Mnemonics, Tools, HILTC

DescriptionHigh Resolution Integrated Logging Tool - CTS Stand-alone

Related channels
AHBFR Array Induction Quality Control Borehole Formation Ratio
AHCED Array Induction Computed Effective Electrical Borehole Diameter
AHCES Array Induction Computed Effective Standoff
AHCRB Array Induction Computed Effective Mud Resistivity
AHCRF Array Induction Computed Effective Formation Resistivity
AHDES Array Induction Diagnostic Executive Summary
AHECEF Array Induction End Of Casing Effect Flag
AHF10 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A10
AHF20 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A20
AHF30 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A30
AHF60 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A60
AHF90 Array Induction Four Foot Resistivity A90
AHFCB Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background
AHFCB10 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background A10
AHFCB20 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background A20
AHFCB30 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background A30
AHFCB60 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background A60
AHFCB90 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity Background A90
AHFCO Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity
AHFCO10 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A10
AHFCO20 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A20
AHFCO30 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A30
AHFCO60 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A60
AHFCO90 Array Induction Four Foot Conductivity A90
AHFD1 Array Induction Four Foot Inner Diameter of Invasion (D1)
AHFD2 Array Induction Four Foot Outer Diameter of Invasion (D2)
AHFOO Array Induction Four Foot Curves Out of Order Flag
AHFPR Array Induction Four Foot Radial Resistivity Profile
AHFRI Array Induction Four Foot Radial Resistivity Image
AHFRT Array Induction Four Foot Rt
AHFRWAI Array Induction Four Foot Radial RWA Image
AHFRX Array Induction Four Foot Rxo
AHFSHI Array Induction Four Foot Radial Hydrocarbon Saturation Image
AHFSWI Array Induction Four Foot Radial Water Saturation Image
AHFVM Array Induction Four Foot Volume Mud Filtrate
AHIBC Array Induction Borehole Corrected
AHIBD Array Induction Input Borehole Diameter To AIT Processing
AHIFC Array Induction Fully Calibrated
AHIMR Array Induction Input Borehole Mud Resistivity To AIT Processing
AHMC Array Induction Mud Resistivity Electronically Calibrated
AHMF Array Induction Mud Resistivity Fully Calibrated
AHO10 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A10
AHO20 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A20
AHO30 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A30
AHO60 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A60
AHO90 Array Induction One Foot Resistivity A90
AHOCB Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background
AHOCB10 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background A10
AHOCB20 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background A20
AHOCB30 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background A30
AHOCB60 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background A60
AHOCB90 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity Background A90
AHOCO Array Induction One Foot Conductivity
AHOCO10 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A10
AHOCO20 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A20
AHOCO30 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A30
AHOCO60 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A60
AHOCO90 Array Induction One Foot Conductivity A90
AHOD1 Array Induction One Foot Inner Diameter of Invasion (D1)
AHOD2 Array Induction One Foot Outer Diameter of Invasion (D2)
AHOOO Array Induction One Foot Curves Out of Order Flag
AHOPR Array Induction One Foot Radial Resistivity Profile
AHORI Array Induction One Foot Radial Resistivity Image
AHORT Array Induction One Foot Rt
AHORWAI Array Induction One Foot Radial RWA Image
