon. Evaporite minerals are formed in such areas. |
SHLW_LAKE | Shallow Lake Environment | LAKE | A lake which of shallow depth in which subenvironments are segregated laterlly. |
TRANS_SHLW_WATER | Shallow Water Environment | TRANS | An environment located in water depths less than approximately 300 feet [100 m]. |
TRANS_INSL_LAYR_SHEET | Sheet/Layered Sheets Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_INSL | A large, irregularly shaped, commonly thin, surficial mantle of sand in the deep water intraslope basin environment. |
TRANS_SHLW_SHORE | Shoreface Environment | TRANS_SHLW_WATER | The zone of shoreline between mean water level and wave base. |
SILC_CLST | Siliciclastic Environment | ENVI | Sedimentary environment characterized by silicic deposits, generally sand and shale. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_SLOPE | Slope Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | An environment of deposition on the continental slope far separated from coastal processes. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_SLUMP | Slump/Mass Transport Complex Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | A deep submarine landslide characterized by the downward slipping of one or more masses of rock or unconsolidated debris along lystric slip surfaces. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_CANY | Submarine Canyon Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | An environment of deposition in a submarine canyon. |
TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN_DEBR | Submarine Debris Flow Environment | TRANS_DEEP_NOFAN | A sediment gravity flow in which fine sediment and fluids support large particles in deep water not associated with a submarine fan. |
TRANS_DELTA_TIDAL_CHNL | Tidal Channel Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | A channel in a river delta, which permits water flow to sweep in and out of tidal lagoons. |
TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL_CHNL | Tidal Delta Channel Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | A channel across a tidal delta, which permits water to sweep in and out of an estuary. |
TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | Tidal Delta Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | A delta formed at the mouth of an estuary, dominated by tidal processes. |
TRANS_TIDAL_MIXED_FLAT | Tidal Delta Mixed Sand/Mud Flat Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | A flat region of muddy and sandy mixed sediment, covered and uncovered in each tidal cycle in the tidal river delta environment. |
TRANS_TIDAL_MUD_FLAT | Tidal Delta Mud Flat Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | A flat region of muddy sediment, covered and uncovered in each tidal cycle in the tidal river delta environment. |
TRANS_TIDAL_SAND_FLAT | Tidal Delta Sand Flat Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | A flat region of sandy sediment, covered and uncovered in each tidal cycle in the tidal river delta environment. |
TRANS_TIDAL_SAND_RIDGE | Tidal Sand Ridge Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | A large-scale, low, subaqueous ridge of sand parallel to tidal flow in the tidal river delta or tidal shelf environment, that stretches over wide areas of the seabed and is formed in conditions of strong tidal currents. |
TRANS_DELTA_SAND_RIDGE | Tidal Sand Ridge Environment | TRANS_RIVER_DELTA | A large-scale, low, subaqueous, ridge of sand, formed parallel to tidal flow on a shallow shelf in the tide-dominated delta environment. |
TRANS_TIDAL_SAND_WAVE | Tidal Sandwave Environment | TRANS_RIVER_TIDAL | A large transverse bar in the deeper water region of the tidal river delta environment, caused by storms and tidal currents. |
TRANS | Transitional Coasts/Paralic Environment | ENVI | Environment in areas where the influence of both continental and marine conditions occur. |
BRAID_TRNV_BAR | Transverse Bar Environment | BRAID_SAND | A sand bar deposited in transverse orientation in a sandy braided stream. |
TRANS_SHLW_UPPER_SHORE | Upper Shoreface Environment | TRANS_SHLW_SHORE | The upper part of the zone of marine coastline between mean low-tide level and normal wave base, shoreward of the zone of longshore bars. |
VOLC | Volcanic Environment | SILC_CLST | Sedimentary depositional environment in the proximity of an active volcano. |