Mnemonics, Tools, DSST-B

DescriptionDipole Shear Sonic Imager Tool - B

Related channels
C1R1 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
C1R2 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
C1R3 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
C1R4 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
C1T1 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
C1T2 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
C1T3 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
C1T4 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
CER3 Label Energy Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
CERP Label Energy Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CERS Label Energy Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
CET3 Label Energy Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
CETP Label Energy Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CETS Label Energy Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
CHR1 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
CHR2 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
CHR3 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
CHRP Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CHRS Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
CHT1 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
CHT2 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
CHT3 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
CHTP Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CHTS Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
DCI1 Data Copy Indicator - Lower Dipole
DCI2 Data Copy Indicator - Upper Dipole
DCI3 Data Copy Indicator - Monopole Stoneley
DCI4 Data Copy Indicator - Monopole P&S
DCI5 Data Copy Indicator - FMD
DCIX Data Copy Indicator - Expert
DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower Dipole
DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
DT1T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
DT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole
DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DT2T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
DT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT3T Delta-T Stoneley, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&S
DT4PR Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DT4PT Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DT4S Delta-T Shear - Monopole P&S
DT4SR Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DT4ST Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DT5 Delta-T Compressional, DDBHC - FMD
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DTRS Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTST Delta-T Stoneley - Monopole Stoneley
DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DTTS Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
EER3 Label Energy Peak Energy, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
EERP Label Energy Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
EERS Label Energy Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
EET3 Label Energy Peak Energy, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
EETP Label Energy Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
EETS Label Energy Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
ENR3 Label Peak Energy, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
ENRP Label Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
ENRS Label Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
ENT3 Label Peak Energy, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
ENTP Label Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
ENTS Label Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
ITT Integrated Transit Time
LFR3 Label Flag, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
LFRP Label Flag, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
LFRS Label Flag, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
LFT3 Label Flag, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
LFTP Label Flag, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
LFTS Label Flag, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
NPR1 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
NPR2 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
NPR3 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
NPR4 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
NPT1 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
NPT2 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
NPT3 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
NPT4 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
PR Poisson's Ratio
PSCS SPAC Power Supply Status
PWF1 Packed Waveform Data - Lower Dipole
PWF2 Packed Waveform Data - Upper Dipole
PWF3 Packed Waveform Data - Monopole Stoneley
PWF4 Packed Waveform Data - Monopole P&S
PWFX Packed Waveform Data - Expert
PWN1 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Lower Dipole
PWN2 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Upper Dipole
PWN3 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Monopole Stoneley
PWN4 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Monopole P&S
PWNX Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Expert
