Mnemonics, Tools, DSSTA

DescriptionDipole Shear Sonic Imager Tool - A

Related channels
C1R1 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
C1R2 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
C1R3 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
C1R4 STC Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
C1T1 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
C1T2 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
C1T3 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
C1T4 STC Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
CER3 Label Energy Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
CERP Label Energy Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CERS Label Energy Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
CET3 Label Energy Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
CETP Label Energy Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CETS Label Energy Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
CHR1 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
CHR2 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
CHR3 Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
CHRP Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CHRS Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
CHT1 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
CHT2 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
CHT3 Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
CHTP Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
CHTS Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
DCI1 Data Copy Indicator - Lower Dipole
DCI2 Data Copy Indicator - Upper Dipole
DCI3 Data Copy Indicator - Monopole Stoneley
DCI4 Data Copy Indicator - Monopole P&S
DCI5 Data Copy Indicator - FMD
DCIX Data Copy Indicator - Expert
DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower Dipole
DT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
DT1T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
DT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole
DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
DT2T Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
DT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT3T Delta-T Stoneley, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
DT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&S
DT4S Delta-T Shear - Monopole P&S
DT5 Delta-T Compressional, DDBHC - FMD
DTCO Delta-T Compressional
DTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DTRS Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
DTSM Delta-T Shear
DTST Delta-T Stoneley - Monopole Stoneley
DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
DTTS Delta-T Shear, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
EER3 Label Energy Peak Energy, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
EERP Label Energy Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
EERS Label Energy Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
EET3 Label Energy Peak Energy, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
EETP Label Energy Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
EETS Label Energy Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
ENR3 Label Peak Energy, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
ENRP Label Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
ENRS Label Peak Energy, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
ENT3 Label Peak Energy, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
ENTP Label Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
ENTS Label Peak Energy, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
ITT Integrated Transit Time
LFR3 Label Flag, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
LFRP Label Flag, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
LFRS Label Flag, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
LFT3 Label Flag, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
LFTP Label Flag, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
LFTS Label Flag, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
NPR1 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
NPR2 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
NPR3 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
NPR4 STC Number of Peaks, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
NPT1 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
NPT2 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
NPT3 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
NPT4 STC Number of Peaks, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
PR Poisson's Ratio
PSCS SPAC Power Supply Status
PWF1 Packed Waveform Data - Lower Dipole
PWF2 Packed Waveform Data - Upper Dipole
PWF3 Packed Waveform Data - Monopole Stoneley
PWF4 Packed Waveform Data - Monopole P&S
PWFX Packed Waveform Data - Expert
PWN1 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Lower Dipole
PWN2 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Upper Dipole
PWN3 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Monopole Stoneley
PWN4 Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Monopole P&S
PWNX Packed Waveform Normalization Factors - Expert
S1R1 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
S1R2 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
S1R3 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
S1R4 STC Peak Slowness, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
S1T1 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
S1T2 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
S1T3 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
S1T4 STC Peak Slowness, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
SOBS Label Borehole Size for Bias Correction
SPHI Sonic Porosity
SPR1 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
SPR2 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
