Mnemonics, Parameters, GRID_CONV_ANG

DescriptionGrid convergence angle: angular difference between grid north (Y axis of a grid or cartographic projection) and true north. [Geoshare convention: True Azimuth = Grid Azimuth + Grid_Convergence_Angle]
Unit quantity PlaneAngle
Property Grid_Convergence_Angle

Related tools
DVDXT200-475 Grid convergence angle: angular difference between grid north (Y axis of a grid or cartographic projection) and true north. [Geoshare convention: True Azimuth = Grid Azimuth + Grid_Convergence_Angle]
DVDXT200-675 Grid convergence angle: angular difference between grid north (Y axis of a grid or cartographic projection) and true north. [Geoshare convention: True Azimuth = Grid Azimuth + Grid_Convergence_Angle]
DVDXT475 Grid convergence angle: angular difference between grid north (Y axis of a grid or cartographic projection) and true north. [Geoshare convention: True Azimuth = Grid Azimuth + Grid_Convergence_Angle]
DVDXT475-APWD Grid convergence angle: angular difference between grid north (Y axis of a grid or cartographic projection) and true north. [Geoshare convention: True Azimuth = Grid Azimuth + Grid_Convergence_Angle]

Related products
DNMSESSION Grid convergence angle: angular difference between grid north (Y axis of a grid or cartographic projection) and true north. [Geoshare convention: True Azimuth = Grid Azimuth + Grid_Convergence_Angle]

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