Mnemonics, Parameters, DIP_AZIMUTH

DescriptionAzimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
Unit quantity PlaneAngle
Property Dip_Azimuth

Related tools
ARC3 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
ARC5 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
ARC6 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
ARC8 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
ARC9 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole

Related products
ANISO_CDR Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
ARCWIZARD Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
BOREHOLE Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
GEOFRAME Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
HRLA2D Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole
PREPLUS2_EC Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsurface, usually around borehole

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