Mnemonics, Tools, RSTB

DescriptionReservoir Saturation Tool - B

Related channels
ACOR Far Average Carbon/Oxygen Ratio
ACOR_SIG Far Average Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Uncertainty
AIRB_DIAG RST Air Borehole Diagnostic
AQTF Far Spectral Acquisition Time
AQTM Near Spectral Acquisition Time
BADL RST Bad Level Flag, Sigma Phase 1
BADL_DIAG Bad Level Diagnostic
BS_DIAG RST Borehole Size Diagnostic
BSAL Borehole Salinity
BSAL_DIAG RST Borehole Salinity Diagnostic
BSAL_SIG Borehole Salinity Uncertainty
BSFL_DIAG RST BSAL Filter Level Diagnostic
CIRF Capture to Inelastic Ratio Far
CIRF_FIL Capture to Inelastic Ratio Far Filtered
CIRN Capture to Inelastic Ratio Near
CIRN_FIL Capture to Inelastic Ratio Near Filtered
CRFI Far Instantaneous Count Rate
CRNI Near Instantaneous Count Rate
CRRA Near/Far Count Rate Ratio
CSID_DIAG RST Casing Inner Diameter Diagnostic
CSID_MODEL1 RST Predicted Casing Inside Diameter Model 1
CSIZ_DIAG RST Casing Size Diagnostic
CWEI_DIAG RST Casing Weight Diagnostic
DFPC_DIAG RST Depth Filter Diagnostic
DSIG Sigma Difference
F1C Far Inelastic Carbon Relative Yield
F1C_SIG Far Inelastic Carbon Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1CA Far Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield
F1CA_SIG Far Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1FE Far Inelastic Iron Relative Yield
F1FE_SIG Far Inelastic Iron Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1MG RST Far Inelastic Magnesium Relative Yield
F1MG_SIG RST Far Inelastic Magnesium Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1O Far Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield
F1O_SIG Far Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1S RST Far Inelastic Sulfur Relative Yield
F1S_SIG RST Far Inelastic Sulfur Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1SI Far Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield
F1SI_SIG Far Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield Uncertainty
F1TB Far Inelastic Tool Background Relative Yield
F1TB_SIG Far Inelastic Tool Background Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2AA RST Far IC Mode Capture Aluminum Activation Relative Yield
F2AA_SIG RST Far IC Mode Capture Aluminum Activation Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2AN RST Far IC Mode Capture Sodium Activation Relative Yield
F2AN_SIG RST Far IC Mode Capture Sodium Activation Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2AT Far IC Mode Capture Activation Relative Yield
F2AT_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Activation Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2CA Far IC Mode Capture Calcium Relative Yield
F2CA_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Calcium Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2CL Far IC Mode Capture Chlorine Relative Yield
F2CL_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Chlorine Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2DN Far IC Mode Capture Density Relative Yield
F2DN_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Density Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2FE Far IC Mode Capture Iron Relative Yield
F2FE_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Iron Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2GD Far IC Mode Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield
F2GD_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2H Far IC Mode Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield
F2H_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2K Far IC Mode Capture Potassium Relative Yield
F2K_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Potassium Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2MG Far IC Mode Capture Magnesium Relative Yield
F2MG_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Magnesium Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2S Far IC Mode Capture Sulfur Relative Yield
F2S_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Sulfur Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2SI Far IC Mode Capture Silicon Relative Yield