AHORX Array Induction One Foot Rxo
AHOSHI Array Induction One Foot Radial Hydrocarbon Saturation Image
AHOSWI Array Induction One Foot Radial Water Saturation Image
AHOVM Array Induction One Foot Volume Mud Filtrate
AHQABN Array Induction Quality Control Borehole Corrected Non-Filtered Array Signal
AHQRI Array Induction Quality Control Array Ratio Image
AHQTI Array Induction Quality Control Diagnostic Real-Time Image
AHSCA Array Induction SPA Calibrated
AHSFI Array Induction SP Filtered
AHT10 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10
AHT20 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20
AHT30 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30
AHT60 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60
AHT90 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90
AHTCA Array Induction Array Temperature Calibrated
AHTCB Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background
AHTCB10 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background A10
AHTCB20 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background A20
AHTCB30 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background A30
AHTCB60 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background A60
AHTCB90 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity Background A90
AHTCO Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity
AHTCO10 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A10
AHTCO20 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A20
AHTCO30 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A30
AHTCO60 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A60
AHTCO90 Array Induction Two Foot Conductivity A90
AHTD1 Array Induction Two Foot Inner Diameter of Invasion(D1)
AHTD2 Array Induction Two Foot Outer Diameter of Invasion (D2)
AHTOO Array Induction Two Foot Curves Out of Order Flag
AHTPR Array Induction Two Foot Radial Resistivity Profile
AHTRI Array Induction Two Foot Radial Resistivity Image
AHTRT Array Induction Two Foot Rt
AHTRWAI Array Induction Two Foot Radial RWA Image
AHTRX Array Induction Two Foot Rxo
AHTSHI Array Induction Two Foot Radial Hydrocarbon Saturation Image
AHTSWI Array Induction Two Foot Radial Water Saturation Image
AHTVM Array Induction Two Foot Volume Mud Filtrate
BSD1 Filter Coefficient from Back Scatter
BSW Calibrated Count Rate (Array) of Gamma Rays from Back Scatter Device
BSWU Uncalibrated Count Rate (Array) of Gamma Rays from Back Scatter Device
CCHLLD HLLD Correction Factor
CCHLLS HLLS Correction Factor
CCHRLD HRLD Correction Factor
CCHRLS HRLS Correction Factor
CCRA0 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 0
CCRA1 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 1
CCRA2 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 2
CCRA3 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 3
CCRA4 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 4
CCRA5 Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 5
CCRAD Borehole Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Deep Mode
CCRE0 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 0
CCRE1 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 1
CCRE2 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 2
CCRE3 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 3
CCRE4 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 4
CCRE5 Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Mode 5
CCRED Eccentering Correction Coefficient for Computed Focusing Deep Mode
CDH Hole Diameter computed from HALS borehole identification inversion
CFGR Gamma Ray Correction Coefficient
CFTC Corrected Far Thermal Count Rate
CNTC Corrected Near Thermal Count Rate
COF2 Second Term of Cost Function: Smoothness
COF3 Third Term of Cost Function: Model Constraint
COF4 Fourth Term of Cost Function: Delta-Rho
DI_HRLT HRLT Diameter of Invasion
DNPH Difference between Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity and Uncorrected
DPH2 Enhanced Resolution Density Porosity
DPH8 High Resolution Density Porosity
