Mnemonics, Parameters, MODEL_NAME

DescriptionName of a model or version of some entity or algorithm; for equipment, it may coincide with the trade name.
Unit quantity Unitless
Property Model_Name

Related products
GEOFRAME Name of a model or version of some entity or algorithm; for equipment, it may coincide with the trade name.
PREPLUS2_EC Name of a model or version of some entity or algorithm; for equipment, it may coincide with the trade name.
RWA_CLAY_CORR Name of a model or version of some entity or algorithm; for equipment, it may coincide with the trade name.
SONFRAC Name of a model or version of some entity or algorithm; for equipment, it may coincide with the trade name.
STPERM Name of a model or version of some entity or algorithm; for equipment, it may coincide with the trade name.

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