F2SI_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Silicon Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2TB Far IC Mode Capture Tool Background Relative Yield
F2TB_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Tool Background Relative Yield Uncertainty
F2TI Far IC Mode Capture Titanium Relative Yield
F2TI_SIG Far IC Mode Capture Titanium Relative Yield Uncertainty
FBAC Far Background Count Rate
FBEF Far Effective Beam Current
FCOR Far Carbon/Oxygen Ratio
FCOR_SIG Far Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Uncertainty
FDSP Far Detector MCS Pileup Spectrum
FDSU Far Detector MCS UnPileup Spectrum
FECS RST Far IC Capture Chi-Square
FEGF Far IC Mode Capture Optimization Gain Factor
FEOF Far IC Mode Capture Optimization Offset
FERD Far IC Mode Capture Optimization Resolution Degradation Factor
FIBG Far Inelastic Background Gain
FIBO Far Inelastic Background Optimization Offset
FIBS Far Inelastic Background Subtraction Factor
FICR RST Far Inelastic/Capture Ratio
FICS RST Far Inelastic Chi-Square
FIGF Far Inelastic Optimization Gain Factor
FIOF Far Inelastic Optimization Offset
FIRD Far Inelastic Optimization Resolution Degradation Factor
FNIC Far Net Inelastic Count Rate
FNIC_SIG Far Net Inelastic Count Rate Uncertainty
FSPA Far Detector Energy Spectrum A
FSPB Far Detector Energy Spectrum B
FSPC Far Detector Energy Spectrum C
FWCO Far Windows Carbon/Oxygen Ratio
FWCO_SIG Far Windows Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Uncertainty
IRAT Inelastic Ratio
IRAT_FIL Inelastic Ratio Filtered
MATR_DIAG RST Matrix Diagnostic
N1C Near Inelasic Carbon Relative Yield
N1C_SIG Near Inelasic Carbon Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1CA Near Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield
N1CA_SIG Near Inelastic Calcium Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1FE Near Inelastic Iron Relative Yield
N1FE_SIG Near Inelastic Iron Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1MG RST Near Inelastic Magnesium Relative Yield
N1MG_SIG RST Near Inelastic Magnesium Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1O Near Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield
N1O_SIG Near Inelastic Oxygen Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1S RST Near Inelastic Sulfur Relative Yield
N1S_SIG RST Near Inelastic Sulfur Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1SI Near Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield
N1SI_SIG Near Inelastic Silicon Relative Yield Uncertainty
N1TB Near Inelastic Tool Background Relative Yield
N1TB_SIG Near Inelastic Tool Background Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2AA RST Near IC Mode Capture Aluminum Activation Relative Yield
N2AA_SIG RST Near IC Mode Capture Aluminum Activation Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2AN RST Near IC Mode Capture Sodium Activation Relative Yield
N2AN_SIG RST Near IC Mode Capture Sodium Activation Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2AT Near IC Mode Capture Activation Relative Yield
N2AT_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Activation Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2CA Near IC Mode Capture Calcium Relative Yield
N2CA_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Calcium Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2CL Near IC Mode Capture Chlorine Relative Yield
N2CL_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Chlorine Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2DN Near IC Mode Capture Density Relative Yield
N2DN_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Density Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2FE Near IC Mode Capture Iron Relative Yield
N2FE_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Iron Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2GD Near IC Mode Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield
N2GD_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Gadolinium Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2H Near IC Mode Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield
