Mnemonics, Software product, HRLA2D

Description2D and 2.5D inversion of resistivity measured by the HRLT tool

Related channels
BRAV Borehole radius average
COHERENCE0 Ratio of the reconstructed log to the original measured log (channel 0) computed at the center of each bed
COHERENCE1 Ratio of the reconstructed log to the original measured log (channel 1) computed at the center of each bed
COHERENCE2 Ratio of the reconstructed log to the original measured log (channel 2) computed at the center of each bed
COHERENCE3 Ratio of the reconstructed log to the original measured log (channel 3) computed at the center of each bed
COHERENCE4 Ratio of the reconstructed log to the original measured log (channel 4) computed at the center of each bed
COHERENCE5 Ratio of the reconstructed log to the original measured log (channel 5) computed at the center of each bed
DEVI Hole Deviation
DI_HRLT HRLT Diameter of Invasion
GR Gamma Ray
GREZ Global Reconstruction Error - Standard Resolution
HAZI Hole Azimuth Relative to True North
HCAL HRCC Caliper Calibrated
HLLD_REC2D Reconstructed HALS Laterolog Deep Resistivity with 2D forward modeling
HLLS_REC2D Reconstructed HALS Laterolog Shallow Resistivity with 2D forward modeling
HRLD_REC2D Reconstructed High Resolution Deep Resistivity with 2D forward modeling
HRLS_REC2D Reconstructed High Resolution Shallow Resistivity with 2D forward modeling
INVASION_FLAG Flag indicating that the bed is invaded (1=Invaded, 0=Not Invaded)
LLD_REC2D Reconstructed Laterolog Deep Resistivity with 2D forward modeling
LLS_REC2D Reconstructed Laterolog Shallow Resistivity with 2D forward modeling
RAD1 Radius 1
RAD2 Radius 2
RAD3 Radius 3
RAD4 Radius 4
RLA0_REC2D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 0) with 2D forward modeling
RLA0_REC3D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 0) with 3D forward modeling
RLA1_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 1
RLA1_REC2D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 1) with 2D forward modeling
RLA1_REC3D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 1) with 3D forward modeling
RLA2_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 2
RLA2_REC2D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 2) with 2D forward modeling
RLA2_REC3D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 2) with 3D forward modeling
RLA3_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 3
RLA3_REC2D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 3) with 2D forward modeling
RLA3_REC3D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 3) with 3D forward modeling
RLA4_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 4
RLA4_REC2D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 4) with 2D forward modeling
RLA4_REC3D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 4) with 3D forward modeling
RLA5_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 5
RLA5_REC2D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 5) with 2D forward modeling
RLA5_REC3D Reconstructed HRLT resistivity (channel 5) with 3D forward modeling
RT True Resistivity
RT_2D True Resistivity from 2D inversion
RT_3D True Resistivity from 2.5D or 3D inversion
RT_HRLT HRLT True Formation Resistivity
RXO Flushed Zone Resistivity
RXO_2D Flushed Zone Resistivity from 2D inversion
RXO_3D Flushed Zone Resistivity from 2.5D or 3D inversion
RXO_HRLT HRLT Invaded Zone Resistivity
RXO8 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 8 inches
RZR1 First radial zone resistivity
RZR2 Second radial zone resistivity
RZR3 Third radial zone resistivity
SEGM Segmented resistivity log, used to identify bed boundaries

Related parameters
ACCELERATION_MODE Inversion Acceleration Mode (options: Slow Medium Fast)
AZIM Well Section Azimuth
DEVI Well Section Deviation
DIP_ANGLE The maximum angle that a surface; e.g., a bedding or fault surface, makes with the horizontal, measured perpendicular to the strike direction of the structure and is measured in the vertical plane.
DIP_AZIMUTH Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
INVASION_FLAG Symbol representing invaded bed 1 or non invaded beds 0
JRATE Depth Sample Rate
LEDG Left Edge
MAX_CORRECTION_FACTOR Maximum Correction Factor for Log Reconstruction
MAX_THICKNESS Maximum thickness, as for a reservoir unit.
MID_AVG_SWITCH Switch: use center bed reading or bed average value as squared bed value? (options: Center Average)
MIN_CORRECTION_FACTOR Minimum Correction Factor for Log Reconstruction
MIN_THICKNESS Minimum thickness, as for a reservoir unit. Also used for stress calculation with coiled tubing, with data supplied by the manufacturer
MONOTONIC_OPTION Option to constrain results to be monotonic or not
NB_ANNULI Number of Annuli for a given Annuli Formation Model
NITER Number of Processing Iterations
OUTPUT_START Actual START depth used for data processing and creation of output arrays
OUTPUT_STOP Actual STOP depth used for data processing and creation of output arrays
RADIAL_LENGTH1 Radial length of first zone
RADIAL_LENGTH2 Radial length of second zone
RADIAL_LENGTH3 Radial length of third zone
RADIAL_LENGTH4 Radial length of fourth zone
REDG Right Edge
RMB Resistivity of Mud at Bottom Hole Temperature
THRESHOLD Generic Threshold Value

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