S1R1 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
S1R2 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
S1R3 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
S1R4 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
S1T1 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
S1T2 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
S1T3 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
S1T4 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
SOBS Label Borehole Size for Bias Correction
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SPR1 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
SPR2 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
SPR3 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Stoneley
SPR4 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Monopole PS
SPT1 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
SPT2 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
SPT3 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Stoneley
SPT4 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Monopole PS
SSLT Status of Sonic Logging Tool
SSVE Sonic Shear Velocity
SVEL Sonic Velocity
T1R1 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
T1R2 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
T1R3 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
T1R4 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
T1T1 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
T1T2 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
T1T3 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
T1T4 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
TER3 Label Energy Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TERP Label Energy Peak Time, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TERS Label Energy Peak Time, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
TET3 Label Energy Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TETP Label Energy Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TETS Label Energy Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
TIME_STC_1R Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
TIME_STC_1T Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
TIME_STC_2R Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
TIME_STC_2T Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
TIME_STC_3R Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TIME_STC_3T Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TIME_STC_4R Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Receiver Array - Monopole P and S
TIME_STC_4T Time index on STC outputs with depth shift against the waveform depth , Transmitter Array - Monopole P and S
TTR1 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
TTR2 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
TTR3 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTRP Peak Time, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TTRS Peak Time, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
TTT1 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
TTT2 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
TTT3 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTTP Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TTTS Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
VPVS Compressional to Shear Velocity Ratio
WF1 Waveform 1
WF2 Waveform 2
WF3 Waveform 3
WF4 Waveform 4
WFX Waveform X

Related parameters
AGC1 Automatic Gain Control 1
AGC2 Automatic Gain Control 2
AGC3 Automatic Gain Control 3
AGC4 Automatic Gain Control 4
AGC5 Automatic Gain Control 5
AGCX Automatic Gain Control X
BILI Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation
CASF Label Casing Function - Monopole P&S
CDTS Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical
COLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
COUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
CSTR Compressive Strength of Cement
CWEI Casing Weight
DDE1 Digitizing Delay 1
DDE2 Digitizing Delay 2
DDE3 Digitizing Delay 3
DDE4 Digitizing Delay 4
DDE5 Digitizing Delay 5
DDEX Digitizing Delay X
DLCS Label Compressional Source - Dipole Shear
DLHS Label Hole Diameter Source for SOBS Channel
DSHL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Dipole Shear
DSHU Label Slowness Upper Limit - Dipole Shear
DSI1 Digitizer Sample Interval 1
DSI2 Digitizer Sample Interval 2
DSI3 Digitizer Sample Interval 3
DSI4 Digitizer Sample Interval 4
DSI5 Digitizer Sample Interval 5
DSIX Digitizer Sample Interval X
DSST_DTCS Compressional Delta-T Source for DTCO Channel
DSST_DTSS Shear Delta-T Source for DTSM Channel
DTCS Compressional Delta-T Source for DTCO Channel
DTF Delta-T Fluid
DTSS Shear Delta-T Source for DTSM Channel
DWC1 Digitizer Word Count 1
DWC2 Digitizer Word Count 2
DWC3 Digitizer Word Count 3
DWC4 Digitizer Word Count 4
DWC5 Digitizer Word Count 5
DWCX Digitizer Word Count X
FCF CBL Fluid Compensation Factor
FDE1 Firing Delay 1
FDE2 Firing Delay 2
FDE3 Firing Delay 3
FDE4 Firing Delay 4
FDE5 Firing Delay 5
FDEX Firing Delay X
FGM5 First Motion Gate Moveout 5
FGMX First Motion Gate Moveout X
FILG Label Fill Gap Control - Monopole P&S
FMG5 First Motion Minimum Gate 5
