Mnemonics, Data channel, QC_RT_HRLT

DescriptionRT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable
Unit quantity Unitless
Property Quality_Indicator

Related tools
HRLT RT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable
HRLT-B RT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable
HRLT-C RT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable

Related products
HRLA1D RT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable
PREPLUS2_EC RT Quality indicator : 0 = consistent, 1 = inconsistent due to the model, 2 = inversion not reliable

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