N2H_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Hydrogen Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2K Near IC Mode Capture Potassium Relative Yield
N2K_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Potassium Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2MG Near IC Mode Capture Magnesium Relative Yield
N2MG_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Magnesium Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2S Near IC Mode Capture Sulfur Relative Yield
N2S_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Sulfur Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2SI Near IC Mode Capture Silicon Relative Yield
N2SI_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Silicon Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2TB Near IC Mode Capture Tool Background Relative Yield
N2TB_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Tool Background Relative Yield Uncertainty
N2TI Near IC Mode Capture Titanium Relative Yield
N2TI_SIG Near IC Mode Capture Titanium Relative Yield Uncertainty
NBAC Near Background Count Rate
NBEF Near Effective Beam Current
NCOR Near Carbon/Oxygen Ratio
NCOR_SIG Near Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Uncertainty
NDSP Near Detector MCS Pileup Spectrum
NDSU Near Detector MCS UnPileup Spectrum
NECS RST Near IC Capture Chi-Square
NEGF Near IC Mode Capture Optimization Gain Factor
NEOF Near IC Mode Capture Optimization Offset
NERD Near IC Mode Capture Optimization Resolution Degradation Factor
NFCR RST Near/Far Capture Ratio
NIBG Near Inelastic Background Gain
NIBO Near Inelastic Background Optimization Offset
NIBS Near Inelastic Background Subtraction Factor
NICR Near/Far Net Inelastic Count Rate Ratio
NICR_SIG Near/Far Net Inelastic Count Rate Ratio Uncertainty
NICS RST Near Inelastic Chi-Square
NIGF Near Inelastic Optimization Gain Factor
NIOF Near Inelastic Optimization Offset
NIRD Near Inelastic Optimization Resolution Degradation Factor
NNIC Near Net Inelastic Count Rate
NNIC_SIG Near Net Inelastic Count Rate Uncertainty
NSGF RST Near CS Capture Short Burst Gain Correction Factor
NSOF RST Near CS Capture Short Burst Offset Correction Factor
NSPA Near Detector Energy Spectrum A
NSPB Near Detector Energy Spectrum B
NSPC Near Detector Energy Spectrum C
NSRD RST Near CS Capture Short Burst Resolution Degradation Factor
NWCO Near Windows Carbon/Oxygen Ratio
NWCO_SIG Near Windows Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Uncertainty
OPTT Optimization Accumulation Time
PVL_CHAMBER_USE Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Chamber Marker Type
PVL_COMMENT Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Station Comment
PVL_DATE_TIME Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Date, Time
PVL_EJECT_SN Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Eject peak S/N ratio
PVL_EJECTION_CHAMBER PVL Ejection Chamber (0 = Top Chamber(A), 1 = Bottom Chamber(B), 2 = None)
PVL_EJECTOR_DEPTH Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Ejector Depth
PVL_MODEL_PEAK_WIDTH Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Expected Marker Peak Width
PVL_PEAK_SN Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Marker Peak S/N ratio
PVL_PEAK_WIDTH Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Marker Peak Width
PVL_SN_THRESHOLD Phase Velocity Log (PVL) S/N Threshold
PVL_STATION_ID Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Station ID
PVL_STATION_REJECTED Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Station Rejected
PVL_STATION_TIME Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Station Time
PVL_TOOL_DEPTH Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Tool Depth
PVL_VELOCITY Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Flow Velocity
PVL_VELOCITY_UNC Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Flow Velocity Uncertainty
RDIX Spectral Data Index
SBFA Sigma Borehole Far Apparent
SBFA_FIL Sigma Borehole Far Apparent Filtered