FMGX First Motion Minimum Gate X
FMLL Slowness Lower Limit - FMD
FMRC Restart Control - FMD
FMT5 First Motion Threshold 5
FMTX First Motion Threshold X
FMUL Slowness Upper Limit - FMD
FNC5 First Motion Noise Counter Input 5
FNCX First Motion Noise Counter Input X
FPM Processing Mode - FMD
FTD5 First Motion Threshold Direction 5
FTDX First Motion Threshold Direction X
GAI1 Manual Gain 1
GAI2 Manual Gain 2
GAI3 Manual Gain 3
GAI4 Manual Gain 4
GAI5 Manual Gain 5
GAIX Manual Gain X
GDT1 Gain Delta-T 1
GDT2 Gain Delta-T 2
GDT3 Gain Delta-T 3
GDT4 Gain Delta-T 4
GDT5 Gain Delta-T 5
GDTX Gain Delta-T X
GIN1 Gain Interval 1
GIN2 Gain Interval 2
GIN3 Gain Interval 3
GIN4 Gain Interval 4
GIN5 Gain Interval 5
GINX Gain Interval X
GOBO Good Bond
HPF1 High Pass Filter 1
HPF2 High Pass Filter 2
HPF3 High Pass Filter 3
HPF4 High Pass Filter 4
HPF5 High Pass Filter 5
HPFX High Pass Filter X
ITTS Integrated Transit Time Source
LFC Label Formation Character - Monopole P&S
LPF1 Low Pass Filter 1
LPF2 Low Pass Filter 2
LPF3 Low Pass Filter 3
LPF4 Low Pass Filter 4
LPF5 Low Pass Filter 5
LPFX Low Pass Filter X
LPM1 Label Processing Mode - Lower Dipole
LPM2 Label Processing Mode - Upper Dipole
LPM3 Label Processing Mode - Monopole Stoneley
LPM4 Label Processing Mode - Monopole P&S
LTXG Lower Dipole Transmitter Geometry
MAI5 Slowness Averaging Interval - FMD
MCI Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation
MCS Mean Casing Slowness
MDS5 Multishot Delta-T Scatter - FMD
MSA Minimum Sonic Amplitude
MTXG Monopole Transmitter Geometry
MUX1 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 1
MUX2 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 2
MUX3 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 3
MUX4 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 4
MUX5 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 5
MUXX Sum Difference Multiplexer Input X
NTI5 Number Threshold Items 5
NTIX Number Threshold Items X
NWI1 Number Waveform Items 1
NWI2 Number Waveform Items 2
NWI3 Number Waveform Items 3
NWI4 Number Waveform Items 4
NWI5 Number Waveform Items 5
NWIX Number Waveform Items X
NWS1 Number Waveforms Stacked 1
NWS2 Number Waveforms Stacked 2
NWS3 Number Waveforms Stacked 3
NWS4 Number Waveforms Stacked 4
NWS5 Number Waveforms Stacked 5
NWSX Number Waveforms Stacked X
RATE Firing Rate
RSMN Label Shear/Compressional Minimum Ratio - Monopole P&S
RSMX Label Shear/Compressional Maximum Ratio - Monopole P&S
RX1G Receiver 1 Geometry
RX2G Receiver 2 Geometry
RX3G Receiver 3 Geometry
RX4G Receiver 4 Geometry
RX5G Receiver 5 Geometry
RX6G Receiver 6 Geometry
RX7G Receiver 7 Geometry
RX8G Receiver 8 Geometry
SAM1 Sonic Acquisition Mode 1 - Lower Dipole Mode
SAM2 Sonic Acquisition Mode 2 - Upper Dipole Mode
SAM3 DSST Sonic Acquisition Mode 3 - Monopole Mode for Stoneley
SAM4 DSST Sonic Acquisition Mode 4 - Monopole Mode for P&S
SAM5 DSST Sonic Acquisition Mode 5 - Monopole Mode for FMD
SAMX Sonic Acquisition Mode X - Both Dipoles and Monopole Modes for Expert
SAS1 STC Sonic Array Status - Lower Dipole
SAS2 STC Sonic Array Status - Upper Dipole
SAS3 STC Sonic Array Status - Monopole Stoneley
SAS4 STC Sonic Array Status - Monopole P&S
SAS5 Sonic Array Status - FMD
SBO1 STC Search Band Offset - Lower Dipole
SBO2 STC Search Band Offset - Upper Dipole
SBO3 STC Search Band Offset - Monopole Stoneley
SBO4 STC Search Band Offset - Monopole P&S
SBR4 STC Baseline Removal - Monopole P&S
SBW1 STC Search Bandwidth - Lower Dipole
SBW2 STC Search Bandwidth - Upper Dipole
SBW3 STC Search Bandwidth - Monopole Stoneley
SBW4 STC Search Bandwidth - Monopole P&S
SEMTHR1 STC Semblance Threshold - Lower Dipole
SEMTHR2 STC Semblance Threshold - Upper Dipole
SEMTHR3 STC Semblance Threshold - Monopole Stoneley
SEMTHR4 STC Semblance Threshold - Monopole P & S
SFC1 STC Formation Character - Lower Dipole
SFC2 STC Formation Character - Upper Dipole
SFC3 STC Formation Character - Monopole Stoneley
SFC4 STC Formation Character - Monopole P&S
SFM1 STC Filter - Lower Dipole
SFM2 STC Filter - Upper Dipole
SFM3 STC Filter - Monopole Stoneley
SFM4 STC Filter - Monopole P&S
SHDSE Sonic Hole Diameter Selection
SHLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SHUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SLL1 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
SLL2 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
SLL3 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SLL4 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
SPFS Sonic Porosity Formula
SPLE Spacer Length
SPM1 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Lower Dipole
SPM2 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Upper Dipole
SPM3 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Monopole Stoneley
SPM4 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Monopole P&S
SPS1 Slowness Processing Switch for SAM1
SPS2 Slowness Processing Switch for SAM2
SPS3 Slowness Processing Switch for SAM3
SPS4 Slowness Processing Switch for SAM4
SPSO Sonic Porosity Source
SST1 STC Slowness Step - Lower Dipole
SST2 STC Slowness Step - Upper Dipole
SST3 STC Slowness Step - Monopole Stoneley
SST4 STC Slowness Step - Monopole P&S
SSW1 STC Source Waveform - Lower Dipole
