Mnemonics, Data channel, P1NO_NGI_UPPER

DescriptionPad 1 Azimuth in Plane Orthogonal to Tool Axis (0 = True North), memorized to NGI Upper Pads.
Unit quantity PlaneAngle
Property Plane_Angle

Related tools
NGIT-A Pad 1 Azimuth in Plane Orthogonal to Tool Axis (0 = True North), memorized to NGI Upper Pads.
NGIT-AB Pad 1 Azimuth in Plane Orthogonal to Tool Axis (0 = True North), memorized to NGI Upper Pads.
NGIT-BA Pad 1 Azimuth in Plane Orthogonal to Tool Axis (0 = True North), memorized to NGI Upper Pads.
NGIT-BB Pad 1 Azimuth in Plane Orthogonal to Tool Axis (0 = True North), memorized to NGI Upper Pads.

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