Mnemonics, Data channel, NPR2

DescriptionSTC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
Unit quantity Unitless
Property Count

Related tools
DSST STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DSST-B STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DSST-C STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DSST-H STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DSSTA STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DSSTB STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DSSTC STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole

Related products
BDT STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
STC STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole

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