Mnemonics, Data channel, QCPOR

DescriptionPorosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
Unit quantity Unitless
Property Quality_Indicator

Related tools
HGNS-B Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
HGNS-H Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
HILT Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
HILTB Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
HILTC Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity
HILTD Porosity Quality Indicator Obtained by Comparison Between Uncorrected and Corrected Thermal Neutron Porosity

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