DPHZ Standard Resolution Density Porosity
DRTA Depth Derivative of Raw TALP
DSO8 High Resolution Density Standoff
DSOI Enhanced Resolution Mudcake Thickness
DSOZ Standard Resolution Density Standoff
EBSZ Reconstruction Error on Back Scatter - Standard Resolution
ECC HALS Sonde Eccentering computed from HALS borehole identification inversion
ECGR Environmentally Corrected Gamma Ray
EHGR High Resolution Corrected Gamma Ray
EHM8 Confidence on High Resolution Mudcake Thickness
EHMR Confidence on Mudcake Thickness
EHMZ Confidence on Standard Resolution Mudcake Thickness
ELSZ Reconstruction Error on Long Spacing - Standard Resolution
EPE8 Confidence on High Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor
EPEZ Confidence on Standard Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor
ERBR Resistivity Reconstruction Errors
ERMC Confidence on Standoff Zone Resistivity
ERO8 Confidence on High Resolution Formation Density
EROZ Confidence on Standard Resolution Formation Density
ERXO Confidence on Invaded Zone Resistivity
ESSZ Reconstruction Error on Short Spacing - Standard Resolution
FCBR Filtered Resistivity Buttons
FRA0 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 0
FRA1 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 1
FRA2 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 2
FRA3 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 3
FRA4 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 4
FRA5 Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Mode 5
FRAD Borehole Correction Quality Indicator for Computed Focusing Deep Mode
GDEV HGNS Hole Deviation from Gravity
GR Gamma Ray
GREZ Global Reconstruction Error - Standard Resolution
HARD 12 Azimuthal Deep Resistivities
HARS 12 Azimuthal Shallow Resistivities
HART True Formation Resistivity from HALS/MCFL Measurements
HAUD 12 Raw Deep Resistivities before environmental corrections
HAUE 12 Raw Electrical Standoffs before borehole identification inversion
HAUS 12 Raw Shallow Resistivities before environmental corrections
HAZ Z-Axis Acceleration
HCAL HRCC Caliper Calibrated
HCFT High Resolution Far Thermal Count Rate
HCNT High Resolution Near Thermal Count Rate
HDI HALS Diameter of Invasion computed from Rt inversion
HDRA Density Standoff Correction
HDRB Difference Between Bulk Density (RHOZ) and Apparent Density from Back Scatter Monosensor Inversion (RHBA)
HDRT Depth Derivative of Raw HTAL
HDRX Correction Factor
HET Electronic Temperature
HGR High Resolution Gamma Ray
HLDU Uncorrected Laterolog Deep Resistivity
HLGU Uncorrected Laterolog Groningen Resistivity
HLLD HALS Laterolog Deep Resistivity
HLLE Electrical Standoff Resistivity from monitoring voltage / A0 current ratio
HLLG HALS Laterolog Groningen Resistivity
HLLS HALS Laterolog Shallow Resistivity
HLRGB HILT encoded RGB Color for Image Coding
HLSU Uncorrected Laterolog Shallow Resistivity
HMCA MCFL Averaged Mudcake Thickness From Resistivity
HMIN HIP Micro Inverse Resistivity
HMNO HIP Micro Normal Resistivity
HNPO High Resolution Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology
HPATT HILT Lithology Pattern Driving Channel
HPRA Photoelectric Factor Correction
HRCAL HRCC Caliper Uncalibrated
HRDU Uncorrected High Resolution Deep Resistivity
HREU HALS Uncorrected High Resolution Electrical Standoff
HRLD High Resolution Deep Resistivity
HRLE High Resolution Electrical Standoff
HRLS High Resolution Shallow Resistivity
HRM Mud Resistivity from HALS Measurements
HRMD Mud Resistivity based on Deep Measurements
HRSU Uncorrected High Resolution Shallow Resistivity
HSO HALS Standoff computed from HALS borehole identification inversion
HTAL High Resolution Thermal Alpha Correction Factor
HTEM HGNS Telemetry Board Temperature
HTNP High Resolution Thermal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
HWEC HGNS Well Curvature
HWER Well Curvature Radius
INVERR0 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 0
INVERR1 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 1
INVERR2 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 2