SSW2 STC Source Waveform - Upper Dipole
SSW3 STC Source Waveform - Monopole Stoneley
SSW4 STC Source Waveform - Monopole P&S
STLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
STUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SUL1 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
SUL2 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
SUL3 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SUL4 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
SWD1 STC Slowness Width - Lower Dipole
SWD2 STC Slowness Width - Upper Dipole
SWD3 STC Slowness Width - Monopole Stoneley
SWD4 STC Slowness Width - Monopole P&S
TBDB Tool String Bottom to DSST Bottom
TBF1 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Lower Dipole
TBF2 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Upper Dipole
TBF3 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Stoneley
TBF4 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Monopole P&S
TLL1 STC Time Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
TLL2 STC Time Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
TLL3 STC Time Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TLL4 STC Time Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
TPS1 Tracking Processing Switch - Lower Dipole
TPS2 Tracking Processing Switch - Upper Dipole
TPS3 Tracking Processing Switch - Monopole Stoneley
TPS4 Tracking Processing Switch - Monopole P&S
TRCLL1 Tracking Compressinal Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
TRCLL2 Tracking Compressinal Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
TRCLL3 Tracking Compressinal Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TRCLL4 Tracking Compressinal Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
TRCUL1 Tracking Compressinal Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
TRCUL2 Tracking Compressinal Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
TRCUL3 Tracking Compressinal Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TRCUL4 Tracking Compressinal Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
TRSLL1 Tracking Shear Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
TRSLL2 Tracking Shear Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
TRSLL3 Tracking Shear Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TRSLL4 Tracking Shear Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
TRSUL1 Tracking Shear Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
TRSUL2 Tracking Shear Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
TRSUL3 Tracking Shear Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TRSUL4 Tracking Shear Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
TST1 STC Time Step - Lower Dipole
TST2 STC Time Step - Upper Dipole
TST3 STC Time Step - Monopole Stoneley
TST4 STC Time Step - Monopole P&S
TTDB Tool String Top to DSST Bottom
TUL1 STC Time Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
TUL2 STC Time Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
TUL3 STC Time Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TUL4 STC Time Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
TWA1 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 1
TWA2 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 2
TWA3 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 3
TWA4 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 4
TWA5 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 5
TWAX Transmitter Waveform Amplitude X
TWD1 STC Time Width - Lower Dipole
TWD2 STC Time Width - Upper Dipole
TWD3 STC Time Width - Monopole Stoneley
TWD4 STC Time Width - Monopole P&S
TWI1 STC Integration Time Window - Lower Dipole
TWI2 STC Integration Time Window - Upper Dipole
TWI3 STC Integration Time Window - Monopole Stoneley
TWI4 STC Integration Time Window - Monopole P&S
TWR1 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 1
TWR2 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 2
TWR3 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 3
TWR4 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 4
TWR5 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 5
TWRX Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate X
TWS1 Transmitter Waveform Select 1
TWS2 Transmitter Waveform Select 2
TWS3 Transmitter Waveform Select 3
TWS4 Transmitter Waveform Select 4
TWS5 Transmitter Waveform Select 5
TWSX Transmitter Waveform Select X
UTXG Upper Dipole Transmitter Geometry
VPVS Sonic Vp / Vs Ratio
WFM1 Waveform Mode 1
WFM2 Waveform Mode 2
WFM3 Waveform Mode 3
WFM4 Waveform Mode 4
WFM5 Waveform Mode 5
WFMX Waveform Mode X
XFH1 STC Filter High - Lower Dipole
XFH2 STC Filter High - Upper Dipole
XFH3 STC Filter High - Monopole Stoneley
XFH4 STC Filter High - Monopole P & S
XFL1 STC Filter Low - Lower Dipole
XFL2 STC Filter Low - Upper Dipole
XFL3 STC Filter Low - Monopole Stoneley
XFL4 STC Filter Low - Monopole P & S
XFS1 STC Filter Size - Lower Dipole
XFS2 STC Filter Size - Upper Dipole
XFS3 STC Filter Size - Monopole Stoneley
XFS4 STC Filter Size - Monopole P & S
XMT1 Transmitter Select 1
XMT2 Transmitter Select 2
XMT3 Transmitter Select 3
XMT4 Transmitter Select 4
XMT5 Transmitter Select 5
XMTX Transmitter Select X

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