SBFA_SIG Sigma Borehole Far Apparent Uncertainty
SBNA Sigma Borehole Near Apparent
SBNA_FIL Sigma Borehole Near Apparent Filtered
SBNA_SIG Sigma Borehole Near Apparent Uncertainty
SCOA RST Far Average Carbon/Oxygen Ratio Uncertainty
SFFA Sigma Formation Far Apparent
SFFA_FIL Sigma Formation Far Apparent Filtered
SFFA_SIG Sigma Formation Far Apparent Uncertainty
SFFC Sigma Formation Far Corrected
SFNA Sigma Formation Near Apparent
SFNA_FIL Sigma Formation Near Apparent Filtered
SFNA_SIG Sigma Formation Near Apparent Uncertainty
SFNC Sigma Formation Near Corrected
SGCU Scintillation Gamma-Ray Cartridge Detector Count Rate
SIBF Sigma Borehole Fluid
SIBF_SIG Sigma Borehole Fluid Uncertainty
SIBH_R2P RST TDTP-Equivalent Sigma Borehole
SIGM Formation Sigma (Neutron Capture Cross Section)
SIGM_R2P RST TDTP-Equivalent Sigma
SIGM_SIG Formation Sigma Uncertainty
TCEM_MODEL1 RST Predicted Cement Thickness Model 1
TCEM_MODEL2 RST Predicted Cement Thickness Model 2
TCSG_MODEL1 RST Predicted Casing Thickness Model 1
TPHI Thermal Decay Porosity
TPHI_DIAG RST Input Porosity Diagnostic
TPHI_R2P RST TDTP-Equivalent Porosity
TPHI_SIG Porosity Uncertainty
TRAT Near/Far Capture Ratio
TRAT_FIL Near/Far Capture Ratio Filtered
TRAT_SIG Near/Far Capture Ratio Uncertainty
WFL_ACCUM_SHOTS WFL Accumulated Shots
WFL_ANSWER_DET WFL Answer Detector
WFL_BEAM WFL Beam Current
WFL_BKG_FIT_QUALITY WFL Background Fit Quality
WFL_CGRS_DIST Water Flow Log (WFL) CGRS-Minitron Distance
WFL_COMMENT Water Flow Log (WFL) Station Comment
WFL_DATE_TIME Water Flow Log (WFL) Date, Time
WFL_FDLS WFL Far Detector Loop Status
WFL_FLOWINDEX_UNC WFL Flow Index Uncertainty
WFL_FPDE WFL Far HV Setting Echo
WFL_FPGF WFL Far PMT Gain Factor
WFL_GRID WFL Grid Current
WFL_HOLDUP_UNC WFL Holdup Uncertainty
WFL_MINITRON_DEPTH Water Flow Log (WFL) Minitron Depth
WFL_MNLS WFL Minitron Reg Loop Status
WFL_NDLS WFL Near Detector Loop Status
WFL_NFDC_DIST Water Flow Log (WFL) NFDC-Minitron Distance
WFL_NPDE WFL Near HV Setting Echo
WFL_NPGF WFL Near PMT Gain Factor
WFL_SGCU_DIST Water Flow Log (WFL) SGCU-Minitron Distance
WFL_SHOT_OFF WFL Shot-off Clocks
WFL_SHOT_ON WFL Shot-on Clocks
WFL_STATION_ID Water Flow Log (WFL) Station ID
WFL_STATION_REJECTED Water Flow Log (WFL) Station Rejected (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
WFL_STATION_TIME Water Flow Log (WFL) Station Time
WFL_TOOL_DEPTH Water Flow Log (WFL) Tool Depth
WFL_VELOCITY_UNC WFL Flow Velocity Uncertainty

Related parameters
AIRB Air Borehole Option
ATIM Accumulation Time
BHS Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole)
BS Bit Size
BSAL Borehole Salinity
BSAL_SIG RST Borehole Salinity Uncertainty
BSALOPT Borehole Salinity Option
BSFL Borehole Salinity Filter Length
BSOPT RST Borehole Size Option
CSID Casing Inner Diameter
CSIDOPT RST Casing Inside Diameter Option
CSIZ Casing Outer Diameter
CWEI Casing Weight
DFPC Depth Filter Processing Constant
DIS_PRED_BH RST Disable Predicted Borehole Environment Answers
DIS_SIGMA_SPEEDUP RST Disable Sigma Speedup
LMOD Logging Mode
MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections
OPTT Target Optimization Accumulation Time
PVL_CHA_MARKER Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Marker Type in Top Chamber (A)
PVL_CHB_MARKER Phase Velocity Log (PVL) Marker Type in Bottom Chamber (B)
PVL_PVS_EMOD PVS Module for Marker Fluid Ejection
R2PE RST to TDT-P Computation Enable
RGAI Near/Far Gain Calibration Ratio
RSPV RST Sigma Processing Version
RSSS RST Sonde Type
SDFOPT RST Sigma Data Format Option
SIG_PROC_PH RST Sigma Processing Phases
TPHI Near/Far Capture Ratio Porosity
TPHI_SIG RST Near/Far Capture Ratio Porosity Uncertainty
TPHIOPT RST Formation Porosity Option
WFL_AUX_COEFF Water Flow Log (WFL) Auxiliary Coefficient
WFL_CGRS_OFFS Water Flow Log (WFL) CGRS Depth Offset
WFL_NEAR_OFFS Water Flow Log (WFL) NEAR Depth Offset
WFL_NFDC_OFFS Water Flow Log (WFL) NFDC Depth Offset
WFL_SGCU_OFFS Water Flow Log (WFL) SGCU Depth Offset

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