INVERR3 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 3
INVERR4 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 4
INVERR5 Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Mode 5
INVERRD Inversion Resistivity Reconstruction Error Deep Mode
ISO_UNCAL Uncalibrated Source Current
IV Vertical Current
LHEW High Energy Window from Long Spacing
LSD1 Filter Coefficient from Long Spacing
LSW Calibrated Count Rate (Array) of Gamma Rays from Long Spacing Device
LSWU Uncalibrated Count Rate (Array) of Gamma Rays from Long Spacing Device
LWTO Window Total from Long Spacing
M01_UNCAL Uncalibrated M0-M1 Voltage
M12_UNCAL Uncalibrated M1-M2 Voltage
M23_UNCAL Uncalibrated M2-M3 Voltage
MCOST Inversion Mismatch between Best Fit and Measurements
MODEL_FLAG_HRLT HRLT 1-D Model Inconsistency Indicator (Consistent:0 or Inconsistent with Rxo:.5, HRLT:1.0, Both:1.5)
MV_UNCAL Uncalibrated Vertical Monitoring Voltage
NCYT Nuclear Averaged Estimated Crystal Temperature
NITERR Inversion, Number of Iterations Used
NPHI Thermal Neutron Porosity (original Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
NPL Neutron Porosity Limestone
NPOR Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology
PCOST Inversion Mismatch between Best Fit and Model Parameters
PEA Short Spacing Formation Photoelectric Factor
PEF8 High Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor
PEFBA Formation Photoelectric Factor from Back Scatter Monosensor Inversion
PEFI Enhanced Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor
PEFLA Formation Photoelectric Factor from Long Spacing Monosensor Inversion
PEFSA Formation Photoelectric Factor from Short Spacing Monosensor Inversion
PEFZ Standard Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor
PEM8 High Resolution Mudcake Photoelectric Factor
PEMZ Standard Resolution Mudcake Photoelectric Factor
PGAS Gas-corrected Porosity
PHIE_HILT Effective Porosity from HILT Lithology Computation
PXND_HILT Crossplot Porosity from HILT Lithology Computation
QCACC Accelerometer Quality Flag Made by a Logical OR Between Hardware and Processing Quality Indicators
QCBSL Hardware Quality Indicator for Back Scatter, Short Spacing and Long Spacing Devices
QCHALS Flag set if one or more of the LQC channels is out of tolerance
QCHLLD Flag set if corrections applied to LLD are out of the specified working range (Processing LQC channel)
QCHLLS Flag set if corrections applied to LLS are out of the specified working range (Processing LQC channel)
QCMCFL Hardware LQC Flag
QCPEF PEFZ Quality Flag
QCPOR Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
QCRH RHOZ Quality Flag
QCRXO RXO Quality Check Flag
RB_HALS Relative Bearing channel memorized at HALS position
RCFT Raw Corrected Thermal Far Count Rate
RCNT Raw Corrected Thermal Near Count Rate
RCOR Cost Function Measurement
RCOS Cost Function
RGCN Raw Gain-Corrected Near Count Rate
RGR Raw Gamma Ray
RHBA Apparent Density from Back Scatter Monosensor Inversion
RHET Raw Electronic Temperature
RHFT Raw High Resolution Far Thermal Count Rate
RHGR High Resolution Raw Gamma Ray
RHGX_HILT Grain Density from HILT Lithology Computation
RHLA Long Spacing Apparent Density
RHNT Raw High Resolution Near Thermal Count Rate
RHO8 High Resolution Formation Density
RHOI Enhanced Resolution Formation Density
RHOZ Standard Resolution Formation Density
RHSA Short Spacing Apparent Density
RLA0 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 0
RLA0_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 0
RLA0_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 0
RLA1 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 1
RLA1_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 1
RLA1_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 1
RLA2 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 2
RLA2_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 2
RLA2_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 2
RLA3 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 3
RLA3_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 3
