Mnemonics, Tools, HRLT

DescriptionHigh Resolution Laterolog Array Tool

Related channels
CCRA0 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 0
CCRA1 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 1
CCRA2 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 2
CCRA3 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 3
CCRA4 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 4
CCRA5 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 5
CCRAD Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Deep Mode
CCRE0 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 0
CCRE1 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 1
CCRE2 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 2
CCRE3 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 3
CCRE4 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 4
CCRE5 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 5
CCRED Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Deep Mode
DI_HRLT HRLT Diameter of Invasion
FRA0 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 0
FRA1 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 1
FRA2 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 2
FRA3 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 3
FRA4 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 4
FRA5 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 5
FRAD Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Deep Mode
INVERR0 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 0
INVERR1 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 1
INVERR2 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 2
INVERR3 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 3
INVERR4 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 4
INVERR5 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 5
INVERRD Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Deep Mode
ISO_UNCAL Uncalibrated Source Current
IV Vertical Current
M01_UNCAL Uncalibrated M0-M1 Voltage
M12_UNCAL Uncalibrated M1-M2 Voltage
M23_UNCAL Uncalibrated M2-M3 Voltage
MCOST Inversion Mismatch between Best Fit and Measurements
MODEL_FLAG_HRLT HRLT 1-D Model Inconsistency Indicator (Consistent:0 or Inconsistent with Rxo:.5, HRLT:1.0, Both:1.5)
MV_UNCAL Uncalibrated Vertical Monitoring Voltage
NITERR Inversion, Number of Iterations Used
PCOST Inversion Mismatch between Best Fit and Model Parameters
QC_RT_HRLT RT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable
QC_RXO_HRLT RXO Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable
RLA0 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 0
RLA0_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 0
RLA0_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 0
RLA1 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 1
RLA1_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 1
RLA1_SIG RLA1 Uncertainty
RLA1_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 1
RLA2 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 2
RLA2_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 2
RLA2_SIG RLA2 Uncertainty
RLA2_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 2
RLA3 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 3
RLA3_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 3
RLA3_SIG RLA3 Uncertainty
RLA3_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 3
RLA4 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 4
RLA4_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 4
RLA4_SIG RLA4 Uncertainty
RLA4_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 4
RLA5 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 5
RLA5_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 5
RLA5_SIG RLA5 Uncertainty
RLA5_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 5
RLAD Deep Resistivity
RLAD_UNCORR Uncorrected Deep Resistivity
RM_HRLT HRLT Computed Mud Resistivity
RT_HRLT HRLT True Formation Resistivity
RXO_HRLT HRLT Invaded Zone Resistivity
V34_UNCAL Uncalibrated A3-A4 Voltage
V45_UNCAL Uncalibrated A4-A5 Voltage
V56_UNCAL Uncalibrated A5-A6 Voltage
VBD_UNCAL Uncalibrated Bridle #9 - M0 Voltage
VTP_UNCAL Uncalibrated Torpedo-M0 Voltage
WEI_1D_HRLT Weights for HRLT Input Resistivity Channels in 1-D Inversion, Modes 1..5 and Deep

Related parameters
GCSE Generalized Caliper Selection, from Measured Caliper or Bit Size
GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection, from Measured or Computed Mud Resistivity
KFAC_HRLT HRLT Geometrical Factor Option
PROCDEEP Inversion Deep Resistivity Selection (if available)
PROCINV Resistivity Inversion Selection
PROCMFL Inversion Micro-Resistivity Selection
PROCMSO Mechanical Standoff Size
PROCRM Mud Resistivity Select
PROCSPO Sonde Position

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