SPR3 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Stoneley
SPR4 STC Slowness Projection, Receiver Array - Monopole PS
SPT1 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
SPT2 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
SPT3 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Stoneley
SPT4 STC Slowness Projection, Transmitter Array - Monopole PS
SSVE Sonic Shear Velocity
SVEL Sonic Velocity
T1R1 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
T1R2 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
T1R3 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
T1R4 STC Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole P&S
T1T1 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
T1T2 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
T1T3 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
T1T4 STC Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S
TER3 Label Energy Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TERP Label Energy Peak Time, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TERS Label Energy Peak Time, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
TET3 Label Energy Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TETP Label Energy Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TETS Label Energy Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
TTR1 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole
TTR2 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole
TTR3 Peak Time, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTRP Peak Time, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TTRS Peak Time, Receiver Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
TTT1 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Lower Dipole
TTT2 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Upper Dipole
TTT3 Peak Time, Transmitter Array - Monopole Stoneley
TTTP Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S
TTTS Peak Time, Transmitter Array, Shear - Monopole P&S
VPVS Compressional to Shear Velocity Ratio
WF1 Waveform 1
WF2 Waveform 2
WF3 Waveform 3
WF4 Waveform 4
WFX Waveform X

Related parameters
AGC1 Automatic Gain Control 1
AGC2 Automatic Gain Control 2
AGC3 Automatic Gain Control 3
AGC4 Automatic Gain Control 4
AGC5 Automatic Gain Control 5
AGCX Automatic Gain Control X
BILI Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation
CASF Label Casing Function - Monopole P&S
CDTS Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical
COLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
COUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Compressional
CSTR Compressive Strength of Cement
CWEI Casing Weight
DDE1 Digitizing Delay 1
DDE2 Digitizing Delay 2
DDE3 Digitizing Delay 3
DDE4 Digitizing Delay 4
DDE5 Digitizing Delay 5
DDEX Digitizing Delay X
DLCS Label Compressional Source - Dipole Shear
DLHS Label Hole Diameter Source for SOBS Channel
DSHL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Dipole Shear
DSHU Label Slowness Upper Limit - Dipole Shear
DSI1 Digitizer Sample Interval 1
DSI2 Digitizer Sample Interval 2
DSI3 Digitizer Sample Interval 3
DSI4 Digitizer Sample Interval 4
DSI5 Digitizer Sample Interval 5
DSIX Digitizer Sample Interval X
DTCS Compressional Delta-T Source for DTCO Channel
DTF Delta-T Fluid
DTSS Shear Delta-T Source for DTSM Channel
DWC1 Digitizer Word Count 1
DWC2 Digitizer Word Count 2
DWC3 Digitizer Word Count 3
DWC4 Digitizer Word Count 4
DWC5 Digitizer Word Count 5
DWCX Digitizer Word Count X
FCF CBL Fluid Compensation Factor
FDE1 Firing Delay 1
FDE2 Firing Delay 2
FDE3 Firing Delay 3
FDE4 Firing Delay 4
FDE5 Firing Delay 5
FDEX Firing Delay X
FGM5 First Motion Gate Moveout 5
FGMX First Motion Gate Moveout X
FILG Label Fill Gap Control - Monopole P&S
FMG5 First Motion Minimum Gate 5
FMGX First Motion Minimum Gate X
FMLL Slowness Lower Limit - FMD
FMRC Restart Control - FMD
FMT5 First Motion Threshold 5
FMTX First Motion Threshold X
FMUL Slowness Upper Limit - FMD
FNC5 First Motion Noise Counter Input 5
FNCX First Motion Noise Counter Input X
FPM Processing Mode - FMD
FTD5 First Motion Threshold Direction 5
FTDX First Motion Threshold Direction X
GAI1 Manual Gain 1
GAI2 Manual Gain 2
GAI3 Manual Gain 3
GAI4 Manual Gain 4
GAI5 Manual Gain 5
GAIX Manual Gain X
GDT1 Gain Delta-T 1
GDT2 Gain Delta-T 2
GDT3 Gain Delta-T 3
GDT4 Gain Delta-T 4
GDT5 Gain Delta-T 5
GDTX Gain Delta-T X
GIN1 Gain Interval 1
GIN2 Gain Interval 2
GIN3 Gain Interval 3
GIN4 Gain Interval 4
GIN5 Gain Interval 5
GINX Gain Interval X
GOBO Good Bond
HPF1 High Pass Filter 1
HPF2 High Pass Filter 2
HPF3 High Pass Filter 3
HPF4 High Pass Filter 4
HPF5 High Pass Filter 5
HPFX High Pass Filter X
ITTS Integrated Transit Time Source
LFC Label Formation Character - Monopole P&S
LPF1 Low Pass Filter 1
LPF2 Low Pass Filter 2
LPF3 Low Pass Filter 3
LPF4 Low Pass Filter 4
LPF5 Low Pass Filter 5
LPFX Low Pass Filter X
LPM1 Label Processing Mode - Lower Dipole
LPM2 Label Processing Mode - Upper Dipole
LPM3 Label Processing Mode - Monopole Stoneley
LPM4 Label Processing Mode - Monopole P&S
LTXG Lower Dipole Transmitter Geometry
MAI5 Slowness Averaging Interval - FMD
MCI Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation
MCS Mean Casing Slowness
MDS5 Multishot Delta-T Scatter - FMD
MSA Minimum Sonic Amplitude
MTXG Monopole Transmitter Geometry
MUX1 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 1
MUX2 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 2
MUX3 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 3
MUX4 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 4
MUX5 Sum Difference Multiplexer Input 5
MUXX Sum Difference Multiplexer Input X
NTI5 Number Threshold Items 5
NTIX Number Threshold Items X
NWI1 Number Waveform Items 1
NWI2 Number Waveform Items 2
NWI3 Number Waveform Items 3
NWI4 Number Waveform Items 4
NWI5 Number Waveform Items 5