RLA3_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 3
RLA4 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 4
RLA4_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 4
RLA4_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 4
RLA5 Apparent Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 5
RLA5_ECC Eccentering Corrected Resistivity Mode 5
RLA5_UNCORR Uncorrected Resistivity from Computed Focusing Mode 5
RLAD Deep Resistivity
RLAD_UNCORR Uncorrected Deep Resistivity
RM_HRLT HRLT Computed Mud Resistivity
RMCZ Mudcake Resistivity Standard Resolution
RMFA_HILT Apparent Mud Filtrate Resistivity from HILT Lithology Computation
RO_HILT Water-filled Resistivity from HILT Lithology Computation
ROM8 High Resolution Mudcake Density
ROMZ Standard Resolution Mudcake Density
RSO8 Resistivity Standoff High Resolution
RSOI Resistivity Standoff Very High Resolution
RSOZ Resistivity Standoff Standard Resolution
RT_HRLT HRLT True Formation Resistivity
RTNR Raw Thermal Neutron Ratio
RVDRU Deep Resistivity Uncalibrated
RVSRU Shallow Resistivity Uncalibrated
RVV Vertical-Mode Voltage from Semi-Active Imager Device
RWA_HILT Apparent Formation Water Resistivity from HILT Lithology Computation
RXGR Global Current Based Resistivity
RXIG Global Current
RXO_HRLT HRLT Invaded Zone Resistivity
RXO8 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 8 inches
RXOI Invaded Formation Resistivity Very High resolution
RXOZ Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches
RXRU Main Resistivity Uncalibrated
RXV Main Electrode voltage from Semi-Active Imager Device
RZAP1 12 Uncalibrated Azimuthal Voltages Mode 1, In Phase
RZAP2 12 Uncalibrated Azimuthal Voltages Mode 2, In Phase
RZAP3A Uncalibrated 12 AZ Voltages Mode 3A, in phase
RZAP3B Uncalibrated 12 AZ Voltages Mode 3B, in phase
RZAQ1 12 Uncalibrated Azimuthal Voltages Mode 1, Out Of Phase
RZAQ2 12 Uncalibrated Azimuthal Voltages Mode 2, Out Of Phase
RZAQ3A Uncalibrated 12 AZ Voltages Mode 3A, quadrature
RZAQ3B Uncalibrated 12 AZ Voltages Mode 3B, quadrature
RZI03A Uncalibrated A0 Current 3A, in phase
RZI03AQ Uncalibrated A0 Current 3A, quadrature
RZI03B Uncalibrated A0 Current 3B, in phase
RZI03BQ Uncalibrated A0 Current 3B, quadrature
RZIA1 Uncalibrated Auxiliary Current 1, in phase
RZIA1Q Uncalibrated Auxiliary Current 1, quadrature
RZIA2 Uncalibrated Auxiliary Current 2, in phase
RZIA2Q Uncalibrated Auxiliary Current 2, quadrature
RZIT1 Uncalibrated Total Current 1, in phase
RZIT1Q Uncalibrated Total Current 1, quadrature
RZVA1 Uncalibrated Auxiliary Monitoring Voltage 1, in phase
RZVA1Q Uncalibrated Auxiliary Monitoring Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVA2 Uncalibrated Auxiliary Monitoring Voltage 2, in phase
RZVA2Q Uncalibrated Auxiliary Monitoring Voltage 2, quadrature
RZVA3 Uncalibrated Auxiliary Monitoring Voltage 3, in phase
RZVA3Q Uncalibrated Auxiliary Monitoring Voltage 3, quadrature
RZVB1 Uncalibrated Bridle Upper Electrode Voltage 1, in phase
RZVBQ Uncalibrated Bridle Upper Electrode Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVD1 Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 1, in phase
RZVD1Q Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVD2 Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 2, in phase
RZVD2Q Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 2, quadrature
RZVD3A Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 3A, in phase
RZVD3AQ Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 3A, quadrature
RZVD3B Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 3B, in phase
RZVD3BQ Uncalibrated A0*-A0*' Difference Voltage 3B, quadrature
RZVH1 Uncalibrated A0*-M1 Monitoring Voltage 1, in phase
RZVH1Q Uncalibrated A0*-M1 Monitoring Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVH2 Uncalibrated A0*-M1 Monitoring Voltage 2, in phase
RZVH2Q Uncalibrated A0*-M1 Monitoring Voltage 2, quadrature
RZVH3 Uncalibrated A0*-M1 Monitoring Voltage 3, in phase
RZVH3Q Uncalibrated A0*-M1 Monitoring Voltage 3, quadrature
RZVM1 Uncalibrated M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage 1, in phase