NWIX Number Waveform Items X
NWS1 Number Waveforms Stacked 1
NWS2 Number Waveforms Stacked 2
NWS3 Number Waveforms Stacked 3
NWS4 Number Waveforms Stacked 4
NWS5 Number Waveforms Stacked 5
NWSX Number Waveforms Stacked X
RATE Firing Rate
RSMN Label Shear/Compressional Minimum Ratio - Monopole P&S
RSMX Label Shear/Compressional Maximum Ratio - Monopole P&S
RX1G Receiver 1 Geometry
RX2G Receiver 2 Geometry
RX3G Receiver 3 Geometry
RX4G Receiver 4 Geometry
RX5G Receiver 5 Geometry
RX6G Receiver 6 Geometry
RX7G Receiver 7 Geometry
RX8G Receiver 8 Geometry
SAM1 Sonic Acquisition Mode 1 - Lower Dipole Mode
SAM2 Sonic Acquisition Mode 2 - Upper Dipole Mode
SAM3 DSST Sonic Acquisition Mode 3 - Monopole Mode for Stoneley
SAM4 DSST Sonic Acquisition Mode 4 - Monopole Mode for P&S
SAM5 DSST Sonic Acquisition Mode 5 - Monopole Mode for FMD
SAMX Sonic Acquisition Mode X - Both Dipoles and Monopole Modes for Expert
SAS1 STC Sonic Array Status - Lower Dipole
SAS2 STC Sonic Array Status - Upper Dipole
SAS3 STC Sonic Array Status - Monopole Stoneley
SAS4 STC Sonic Array Status - Monopole P&S
SAS5 Sonic Array Status - FMD
SBO1 STC Search Band Offset - Lower Dipole
SBO2 STC Search Band Offset - Upper Dipole
SBO3 STC Search Band Offset - Monopole Stoneley
SBO4 STC Search Band Offset - Monopole P&S
SBR4 STC Baseline Removal - Monopole P&S
SBW1 STC Search Bandwidth - Lower Dipole
SBW2 STC Search Bandwidth - Upper Dipole
SBW3 STC Search Bandwidth - Monopole Stoneley
SBW4 STC Search Bandwidth - Monopole P&S
SFC1 STC Formation Character - Lower Dipole
SFC2 STC Formation Character - Upper Dipole
SFC3 STC Formation Character - Monopole Stoneley
SFC4 STC Formation Character - Monopole P&S
SFM1 STC Filter - Lower Dipole
SFM2 STC Filter - Upper Dipole
SFM3 STC Filter - Monopole Stoneley
SFM4 STC Filter - Monopole P&S
SHLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SHUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S Shear
SLL1 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
SLL2 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
SLL3 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SLL4 STC Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
SPFS Sonic Porosity Formula
SPM1 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Lower Dipole
SPM2 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Upper Dipole
SPM3 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Monopole Stoneley
SPM4 Slowness Determination Processing Mode - Monopole P&S
SST1 STC Slowness Step - Lower Dipole
SST2 STC Slowness Step - Upper Dipole
SST3 STC Slowness Step - Monopole Stoneley
SST4 STC Slowness Step - Monopole P&S
SSW1 STC Source Waveform - Lower Dipole
SSW2 STC Source Waveform - Upper Dipole
SSW3 STC Source Waveform - Monopole Stoneley
SSW4 STC Source Waveform - Monopole P&S
STLL Label Slowness Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
STUL Label Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SUL1 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
SUL2 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
SUL3 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
SUL4 STC Slowness Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
SWD1 STC Slowness Width - Lower Dipole
SWD2 STC Slowness Width - Upper Dipole
SWD3 STC Slowness Width - Monopole Stoneley
SWD4 STC Slowness Width - Monopole P&S
TBDB Tool String Bottom to DSST Bottom
TBF1 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Lower Dipole
TBF2 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Upper Dipole
TBF3 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Stoneley
TBF4 STC Time for Baseline Fill - Monopole P&S
TLL1 STC Time Lower Limit - Lower Dipole
TLL2 STC Time Lower Limit - Upper Dipole
TLL3 STC Time Lower Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TLL4 STC Time Lower Limit - Monopole P&S
TST1 STC Time Step - Lower Dipole
TST2 STC Time Step - Upper Dipole
TST3 STC Time Step - Monopole Stoneley
TST4 STC Time Step - Monopole P&S
TTDB Tool String Top to DSST Bottom
TUL1 STC Time Upper Limit - Lower Dipole
TUL2 STC Time Upper Limit - Upper Dipole
TUL3 STC Time Upper Limit - Monopole Stoneley
TUL4 STC Time Upper Limit - Monopole P&S
TWA1 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 1
TWA2 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 2
TWA3 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 3
TWA4 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 4
TWA5 Transmitter Waveform Amplitude 5
TWAX Transmitter Waveform Amplitude X
TWD1 STC Time Width - Lower Dipole
TWD2 STC Time Width - Upper Dipole
TWD3 STC Time Width - Monopole Stoneley
TWD4 STC Time Width - Monopole P&S
TWI1 STC Integration Time Window - Lower Dipole
TWI2 STC Integration Time Window - Upper Dipole
TWI3 STC Integration Time Window - Monopole Stoneley
TWI4 STC Integration Time Window - Monopole P&S
TWR1 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 1
TWR2 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 2
TWR3 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 3
TWR4 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 4
TWR5 Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate 5
TWRX Transmitter Waveform Sample Rate X
TWS1 Transmitter Waveform Select 1
TWS2 Transmitter Waveform Select 2
TWS3 Transmitter Waveform Select 3
TWS4 Transmitter Waveform Select 4
TWS5 Transmitter Waveform Select 5
TWSX Transmitter Waveform Select X
UTXG Upper Dipole Transmitter Geometry
WFM1 Waveform Mode 1
WFM2 Waveform Mode 2
WFM3 Waveform Mode 3
WFM4 Waveform Mode 4
WFM5 Waveform Mode 5
WFMX Waveform Mode X
XFS3 STC Filter Size - Monopole Stoneley
XFS4 STC Filter Size - Monopole P & S
XMT1 Transmitter Select 1
XMT2 Transmitter Select 2
XMT3 Transmitter Select 3
XMT4 Transmitter Select 4
XMT5 Transmitter Select 5
XMTX Transmitter Select X

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