RZVM1Q Uncalibrated M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVM2 Uncalibrated M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage 2, in phase
RZVM2Q Uncalibrated M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage 2, quadrature
RZVM3 Uncalibrated M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage 3, in phase
RZVM3Q Uncalibrated M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage 3, quadrature
RZVT1 Uncalibrated Torpedo Voltage 1, in phase
RZVT2 Uncalibrated Torpedo Voltage 2, in phase
RZVT2Q Uncalibrated Torpedo Voltage 2, quadrature
RZVT3 Uncalibrated Torpedo Voltage 3, in phase
RZVT3Q Uncalibrated Torpedo Voltage 3, quadrature
RZVTQ Uncalibrated Torpedo Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVV1 Uncalibrated Vertical Voltage 1, in phase
RZVV1Q Uncalibrated Vertical Voltage 1, quadrature
RZVV2 Uncalibrated Vertical Voltage 2, in phase
RZVV2Q Uncalibrated Vertical Voltage 2, quadrature
SGAS Gas Saturation
SP_SC Spontaneous Potential (Speed Corrected)
SPA_SC SP Armor Corrected (Speed Corrected)
SSD1 Filter Coefficient from Short Spacing
SSW Calibrated Count Rate (Array) of Gamma Rays from Short Spacing Device
SSWU Uncalibrated Count Rate (Array) of Gamma Rays from Short Spacing Device
SW_HILT HILT Water Saturation from simple Archie equation
TALP Thermal Alpha Factor
TETA HALS Angle between electrode #1 and maximum standoff
TGST TSCD Z-Axis Gravity Estimation
TNPH Thermal Neutron Porosity (Ratio Method) in Selected Lithology
TNRA Thermal Neutron Ratio
TSCV Corrected Tool Velocity
U8 High Resolution Volumetric Photoelectric Factor
UI Very High Resolution Volumetric Photoelectric Factor
UMA_HILT Matrix_Apparent Volumetric Photoelectric Factor of Matrix from HILT Lithology Computation
UZ Volumetric Photoelectric Factor
V34_UNCAL Uncalibrated A3-A4 Voltage
V45_UNCAL Uncalibrated A4-A5 Voltage
V56_UNCAL Uncalibrated A5-A6 Voltage
VBD_UNCAL Uncalibrated Bridle #9 - M0 Voltage
VCL_HILT Volume of Clay type Material relative to Total Volume from HILT Lithology Computation
VTP_UNCAL Uncalibrated Torpedo-M0 Voltage
ZAQ3 HALS 12 Azimuthal Voltages Mode 3, Out Of Phase
ZI0 HALS A0 Current
ZIA HALS Auxiliary Current
ZIT HALS Total Current
ZIT1 Total Current Module
ZVA HALS A1*-A2 Aux Monitoring Voltage
ZVAD HALS A0*-A0*' Differential Voltage
ZVB1 upper bridle Voltage in Mode 1, in phase
ZVBL HALS Bridle Lower Electrode Voltage
ZVBQ upper bridle Voltage in Mode 1, quadrature
ZVBU HALS Bridle Upper Electrode Voltage
ZVM HALS M1-M2 Monitoring Voltage
ZVMH HALS M1-A0* Monitoring Voltage
ZVT HALS Torpedo Voltage
ZVT1 Torpedo Voltage in Mode 1, in phase
ZVTQ Torpedo Voltage in Mode 1, quadrature

Related parameters
A1T1 75/25 Stabilization Counts Temperature Correction Coefficients
A1T2 125/25 Stabilization Counts Temperature Correction Coefficients
A1T3 150/25 Stabilization Counts Temperature Correction Coefficients
A2EX A2 Extended (Groningen effect)
AHAPL Array Induction Answer Product Level(Depth Log/View only)
AHBHM Array Induction Borehole Correction Mode
AHBLM Array Induction Basic Logs Mode
AHCDE Array Induction Casing Detection Enable
AHCEN Array Induction Tool Centering Flag (in Borehole)
AHEBC Array Induction Enable Borehole Correction
AHEBL Array Induction Enable Basic Logs
AHERP Array Induction Enable Radial Processing
AHIGS Array Induction Select Akima Interpolation Gating
AHLNV Array Induction Log Not Valid Flag
AHMCT Array Induction Master Calibrated Sonde Temperature
AHMDT Array Induction Master Date and Time
AHMGC Array Induction Master Calibrated Mud Resistivity Gain - Coarse
AHMGF Array Induction Master Calibrated Mud Resistivity Gain - Fine
AHMRC Array Induction Mud Calibration Reference Resistivity - Coarse
AHMRF Array Induction Mud Resistivity Factor
AHMSE Array Induction Master Sonde Error Correction
AHMTL Array Induction Master Test Loop Gain Correction
AHRPM Array Induction Radial Processing Mode
AHSAP Array Induction Suspend Answer Product Processing
AHSTA Array Induction Tool Standoff
AHSTC Array Induction Sonde Characterization Temperature Coefficients
AHTNO Array Induction Tool Serial Number
AHTSE Array Induction Temperature Selection(Sonde Error Correction)
AHTTY Array Induction Tool Type (of acquired data)
ARIP_LTS Long Tool String Correction Option
ARIP_SHOULDER Shoulder Correction Option
BHCC Borehole Correction Option
DHOP Sonde Position for HALS Borehole Correction
EXSICL External Shale Indicator Channel Clean Value
EXSISH External Shale Indicator Channel Shale Value
GRCC Groningen Correction Option
HART Accelerometer Reference Temperature
HDCOD Density Detection Level used for Coal in HILT Lithology Computation
HDSAD Density Detection Level used for Salt in HILT Lithology Computation
HETF HRGD Electronic Temperature Filter
HILT_GAS_DENSITY HILT Gas Downhole Density
HILT_GAS_OPTION HILT Gas Computation Option (MAXIS Symbolic Integer <0=OFF>, 1=GAS, 2=STEAM)
HISC HGNS Centered/Eccentered
HLMO Depth Resolution Mode
HMCA_BOARD_TYPE HGNS Master Communication Assembly (HMCA) Board Type
HMSO HALS Mechanical Standoff, used by Borehole Correction
HNCOD Neutron Detection Level used for Coal in HILT Lithology Computation
HNSAD Neutron Detection Level used for Salt in HILT Lithology Computation
HPHIECUT Cutoff on PHIE_HILT channel used to produce Zone of Interest Flag
HRED Option to Activate HILT Data Reduction: Y = Activated, N = Not Activated
HSCM HILT Speed Correction Mode
HSIS Switch to select shale indicator (SP, GR or LC15) as input to the lithology image
HSWCUT Cutoff on Array Induction channel used to produce Zone of Interest Flag
IMOS Azimuthal Laterolog Image Orientation
KFAC_HRLT HRLT Geometrical Factor Option
LGN1 Mode 1 Loop Gain
LGN2 Mode 2 Loop Gain
LGN3 Mode 3 Loop Gain
LIMP Azimuthal Laterolog Left Image Processing
LOP1 Mode 1 Loop Mode
LOP2 Mode 2 Loop Mode
LOP3 Mode 3 Loop Mode
MHC0 MCFL B0 Contrast Correction Coefficient
MHC1 MCFL B1 Contrast Correction Coefficient
MHCC Switch to select MCFL High Contrast Correction
MPOF MCFL Processing Operation Mode
NAAC Switch for the correction of formation activation by the APS
NDTC Nuclear Dead Time Correction
NIAV HRDD Nuclear Inversion Algorithm Version
NMT HRDD Mud Type for Nuclear Devices
NPRM HRDD Nuclear Processing Mode
NPUC Nuclear Pile-Up Correction
NTCO HRDD Nuclear Temperature Correction Option
PROCDEEP Inversion Deep Resistivity Selection (if available)
PROCINV Resistivity Inversion Selection
PROCMFL Inversion Micro-Resistivity Selection
PROCMSO Mechanical Standoff Size
PROCRM Mud Resistivity Select
PROCSPO Sonde Position
RIAV MCFL Resistivity Inversion Algorithm Version
RIMP Azimuthal Laterolog Right Image Processing
RTCOMP Option for computing HALS Rt Inversion
RTRE Resistivity Threshold
SD1B BS Pulse Processing Filter Temperature Coefficient
SD1L LS Pulse Processing Filter Temperature Coefficient
SD1S SS Pulse Processing Filter Temperature Coefficient
SEXP_HILT HILT Saturation Exponent
SNBS HRGD BS Serial Number
SNLS HRGD LS Serial Number
SNSS HRGD SS Serial Number
SPCLEAN SP Clean electric potential
SPCO Special Power Connection
SPSHALE SP Shale electric potential
SSHB BS Barium Measurement High Energy Temperature Shift
SSHL LS Barium Measurement High Energy Temperature Shift
SSHS SS Barium Measurement High Energy Temperature Shift
SSLB BS Barium Measurement Low Energy Temperature Shift
SSLL LS Barium Measurement Low Energy Temperature Shift
SSLS SS Barium Measurement Low Energy Temperature Shift
STSO_HRDD Temperature Source for the Density Algorithm
TA1B BS Stabilization Counts Measurement Temperature
TA1L LS Stabilization Counts Measurement Temperature
TA1S SS Stabilization Counts Measurement Temperature
TCOR TLC Correction Option
TSHB BS Barium Measurement Temperature
TSHL LS Barium Measurement Temperature
TSHS SS Barium Measurement Temperature
UNSPK Switch to enable a filter removing spikes on HALS Azimuthal data
UNSPK_THOLD Threshold used to detect a spike
UNSPK_WINDOW Window used to detect a spike
WTF Well Trajectory Flag - Deviated Or Vertical

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